Transvaginal Mesh Attorney | Pelvic Mesh Implant Injury Lawsuit
Background and History of Tranvaginal Mesh Injury Claims and Lawsuits

What is Transvaginal Mesh or TVM?
Transvaginal mesh is a product used to reinforce the vaginal wall in cases of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (otherwise known as Pelvic Floor Collapse) and Stress Urinary Incontinence. The product is produced using a polyester or polypropylene material. The product is implanted into the female uterus in order to support the vaginal wall.
- Transvaginal Mesh
- TMS side effects
- Average transvaginal mesh settlement?
- What is Transvaginal Mesh
- Average TMS Verdict
- What is the Value?
- Claims Against Manufacturers
- Class action lawsuit?
- Do I have Case
- Statute of Limitations
- Surgeon Liability
- Transvaginal Mesh Commercials
- Kugel Mesh Patch Complication
- Pelvic Mesh Implant Injury
During the early 1990’s, surgeons started to use the surgical mesh, which was originally implanted in order to serve as a supporting mechanism for abdominal hernias, to treat SUI, or stress urinary incontinence. Transvaginal mesh was intended to prevent this issue from occurring. SUI occurs after pregnancy and can cause urinary leaks. As a result, physicians and surgeons used transvaginal mesh as a method to prevent or stop this type of issue. The device was marketed in the as a way to stop and prevent the embarrassing issues of SUI. In turn, hundreds of thousands of woman signed up or elected to have the implants. In fact it is reported that over 250,000 woman elect to have this procedure conducted annually. Capitalizing on the demand for the product the manufacturers of the product sold and marketed the product by using the 510(k) approval process. According to the 510(k) process certain classes of medical products can be sold or marketed without FDA approval.
Transvaginal Mesh Menu
– What is Transvaginal Mesh or TVM? – Three classes of medical devices – Statistics – Common injuries – TMS Lawsuits – What to DO? – Do I have a TMS Claim? – List of Tranvaginal Mesh Producers – Fighting for the Rights of Victims – Dangers associated with Transvaginal mesh implants – Did I Lose My Sex Drive? – Victims of Transvaginal Mesh Implants – What Joining a Class Action? Currently there are three classes of medical devices. Class I devices are those which are considered “low risk”. Manufacturers of such devices are only required to give the FDA a 90 day notice before beginning to market the product. Class II products are those which require special oversight in order to assure consumer safety. Transvaginal mesh was categorized as a Class II product and gained market access through the use of 510(k) process. Class III medical devices are those which lack sufficient evidence to show their safety. These Class III devices require special controls and premarket approval before they are permitted to be sold. Additionally these types of products cannot be use the 510(k) approval process. This process-510(k)-circumvents or avoids the heavily regulated FDA process. Rather by using 501(k) approval process the marketers of transvaginal mesh, including Johnson & Johnson and others were able to sell the product without stringent oversight. Marketers of the product improperly asserted that their product was substantially similar to the FDA approved product known as ProteGen, thus gaining approval through the 510(k) process. However the FDA approved PorteGen product was subsequently recalled after issues were found, particularly vaginal tissue erosion. While ProteGen was removed from the market in 1999, other marketers of transvaginal mesh continue to market and sell the product to date. These companies are aware of the potential complications, particularly because they based their model and design after that of ProteGen. To date there are over 150 different transvaginal mesh devices which are approved through the 510(k) process.Vaginal Mesh Injury Statistics
Transvaginal mesh implants are conducted each year. Important statistics include:- Statistical data has shown that over 250,000 procedures take place annually.
- There are over 150 different transvaginal mesh devices marketed and sold each year.
- While estimates show that 10% of patients suffer from complications within a single year of surgery, other estimates show complications in as high as 20% of patients.
- Repairing the damage done by these procedures can be both emotionally and physically draining. Surgical procedures are often required to repair and remove the implant and many patients face permanent damage.
- Common issues associated with mesh erosion can be infection, mesh contraction, bleeding, urinary issues and organ peforation.
- In the years 2008-2010 there were over 2,500 reports of complications from tansvaginal mesh made to the FDA and the FDA reported and warned of these issues to health care providers.
- Evidence indicating that transvaginal mesh implants are as effective as other traditional procedures have not been shown. Rather traditional methods are considered a better alternative.
- Studies have shown that the mesh erosion can occur in as little as 3-months after surgery, thus long term exposure can more likely than not cause erosion.
Common injuries and medical complications associated with Transvaginal Mesh Implants: TVM Side Effects
Mesh implants can result in serious medical complications some common injuries include the following:- Erosion of the Vaginal Mesh through the vaginal mucosa
- Severe pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse
- Vaginal Infections and vaginal bleeding
- Urinary and bladder control issues
- Vaginal Contraction and shrinkage
- Bowel incontinence
Lawsuits for Defective Transvaginal Mesh
Those injured as a result of such implants are without a doubt entitled to compensation for their injuries. The scope of injuries can be serious to moderate. However the psychological impact and the potential financial cost may warrant the filing of a vaginal mesh injury lawsuit.Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.
Transvaginal mesh lawsuits are filed under a product defect theory. A product liability claim for transvaginal mesh requires a qualified product liability attorney. In order to bring a cause of action for a defective product the injured party needs to show the following elements:- Defendant or manufacturer of the product was engaged in business of selling such a product;
- The product was used in its intended or foreseeable manner, causing injury;
- Product was defectively designed;
- Defendant was responsible for designing the product defectively; and
- Because of the defective design injuries occurred.
What to do if you have sustained complications and injuries from Vaginal Mesh Defects

