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Gambling Tour Bus Injuries

Many people thoroughly enjoy gambling; however, for some, it can be difficult to travel to casinos. Many people enjoy gambling in large groups, which can make it even more difficult to make transportation accommodations. Many companies started offering transportation to and from gambling hotspots. These are bus tour companies that offer transportation to casinos to groups of people. In many cases, these companies are working in conjunction with the casinos to which they are transporting their clients, so they often receive a set amount for the groups they transport (for example, they could receive a fixed monetary rate for every ten people transported to casinos). Gambling Tour Bus Injuries Many of these trips are same-day trips. That is, clients are picked up at a set location early in the day and dropped off at the same location later in the day after spending time at the chosen casino gambling. These companies essentially make it simple for gambling enthusiasts to go to casinos and enjoy themselves. Although this seems like the perfect arrangement – between casinos, tour bus companies, and casino-lovers – many things can go wrong. Because these tour bus companies are so motivated to simply get as many clients to and from the casinos, they often lose sight of the specific care that they owe their clients as soon as they step foot inside their buses. Certain incidents are almost expected, like auto. All sorts of vehicles traveling on roads can potentially be involved in accidents. However, no one ever expects to suffer an incident when tour buses are not even in motion. Many incidents are possible as soon as passengers step into these tour buses. These incidents can include slip, trips, and falls, for example. If you suffered an incident in a gambling tour bus that resulted in any sort of harm, you might have grounds to pursue a claim against the bus company. Depending on the details surrounding the incident and the harm that you suffered, you might have grounds to pursue a claim and even receive monetary compensation. If you would like to explore the possibility of filing a claim and potentially recovering compensation for the harm that you suffered, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of claims – always representing the best interests of affected parties. If you would like to learn more about your right to sue for the harm that you suffered, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts today. The Incidents that Could Occur on Gambling Tour Buses Many incidents could occur on board gambling tour buses when the bus is not even in motion. These incidents could result in significant injuries. The following could result in harm to innocent parties:
  • Slip and falls: spills, leaks, slippery surfaces, and any sort of wet floors could contribute to slip and fall accidents in buses.
  • Trip and falls: uneven surfaces, torn carpeting, sudden changes in flooring, and steps could all contribute to trip and fall accidents in buses. Bags and other personal belongings that are left on the floor could also contribute to trip and fall accidents.
  • Falling objects: personal belongings in overhead storage bins could fall out and onto an unsuspecting passenger. The doors on the overhead storage bins could also suddenly fall onto seated passengers or passengers walking by. Metal overhead handle bars could also suddenly fall onto passengers.
  • Broken seats: seats could suddenly collapse under passengers, both as they are trying to take a seat and after they have already been seated for some time.
  • Defective doors: defective doors could suddenly close as unsuspecting parties are entering or exiting the tour bus.
Regardless of the specific incident suffered, it is possible that innocent parties suffer a number of injuries. Some of the harm that victims could suffer can potentially include the following: head injuries, brain injuries, fractures, spinal cord injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, pelvic injuries, knee injuries, sprains, strains, nerve damage, lacerations, and bruises, for example. Regardless of the specific harm suffered associated with the gambling tour bus incident, the harm that you suffered might be directly associated with the negligent actions of the tour bus company; therefore, you should explore the possibility of filing a claim. – Bus Accident FAQBus Accident with Bicycle AttorneyBus Accidents Bus Passenger Injury Attorney | Occupant Accident Lawyers |Bus Pedestrian Accident Attorney | Injury Death Lawsuits |Bus Stop Accident Attorney | Dangerous station Injury LawyerCalifornia Airport Shuttle Bus Accident Attorney Charter Bus Accident Attorney | Liability Passenger Injuries Onboard Common Causes of a Bus Accident in Southern CaliforniaGreyhound Bus Accident Attorney | Passenger Injury LawsuitHit and Run Bus Accident Attorney | MTA Collisions

