Repetitive Head Injury Lawyer | Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney
Repetitive trauma to the Brain may have many long-term consequences. One such brain injury is Chronic traumatic encephalopathy or (CTE) which has been linked to repetitive trauma to the head from participation in sports activities or other activities resulting in repeated blows to the head. Repetitive brain injury syndrome and been shown to lead to severe permanent disabilities including
- Depression
- Loss of Motor Functions
- Loss of Cognition
- Memory Loss
- Parkinson’s
- Poor impulse
- Tremors and slurred speech
- General Confusion
- Chronic Headaches
- Disorientation
In many instances individuals with Repetitive Trauma Brain damage experience psychological disorders such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, severe depression, dementia, and suicide.
Connecting Brain Injuries with Sports:
Since the early part of the 20th century is has been known that repeated blows to the head during boxing contests produce progressive and sustained neurological deterioration. Over the years scientists have increase the scope of persons at risk in brain injuries due to repetitive hits to the head including, Football Players, Wrestlers, Soccer Players, Martial Artists, Hockey Players, Stock Car Drivers, and other participants in high impact sports. Prevention: Prevention initiatives have been taken on by many sports leagues, including amateur leagues and college and high school teams. Such precautions have including different tackling methods in football, increased protection of helmets and rule changes. However, in many instances such precautions have done little to lessen the prevalence of repeated blows to the head.
Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.
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Child Abuse and Brain Injury:
Repetitive head injury is also caused by repeated physical abuse of children by parents, or other adults. If your child is suffering neurological disorders due to acts of violence perpetrated by others contact our Child Brain Injury Lawyers.
Prevention of Child Abuse: If your child has a previous history of being abused he/she is at a much higher risk of becoming a victim of Head Injuries due to child abuse. Males are at the greatest risk of being perpetrators of child abuse. From 65 to 90 percent of all child abuse is the result males. A medical team will be able to determine if your child has suffered any injuries. Physicians will use examinations, CT scans, MRIs and other tests to determine the extent and severity of your child’s injuries.
Selecting the Right Legal Representation for your Child’s Brain Injury Claim or Abuse It is important for your attorney understands the extent of your injuries including Traumatic Brain Damage due to repetitive blows to the head and employs the proper experts to determine the extent of your injuries and the compensation you are owed.
Downtown LA Law Group: We are a full service plaintiff’s law firm. We are compassionate litigators fighting for the rights children who have suffered abuse at the hands of caregivers. Our attorneys can help with your case. Contact us today for a free case evaluation or a second opinion. Remember: It is crucial to act quickly before any limitations can lower or extinguish your rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation with one of our brain injury attorneys regarding your claim: (855) 339-8879
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