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Post Traumatic Headache Disorder After a Car Accident or Brain Injury

Headaches are the most common neurological symptom after a mild Traumatic Brain Injury. The continuation of such pain may lead to other more severe mental disorders including depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress syndrome.  Headaches following brain injuries can take place after car accidents, truck and motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, and dog bite. If you are suffering from constant headaches after an accident you may be suffering post traumatic headache symptoms which may be a sign of a Traumatic Brain Injury. Contact our California Brain Injury Law firm for a free consultation regarding your injuries.

Symptoms of PTHS: Post Traumatic Headache Syndrome:

  • Lack of concentration as a result of the accident;
  • Increased sensitivity to light;
  • Mood swings causing anger;
  • Depression or anxiety;
  • Constant dizziness, vertigo caused by the accident;
  • Lack of memory or diminished short term memory;
  • Lack of energy, general fatigue;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Decreased desire to complete day to day tasks, lack of motivation or ambition;
  • Decreased sexual desire; or
  • Inability to understand complex issues.

Types of headaches following mild head injuries:

Victims of head injuries may develop several different types of headaches. Some of the most common

  • Tension-type post traumatic headache:  The most frequent type of headache following brain injuries.  Up to 85% of individuals with post concussion syndrome experience this type of headache.
  • Post Traumatic Migraine Headache: These headaches are the same are regular migraine headaches and occur in 15% to 20% of individuals who have suffered a post traumatic syndrome.
  • Cluster like headaches: Individual experience very sever but brief headaches. An estimate 8% of individuals with post concussion syndrome will experience this type of headache.
  • Whiplash headaches: Usually take place after car accidents where a victim suffered a whiplash injury.

Headaches are the most common symptom of mild head injuries and concussions.  Headaches may also occur when soft tissue of the head is injured or of there is a formation of scarring following a head injury.  It is estimate the close to 40% of all head trauma victims will suffer from post traumatic headaches.

Will I recover from post traumatic headache syndrome?

This is often a difficult question to answer. Many times it really comes down to the individual. If you fight for your health and live an active life, you will have a greater probability of recovery. There are plenty of groups and opportunities out there; it is just a matter of connecting with the right people. You need to believe that you will get better and actively make progress everyday to do so. Studies show that the development of post traumatic headache syndrome is greater amongst victims of mild to moderate traumatic brain injury then more severe forms of brain injury. Whether you will have a 100% recovery is un-certain. Your doctor or neurologist can probably give you a good indication of what your chances are. However, the key component to your recovery is yourself.

What compensation can I Receive for my Injuries

  • Medical Expenses: Medical expenses include all medical bills and costs
  • Future Medical Expenses: Unfortunately, the effects of a car accident can often be felt for months, years, or even a lifetime after the injury occurred.
  • Lost Wages: After an accident, you are entitled to any income you lost.
  • Loss of Earning Capacity: In addition to current lost wages, victims of brain injuries are eligible to receive compensation for future lost wages.
  • Pain and Suffering:  Including Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, Anxiety and depression resulting from your brain injury

Selecting the Right Legal Representation for your Brain Injury Claim

It is important for your attorney understands the extent of your Traumatic Brain Injury and employs the proper experts to determine the extent of your injuries and the compensation you are owed.

Downtown LA Law Group:  We are a full service plaintiff’s law firm. We are compassionate litigators fighting for the rights of our clients.  Our attorneys can help with your case. Contact us today for a free case evaluation or a second opinion.

Remember: It is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with one of our brain injury attorneys regarding your claim: (855) DT-LA-LAW For More Information: Post Traumatic Headache Syndrome Caused By Auto Accidents

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