Liability for Incidents in Tour Buses

Gambling tour buses are common carriers because they transport people in exchange for a fee. As common carriers, gambling tour buses must do many things, which include providing a safe vehicle for passengers, warning passengers of any known dangers, and protecting passengers from harm, for example. If an incident occurs, bus drivers and bus companies could be found liable. Liability is based on negligence. If there is a clear duty of care that was breached, resulting in an incident that directly resulted in harm, liability could be established on the basis of negligence. Defective or old equipment and poor maintenance/serving, for example, both represent a breached duty of care that could directly harm innocent parties. If you were harmed as a result of a hazard present on the gambling tour bus, you might be able to establish liability. This means that you might also have grounds to sue. For more information about gambling tour bus incident liability and your right to sue, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at your earliest convenience.

You Could Recover Compensation

If you decide to file a claim, you might have grounds to fight for the right to recover compensation. Specifically you could recover compensation for some of the following:
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium
  • Funeral and burial costs
  • Punitive damages
What type of compensation could you receive? How much compensation could you be eligible to recover? The type and amount of compensation that you are eligible to receive will always depend on the specific details of your claim, including the extent of the injuries and many other details. Regardless of the type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to recover, you can be certain that the expert attorneys at our firm will do everything within their reach to ensure that you recover the highest amount of compensation available for your claim. For more information about the compensation that you could be eligible to recover if your claim reaches a successful outcome, do not hesitate to contact the experts at our law firm at your earliest convenience.

What Should You Do after Your Incident?

To preserve the right to take legal action for the harm that you suffered, it is essential that you follow the appropriate steps immediately after suffering any harm. Consider the following points:
  • Take photos of all the injuries you sustained
  • Take photos of the hazard that caused your incident
  • Report the incident to the driver and to the gambling tour bus company
  • Seek medical attention immediately
  • Do not accept any sort of reimbursement from the bus company
  • Gather witness contact information
  • Gather all medical records
  • Seek legal assistance immediately
For more information about the specific steps that you should follow after suffering any type of harm in a gambling tour bus, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible. Our lawyers are ready to provide you with the guidance necessary to file your claim against the parties that contributed to the harm that you suffered.

Filing a Claim within the Statute of Limitations

To have the possibility of reaching a successful claim outcome, claimants must file their claims within the appropriate length of time. All claims are subject to a statute of limitations. A statute of limitations determines the specific length of time that claimants have to file their claims. If claimants fail to file within the appropriate time limit established by the statute of limitations, claimants will lose their right to sue. In general, injury claims filed in California are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. This means that claimants only have a total of two years to file their claims. Failing to file on time could result in losing the right to sue (and the right to recover any compensation). However, many exceptions could apply – exceptions that could essentially toll or pause the applicable statute of limitations, resulting in an extended deadline. To ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the statute of limitations that applies to your claim against the gambling tour bus company, do not hesitate to contact our law firm at your earliest convenience. Our tour bus accident lawyers are ready to provide you with the necessary information surrounding the statute of limitations for your claim.

Contact Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

If you suffered any harm on a gambling tour bus, it is essential that you seek legal assistance with our tour bus injury lawyers at your earliest convenience. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our firm has many years of experience handling all sorts of claims, including tour bus injury claims. If you would like our experts to evaluate your claim and provide you with the guidance necessary to take action against the party liable for the harm that you suffered, do not hesitate to contact our firm at your earliest convenience. Our firm is dedicated to making legal assistance available to all affected parties. Therefore, we are committed to offering free legal services. More specifically, our firm offers free consultations and free second opinions. During these free legal services, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns surrounding your tour bus injury claim. If you would like to benefit from our free legal services and discus your claim with our tour bus injury attorneys, do not hesitate to contact our firm today. Our free legal services are available as part of a Zero-Fee guarantee – a guarantee that you will never be responsible for paying any upfront legal fees. Our firm is also based on a contingency structure; therefore, you will not be required to pay anything until after reaching a successful claim outcome. If you do not win your claim, you will never have to pay us anything. If you are ready to discuss your claim with our attorneys, contact our law firm at your earliest convenience. Our tour bus injury attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group are ready to help you.

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