Brain Injury Attorney Los Angeles
Head Trauma can often lead to what is referred to as a Traumatic brain injury. A TBI, short for Traumatic Brain Injury is defined as damage to the brain caused by an outside force including a rapid acceleration or deceleration, nearby blast, traffic collision, or blow to the skull by an outside object. As a result of high impact blows to the head the brain can be permanently impaired leading to detectable changes to the mind’s ability to function properly. The most common causes of severe blows to the head are Automobile Accidents, including Truck Rollovers and motorcycle collisions. Legal Help: If you have any further questions and would like to speak with a personal injury attorney regarding a brain injury claim feel free to contact our law offices toll free (855)385-2529. All legal consultations are provided free of charge. Traumatic Brain Damage Statistics: According the CDC’s National TBI Estimates each year there are an estimate 1.7 million people who are victimized by a TBI injury every year. Of those 1.7 million persons;
- 52,000 are killed from Brain Trauma
- More than 270,000 are hospitalized
- 1.3 Million are treated in emergency room visits.
Brain Injury Types
— Post Traumatic Amnesia — Diffuse Axonal Injuries — Post Traumatic Headache Disorder — Sports Injuries – TBI — Understanding Your Brain Injury — Child Brain Injury — Acquired Brain Injury — Paralysis Injuries — Skull Fractures after TBI — Brain Injury at Birth — Traumatic Brain Impact — Spinal Cord Injuries — TBI Legal Guide — Shaken Baby Syndrome — Coma due to TBI — LA county Brain injury attorney — Orange County Brain Injury Attorney
Common Causes of Traumatic Brain Injury
Unfortunately, brain damage is a serious matter that should be treated by health care professionals at hospitals and emergency rooms. Trauma to the brain accounts for more than 30% of all deaths related to injuries in the United States. Here are some of the most common causes of Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Car Accidents
- Truck and SUV Rollover Collisions
- Boating Accidents
- Motorcycle Accidents
- Rail and MTA Bus accident
- Brain Damage At Birth
- Sports Related Injuries
- Sudden deceleration or acceleration of a motor vehicle
- Slips and Falls in the home
- Falling Objects
- Defective Products
- Service in the Military – Combat Injuries
- Violent Crimes such as battery, attempted murder, rape, and child abuse leading to brain damage.
Signs and Symptoms of Brain Damage: Physical and Mental Effects of Brain Injury
It is important to understand that signs and symptoms of brain damage often vary based on the side of the brain the injury took place, the age and sex of the individual and if they have suffered other injuries during their accident. Symptoms are also dependent on the severity of the impact. In some cases a victim remains conscious while in others he may lose consciousness for a few seconds up to hours. Some Common Symptoms of a Traumatic Brain Injury include:
- Cognitive disorders – including Attention deficit disorder, Visual impairment, Loss of Executive Functioning, Slurred speech
- Physiological impairment – Vomiting, Nausea, Loss of motor functions
- Psychiatric disorders – Depression, Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress, Mania
- Physical symptoms – Dilation pupils of the eyes, draining of clear fluids from the nose or ears, hemorrhagic of the brain
Other Symptoms include, blurred vision , light headedness, inability to maintain balance, visions on the eyes, slurred speech, difficulty finding words when attempting to speak, loss of hearing or impairment of hearing, a general sense of confusion, and inability to sleep. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is important to contact a medical profession as soon as possible.
Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call (855) 339-8879 today.
Cognitive Disorders due to Traumatic Brain Injury:
The loss or reduction of cognitive functions is a major symptom of brain injury amongst adults and children. Cognitive impairment is divided into six major categories.
- Attention Disorders due to Traumatic Brain Damage:
- Memory Disorders due to Traumatic Brain Damage:
- Language Disorders due to Traumatic Brain Damage:
- Visual – Special Disability:
- Loss of Executive Function:
- Intellectual disorders and Reduction of IQ
Post Concussion Syndrome:
Repeated blows to the head in sporting activities without proper rest and treatment can lead to postconcussion syndrome. Post concussion syndromes symptoms include mood and behavioral changes, depression, constant headaches and can lead to acts of violence and suicide.
Post traumatic Headache Disorder:
Constant headaches can lead to debilitation of a victim of Traumatic Brain Injury. Usually occurs with cases of Mild to Moderate Brain Injury.
Frontal Lobe Disorders:
The frontal lobe of the brain is plays a crucial role in a person executive and cognitive functioning Traumatic Brain Injury to the Frontal Lobe can lead to such symptoms as follows:
- Behavioral changes
- Sociopathic inclinations amongst the victim
- Poor self monitoring ability
- Lack of intent tied to behaviors and actions of the individual
- Attention deficit
- Loss of acquired knowledge
- Loss of analytical processing
Psychiatric Disorders due to Traumatic Brain Damage:
Brain injury can affect numerous mood regulation systems of the brain. Such regulations can have long lasting effects on an individual’s psychiatric functions. Such disorders are represented as follows
- Depression: Post TBI depression syndrome
- Aggression: Aggressive behavior toward others
- Mania following Brain Injury including manic episodes resembling bipolar disorder
- Anxiety Disorders
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Personality Changes
- Psychosis
Symptoms of Physical Disorder Caused by Traumatic Brain Injury:
- Post Brain injury fatigue syndrome
- Loss of balance
- Sexual Disorders
Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS):
The GOS is a global scale that measured the severity of a Traumatic Brain Injury. The five levels of the Glasgow Outcome Scale are as follow from the most severe to the most moderate.
