Nerve Damage Surgical Malpractice Attorney | Paralysis Injury Lawsuits
Patients undergoing surgical procedures are at risk surgical malpractice mistakes often resulting in life threatening and or permanent injuries and disabilities. One of the most frequent medical malpractice injuries suffered by patients undergoing surgical procedures is moderate to severe nerve damage resulting in paralysis and other neurological disorders. Nerve damage can take place during many different medical procedures including, cosmetic surgeries including facelifts, gallbladder surgery, laparoscopic surgeries, and heart bypass procedures.
If you or a loved one have suffered nerve damage during surgery contact the medical malpractice attorney from the Downtown LA Law Group.
Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.
What is Paralysis – Nerve Damage
Nerve injury can affect a part of the body with the severity of the injury ranging from limited loss of bodily functions to complete paralysis. Common sing and symptoms associated with nerve damage and paralysis injuries include:
- Numbness of the extremities
- Burning sensation including Tingling
- Muscle Atrophy
- Sexual and Bladder dysfunctions
- Constipation and incontinence
- Sensory Damage
- Inability to feel certain parts of your body
- Alteration in the circulation and respiration system
- Spasticity of the limbs and joints
- Abnormal breathing and hear arrhythmia
- Seizures
- Scarring and Disfigurement
More severe forms of Nerve damage often result in paralysis. Paralysis is defined as the loss or impairment of bodily functions particularly of muscle power. Paralysis may affect large parts a victim’s body including paraplegia, quadriplegia or hemiplegis (paralysis of the right or left-hand side of the body.
Anesthesia Mistakes and Ulnar Neuropathy
A common form of nerve damage associated with surgical and Anesthesia malpractice is Ulnar Neuropathy resulting in the numbness and tingling of the fourth and fifth fingers. According to a recent published study Persistent ulnar neuropathies were identified in 414 patients, a rate of 1 per 2,729 patients. Of these, 38 (9%) patients had bilateral neuropathies. Nerve damage can take place when regional anesthesia is injected improperly into the nerve injuries nerve tissues.
Find out more about how we can help you. Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.
What is Medical Malpractice – Wining your case in the Court of Law
Medical Malpractice tort claim of professional negligence in which a medical practitioner fails to treat a patient in the manner accepted by the standard of care within the specialty he is a member of. There will be a claim for recovery if the failure to abide by the established standard of care was a cause of the injuries suffered. There are virtually hundreds of actions or inactions on the part of a trained medical professional which can lead to severe injuries and death.
The Ultimate Guide to Paraplegia and Quadriplegia Injuries
Quadriplegia Injury Lawyer
What is my quadriplegic case worth
Los Angeles Paraplegia attorney
Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit
Paralysis Injury Attorney
What to do after a Spinal Cord Injury
Nerve Damage Surgical Malpractice Attorney
Value of a Spinal Cord Injury Case
Increase the value of Quadriplegic case
Seeking Legal Representation: Patients injured due to the malpractice of their surgeon, anesthesiologist, or treating nurse are able to receive compensation for all injuries associated with their injuries including.
- Compensation for all medical costs
- Rehabilitation costs
- Patient care
- Loss of income and loss of future income
- Pain and Suffering including other non economic damage
The Ultimate Guide to Medical Malpractice
– Medical Malpractice Attorney
– Medication Errors Attorney
– Medical Device Defect Injury Attorney
– Transvaginal Mesh Attorney
– Defective Pharmaceutical Drugs
– Doctor Committed Medical Malpractice
– Kugel Mesh Patch Complication Injuries
– DePuy Hip Replacement Attorney
– DePuy ASR Hip Replacement FAQ
– Gallbladder Surgery Malpractice Attorney
– C-Section Malpractice Attorney
– Hysterectomy Malpractice Attorney
– Nerve Injuries Due to Medical Malpractice
– Wrongful Death Medical Malpractice Attorney
– Kaiser Malpractice Attorney
– Delayed Diagnosis Lawsuit
– Operation Error Lawsuit
– Botched Bris Attorney
– Circumcision Injury Physician Malpractice
– Dental Malpractice Attorney
– Dental Implants Malpractice claim
– Liposuction Malpractice Lawyer
– Plastic Surgery Medical Malpractice Attorney
– Podiatrist Malpractice Attorney
– Dermatologist Malpractice Attorney
– Medical Malpractice After a Car Accident
– Transvaginal Mesh – Surgeon Liability
To speak to one of our medical malpractice attorneys contact the Downtown LA Law Group. All consultations are free of charge. (855) 339-8879
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