List of Tranvaginal Mesh Producers and Manufactures:
The following is a list of mesh device manufacturers. If you have sustained complications resulting from any of these mesh devises contact our law firm. American Medical Systems: Visit This Page for more information on American Medical Systems (AMS) Vaginal Mesh Litigation- Apogee
- Bio Arc
- Perigree
- MiniArc
- Monarc
- Monere subfascial hammock
- Intepro Y Sling
- In-Fast Ultra
- Elevate with Intepro
- Intexen
- Bio-Arc
- Spare
- American Medical Systems AMS SPARCO

- Advantage Fit
- Advantage Sling System
- Arise
- Lynx Suprapubic Mid-Urethral Sling System
- Obtryx Curved Single
- Obtryx Mesh Sling
- Pinnacle Pelvic Floor Repair Kit
- Pinnacle Pelvic Floor Repair Kit II
- Polyform Synthetic Mesh
- Prefyx Mid U Mesh Sling System
- Prefyx PPS System
- Solyx
- Gynecare Prolift Kit
- Gynecare Prolift + M Kit
- Gynecare TVT Secure
- Gynecare Prosima Pelvic Floor Repair
Learn more about your legal options: Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.
C.R. Bard: Visit this page For more information on C.R. Bard Inc. Vaginal Mesh Litigation- Avaulta Plus BioSynthetic Support System
- Avaulta Solo Synthetic Support System
- Faslata Allograft
- Pelvicol Tissue
- PelviSoft Biomesh
- Pelvitex Polypropylene Mes
- Uretex
- Ugytex and Ugytex Dual Knot Mesh
- Mentor
- Tyco – IVS Tunneller
- Sofradim
- Gynecare
- Ethicon
- Caldera
- Covidian
Call (855) 339-8879 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form today.
The Ultimate Guide to Transvaginal Mesh Injuries
– Vaginal Mesh Implant Side Effects – How long is the average transvaginal mesh settlement? – Average Transvaginal Mesh Settlement or Verdict – What is Transvaginal Mesh – What is the Value of a Transvaginal Mesh Injury Lawsuit? – Statute of Limitations – Transvaginal Mesh – Surgeon Liability – Transvaginal Mesh Commercials – Pelvic Mesh Implant Injury – Should I join a class action lawsuit? – Do I have Case – Claims Against Transvaginal Mesh Manufacturers – AMS TransVaginal Mesh Implant Lawsuit – Kugel Mesh Patch ComplicationFighting for the Rights of Victims to Recover for Their Injuries
I have been writing about Transvaginal Mesh, its implications and the toll it has taken on woman over the years. Through representation of woman suffering from countless injuries resulting from surgical mesh implants, I have learned a number of insightful facts regarding this procedure that I would like to share. It is critical that woman be made aware of the dangers of this procedure, its implications and seek both medical and legal representation for their injuries. This is not a advertisement of our services, it is merely a suggestion for woman suffering from the surgical implant to consider their legal options. Do not be embarrassed to contact an attorney; they have already heard it all before. Most offices, including ours, have a female staff member who will be able to address your concerns.Getting to Know Your Surgical Mesh

Did I Lose My Sex Drive, My Partner or Both?
Here is another un-wanted consequence of surgical mesh or bladder sling implants. Due to the immense amount of pain associated with the surgery, you are unable to engage in sexual intercourse with your partner. As a result many women can experience frustration or a complete desire on having sex. In turn woman who attempt to have intercourse complain of their partner experiencing discomfort due to “poking” from the mesh implant. It is not uncommon for relationships or marriages, which are otherwise healthy to be ruined as a result of this experience. Physical contact is one of our most innate and necessary functions. As social creatures we need to experience touch, love and compassion, without it we feel depressed and alone. Victims of mesh implants are robbed of this ability and most often suffer from severe psychological consequences. What many significant others, partners or spouses fail to understand is that they can assert a claim for damages as well. This type of claim is typically referred to as a loss of services claim. Loss of services includes a host of different terms and should be considered in any legal claim you decide to pursue.Who Are All of These Telemarketers and Solicitors?

What Joining a Class Action?
A class action lawsuit works like this. 1st there is a number of people who are harmed by the same drug, incident or company. 2nd this group is given class action certification by the courts. 3rd attorneys search for members of the group to join the class. 4th a settlement is reached-not always-and each member of the class is paid equally. Now if you consider this with regards to a surgical mesh implant, you can see some serious issues. For one what if your injuries are greater than other members of the class action? It won’t make a difference. Each member of the class is paid the same regardless of their injuries. And NO you cannot bring another lawsuit. Once you join the class you are bound by the decision and settlement. What you should do if you have been given notice that you are part of a class action is immediately opt out. How do I opt out of a class action lawsuit? Each case is different, however that same document which includes you in the class, has an option available to let you opt out of the class. Is it really worth it to opt out of a class action lawsuit? Let’s do some math and see. If the average class action settles for 80% less then what you should receive and say your injuries are twice or even three times as much as other class members, then it is fairly simple to understand that your case could have significantly more value. I can explain all of this in our free consultation; contact my office so we can talk it over.You Sound Knowledgeable, but I am Not In California?
Finally some good news, these type of cases are Federal cases and the location of the attorney is irrelevant. Any attorney in any state can represent a surgical mesh, bladder sling or Transvaginal Mesh implant recipient.Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call (855) 339-8879 today.
When you contact our Law Firm a Transvaginal Mesh Injury Attorney will immediately field your call and provide you with a detailed in depth consultation regarding any possible claims against medical device manufacturers. We are able to help victims of defective mesh implants across the United Stats including the California communities of Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, San Bernardino, and Long Beach. Our phone number is (855) 339-8879. Over $1 BILLION Recovered
for Our Clients
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