Vaginal or
Transvaginal Mesh Implant surgical procedure is used to aid woman who suffer from female genital prolapse. This occurs after child birth where pelvic floor collapses. Woman were induced to believe of that Vaginal Mesh surgeries would resolve the problem. However, recent lawsuits and studies have shown that not only is it not beneficial, it can also have long lasting issues.
In fact even after multiple studies have been released on the topic, woman continue to receive this form of treatment. If you are considering of filing lawsuit for injuries related to Transvaginal Mesh consider the following factors. Transvaginal Mesh injuries occur when the device or mesh sling fails to bind with your body. In such cases the body is rejecting the surgically implanted mesh. At this point the mesh will begin to erode and can cause serious damage to the woman’s pelvic or uterus area.
What is the value of my case?
Each case has its own value. Determining the value of your case can depend on a number of factors. This can include number of corrective surgeries, pain and suffering, loss of income and other emotional and psychological injuries.
With transvaginal mesh cases there is always an issue of dealing multiple surgeries required to correct the damage caused. In such cases the client can undergo significant amount of trauma and damage resulting from this type of injury.
In order to evaluate your case it is important to fully understand the long term impact of the injury. Additional factors include time lost from work and other related factors.

Dealing with a defective mesh implant can be painful. Studies indicate that removal of the mesh implant can have long lasting complications. These issues are compounded when considering the pain associated with the mesh removal and the degree of erosion. Woman who are currently suffering from the pain associated from this procedure are aware of the immense physical and psychological pain placed on the body.
It is only fair that just compensation be paid. In any lawsuit a victim or plaintiff is permitted to include in their prayer for damages, a value for the pain and suffering. How is this amount calculated? There is no set method or mathematical equation which can be used to calculate each this. Rather it is done on a case by case basis.
If you are a victim of surgical mesh or sling implant which is now defective you should consider your legal options.
How much will It cost me to obtain an attorney for my lawsuits?
A common question asked with regards to Transvaginal Mesh lawsuits is what it will cost the client. All of our cases are done on a contingency fee basis. What this means is that our fee is based entirely on our ability to successfully recover for your injuries. Our fees are based entirely on what we can recover for your injuries. Therefore, you are not entitled to pay any attorney fees unless we are successful in our efforts.
Should I file a lawsuit?
Before you decide on filing a lawsuit, speak with a personal injury attorney. Many attorneys are not aware of the difficulties associated with filing such a case and may not be properly qualified in doing so. The first step in filing your lawsuit is determining whether you have a case. This depends on a number of different factors including, the statute of limitation, whether the injuries result from the mesh implant and symptoms.
These are all factors which can be discussed during your free consultation. A Transvaginal Mesh lawsuit depends on a number of factors which are used to evaluate your case and determine whether you can proceed with a lawsuit.
Can my husband also sue?
Generally claims for loss of intimacy or services can be filed by your significant other. In such cases your spouse or husband can file a claim for damages suffered as a result of the injuries. If you have been injured as a result of a transvaginal mesh case contact Downtown L.A. Law for a free case evaluation.