- Death: Traumatic Brain Injury Leading to the death of a victim
- Vegatative State: The Absence of function with the complete absence of the ability to communicate with the outside world
- Severe Disability: The victim of a brain injury is conscious but is unable to care for himself. These patients are dependent on others for survival.
- Moderate Disability: Victim is able to live independently but has sustained certain disabilities which may require long term care and treatment.
- Good Recovery: A victim is able to recovery and progress in treatment to the extent where he is able to take care if himself. However mild to moderate cognitive impairment may exist requiring an alteration of lifestyle, work and school activities.
If you have been a victim of an auto accident, truck accident, slip and fall or any other form of personal injury and are experiencing such symptoms you may have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Contact a trained medical profession for a medical diagnosis and treatment for your symptoms.
Seeking Legal Representation: Our Brain Injury Lawyers can help:
At Downtown LA Law Group our Traumatic Brain Injury lawyers are skilled and knowledgeable in defending the rights of those who have suffered symptoms of brain damage. We will hold liable those who caused your accident and take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your loss; in the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – your recovery. Remember to Act Quickly: It is crucial to act quickly after you’ve been injured before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with a California Brain Injury Attorney (855-DT-LA-LAW)
Call (855) 339-8879 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form today.
There are my different types of brain injuries with varied symptoms. Some of the most common are presented here.
- Intracranial Brain Hemorrhaging
- Post Traumatic Amnesia
- Diffuse Axonal Injuries
- Repetitive Head Impact leading to permanent brain damage
- Shaken Baby Syndrome leading to Child Brain Injury
- Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Leading to Brain Injury
- Acquired Brain Injury
- Sports Brain Injuries and multiple concussion brain damage
- Skull Fracture
Child Brain Injuries: Children under the age of five are at a heightened risk of developing long term cognitive and behavioral disabilities due to traumatic head trauma. Significant cognitive disorders resulting from child brain injuries often include, Attention Deficit Disorder, Reduction in the ability to memorize, reduction in intelligence quotient (IQ), and loss of executive functioning. For more information visit our Child Brain Injury attorney page.
Brain Injuries Resulting in Permanent Brain Damage:
Permanent Brain damage can lead to long-term and life changing medical problems including cognitive and communication issues, loss of pre-injury skills, inability to communicate, personality alteration, loss of occupation, loss of memory, loss of ability to taste or smell food, inability to control basic body functions, comas, brain seizures, and constant tiredness including chronic fatigue. These severe medical and psychological issues can have a devastating effect on the lives of victims and their families. It is important to understand that many Permanent Brain Injury symptoms described don’t reveal themselves as physical manifestations. Therefore it is often difficult to prove in court a person has actually suffered permanent brain trauma. In case of a lawsuit it is important to hire a skilled Brain Injury Lawyer in order to maximize compensation for your brain injuries. The acquiring of compensation these injuries requires an experienced head trauma personal injury lawyer with a comprehensive understanding of brain injury law.
Trusted Legal Representation – Compensation for Your Traumatic Brain Injury Claim
If you’ve sustained a head injury, you must first tend to your wounds and heal your injuries. Seeking vindication of your rights is our job. At Downtown LA Law Group our Head Injury and Traumatic Brain Damage Law Firm is skilled and knowledgeable in general personal injury laws as well as brain trauma law. Our aggressive and tenacious Brain Damage Lawyers and general personal injury attorneys will keep on the offensive until they make sure you have been fully compensated for your injuries and vindicated for your loss. We will go to trial and take on drivers that were negligent and their insurance carriers’ so that your rights are protected. We will take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your loss; in the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – your recovery.
Call us for a free consultation with one of our skilled personal injury lawyers concerning any legal course of action for your head injury: (855)385-2529
Further Information:
Brain Injury – FAQ |
What Should I Do Following a Brain Injury |
Brain Injury Statistics |
Statute of Limitations |
TBI Lawsuit – Legal Guide |
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Featured Lawyers
The Ultimate Guide to Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury lawsuits
Post Traumatic Amnesia
Diffuse Axonal Injury
Post Traumatic Headache Disorder
Acquired Brain Injury
Brain Injury due to slip and fall accident
Brain Injury Victim Lawsuits
Symptoms Of Brain Injuries
What To Do After A Brain Injury
Brain Trauma Faq
Brain Injury Statistics
Traumatic Brain Injury Laws
Types Of Brain Injuries
Constant Headaches after TBI
Head injury due to Sports Injury
Intracranial Brain Hemorrhage
Paralysis Injury
Tinnitus Injuries Due To Brain Injury
Child Brain Injury
Traumatic Brain Impact
Orange County Brain Injury Attorney
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Understanding Brain Injury
Brain Injury At Birth
Coma Due To Traumatic Brain Injury
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Skull Fractures due TBI
Birth Injury Attorney Los Angeles
Repetitive Head Injury
DTLA Client Review
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