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Constant Headaches after a Car Accident | Post Traumatic Brain Injuries

Victims of car accident commonly suffer from severe post-traumatic headaches. The persistence of such headaches may be a significant sign of more serious long-term medical complications including traumatic brain injury. While not all of them are serious, constant headaches can be pre-cursor to more serious injuries. If you are experiencing throbbing head pain, or constant headaches after being involved in a car accident you may have suffered a serious brain injury.

Our Legal Representatives can help you in any legal issues regarding your auto accident. Contact our offices for a free no cost consultation. You are entitled to compensation for your injuries. (855)385-2529

Why do I have headaches after my car accident?  Why are my headaches not going away?

Headaches after a car accident can be attributed to post traumatic headache syndrome or PTHS. What is PTHS? This is one of the most common injuries following a car accident or any accident where your body suffers rapid acceleration or deceleration. These injuries can seriously disrupt a person’s quality of life. Your headaches can be caused by a number of different factors. If you were involved in a rear end accident, then depending on the impact, angle and position at the time of the incident you may suffer from PTHS. While some of the pain may subside within two weeks, it can also continue indefinitely. In such instances the pain can come and go constantly. If you are experiencing such headaches it may be required to seek physical therapy to reduce the pain, and require CAT scans or MRI scans to determine the cause and treatment. If the injuries are not severe then a neurological report can be considered sufficient. Any type of a headache after a car accident regardless of speed/velocity of the crash should be handled with care. It has been reported that serious brain injuries can result at low rates of speed. Injuries can occur at speeds below 9 MPH. These injuries occur causing the nervous system to become unstable resulting in serious headaches. It is important to seek medical attention to help deal with your injuries.

What if my medical reports show no sign of injury?

This is common and requires special attention to certain elements of the report. It is possible for your neurological assessment to not show signs of injury. In such cases, your physician, family members and insurance adjusters will assume that your injuries are exaggerated. The fact that your medical records do not reflect your injuries can happen. In such instances, second opinions are highly recommended as well as other types of diagnostic methods.

Headaches and Brain Injury
Car accidents are one the chief causes of Brain Injuries

It is important to develop a proper treatment plan to make sure you recover from your injuries. Many of our clients who suffer from such injuries often feel constant pain. Injuries can stem from foot compression, or sensitivity in certain nerve points causing spasms and other serious pain. Depending on the injury it can either be short-term or permanent. Certain head injuries can render the victim immobile often limiting their range of motion entirely. That is why medical treatment for your injuries should not be ignored. You may have injuries, which require medication, therapy or other pain management solutions. In such cases, a qualified medical professional should be sought. If you attorney refuses to acknowledge or consider these issues a second opinion should be sought. Many times attorneys fail to recognize that their client’s injuries are serious, even though they are not shown through regular scans or treatment.

What if you can’t afford medical treatment and you are not covered by insurance?

Both economic and non-economic injuries are the responsibility of the injured parties. Under certain situations, the defendant will not be liable for your economic harm, particularly when you are not covered by insurance at the time of the incident. It is important to seek medical treatment for your injuries in order to recover. An attorney can work with physicians, neurologist and other medical professionals on what is known as a medical lien. This allows for you to seek treatment and bear the responsibility of medical costs until after a settlement is awarded. In such instances you will be able to seek the best treatment and obtain second opinions for your injuries, without any up-front cost.

General Symptoms of Post Traumatic Headache Syndrome

Car Accident Attorney GuideGeneral symptoms of a post-traumatic head injury can include any of the following:

  • Lack of concentration as a result of the accident;
  • Increased sensitivity to light;
  • Mood swings causing anger;
  • Depression or anxiety;
  • Constant dizziness, vertigo caused by the accident;
  • Lack of memory or diminished short-term memory;
  • Lack of energy, general fatigue;
  • Lack of sleep;
  • Decreased desire to complete day to day tasks, lack of motivation or ambition;
  • Decreased sexual desire; or
  • Inability to understand complex issues.

Trusted Brain Injury Attorneys: If you have been injured Downtown L.A. Law can help. Our car accident attorneys and personal injury attorneys can help with your recovery. Our free case evaluations are always absolutely free whether you decide to retain us or not. And we recover nothing unless we are successful. Contact us today for a free case evaluation. For More Information:

Post Traumatic Headache Syndrome
Brain Injury Legal Guide
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