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Skull Fractures – Trusted California Brain Injury Lawyers

Los Angeles Brain Injury Law FirmSkull fractures are some of the most serious forms of traumatic brain injury and can be caused by many incidences including, slip and fall accidents, falls from high places, defective products, auto accidents, acts of violence, child injuries, and workplace industrial accidents. Treatment for skull fractures can be difficult requiring extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation costs, and corrective surgeries which can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills.  Vic times who have experienced severe injuries including skull fractures resulting from the negligent or intentional acts of others are entitled to full monetary compensation for their losses including

  • All medical and hospitalization costs
  • All future rehabilitation and nursing/home care costs
  • Lost wages and future loss of income
  • Pain and Suffering including Emotional damage, depression, and post traumatic stress
  • Punitive Damage – Where possible
  • Wrongful Death Claim – for the death of a loved one cause by skull fractures of other brain injuries

How will a Neurologist or Hospital Diagnose a Skull Fracture?

Skull fractures can be difficult to detect by medical professionals.  Often initial tests cannot determine whether there has been a skull fracture.  In many instances even an X-ray scan will fail to detect a skull fracture. An MRI is not a useful tool to detect the presence of a fracture of the skull.  Usually a CT scan is the superior method that should be used by medical professionals in order to determine and diagnose the presence of a skull fracture.  A CT Scan bill be able spot depressed fractures, facial fractures, basilar skull fractures and orbital skull fractures. I you believe you have suffered a Skull fracture and a CT scan has not been implemented by your doctor inform him of the usefulness of such a measure.  If you have any issues regarding a CT scan contact out Law Firm; we will be able to provide you with the right medical expertise from knowledgeable Neurologist who will determine whether a CT is necessary.

Helpful Guide to understanding a Skull Fracture Brain Injury:

A skull fracture or facial skull fracture results from high intensity blows to the head and face.  Such incidence can result from automobile accidents, falling objects from buildings, construction accidents, motorcycle accidents, defective airbag deployment and slip and fall accidents. Symptoms of Skull Fracture may include:

  • Slowness;
  • Personality Change;
  • Poor Memory;
  • Anger/Irritability/Impatience;
  • Tiredness;
  • Tension/Anxiety/Worry;
  • Poor Concentration;
  • Depression;
  • Mood Changes;
  • Poor Balance/Coordination;
  • Restlessness;
  • Higher dependence or influence by alcohol;
  • Headache;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Teeth Hurting;
  • Neck Pain,
  • Difficulty Remembering;
  • Difficulty Concentrating;
  • Fog Like Feeling;
  • Numbness;
  • Burning Feeling in Feet;
  • Irritability;
  • Nervousness;
  • Sadness;
  • Joint Stiffness;
  • Sensitivity to Noise and Light;
  • Blurred Vision;
  • Difficulty Sleeping/Insomnia; and or
  • Fatigue

Visit Here for more information on severe skull fractures and brain injury

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

There are numerous types of Skull fractures which can be diagnosed by medical doctors. The Different forms of Skull fractures are as follows:

  • Linear Fractures: A straight crack or break in the skulls bony structure resulting from a direct blow to the skull.
  • Depressed Skull Fractures: Form low velocity impacts.
  • Bursting Fractures: Fractures which push outwards, and are noticeable rises of bone from the base of the skull.
  • Basilar Fracture:  Occur in the floor of the skull base. Rare fractures occurring in only 4-5% of all brain injury cases.
  • Hinge Fractures: Results from crush injuries. When the head in crush by a heavy objects, machinery, industrial equipment, and truck wheels.
  • Ring Fractures: Results from impacts to the base of the spine.
  • Compound Basal Fractures and Compound Elevated Fracture:
  • Diastatic Fractures:  Usually results in head trauma to children before the structures of the skull are fused.
  • Growing Fractures:  Usually result on head trauma to children under the age of 3.
  • Facial Skull Fracture or La Forte Skull Fracture:  Fracture involving the facial maxillary bone and surrounding bones resulting on blunt facial trauma.  Slip and Fall accidents, Truck accident, and Pedestrian accidents are a leading cause on Facial Fractures.

Skull fractures leading to Facial Nerve Palsy, Cranial Nerve Palsy and Oculomotor nerve palsy.  Traumatic Brain Injuries often lead to damage to the nerve that control the motor functions of the face including the eyes, mouth, eyebrows and forehead.   Such injuries can be lifelong disfigurement and lead a need for decades of therapy, loss of earning capacity, pain and suffering, and mental anguish.

Filing a Skull Fracture – Brain Injury Lawsuits

At Downtown LA Law Group our Skull Injury lawyer are skilled and knowledgeable in defending the rights of those who have suffered a Skull Fractures or any other form of traumatic brain injury. We will hold liable those who caused your accident and take care of every legal detail and make sure you achieve the highest compensation possible for your loss; in the meantime, concentrate on the most important part of this process – your recovery. Remember to Act Quickly: It is crucial to act quickly after you’ve been injured before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with a California Brain Injury Attorney (855) 339-8879 More Information: TBI Legal Guide: What you should knowIf you have been diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury  learn what your injury is and the process of compensation for your loss.

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