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What is a Class Action Lawsuit – How to Find a Class Action Lawsuit Attorney

Individuals who have been hurt or who have suffered injuries may be able to receive financial compensation for the damages. The compensation can be paid out by the responsible party, whether that is another person or a company. These personal injury lawsuits are filed in civil court and generally revolve around insurance companies paying out damages. However, there are some instances wherein numerous individuals are harmed because of a common cause or hazard. In these cases, there is the opportunity for a class action lawsuit to be filed against the responsible party. You should not simply select any attorney for this endeavor. You may have questions about what is a class action lawsuit and how to find a class action lawsuit attorney. There are many options, but none are better than the team of expert lawyers available at the Downtown LA Law Group.

What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?

Reasons to File a Class Action Lawsuit As per the dictionary, a class action lawsuit is “an action in which a representative plaintiff sues or a representative defendant is sued on behalf of a class of plaintiffs or defendants who have the same interests in the litigation as their representative and whose rights or liabilities can be more efficiently determined as a group than in a series of individual suits.” This means that it is essentially a group of individuals taking legal action against one other party because the rights and damages can be handled better as a group. Many attorneys have seen class action lawsuits pop up against major companies over the years, and the settlements have been quite large. It is rarer for a class action lawsuit to be filed against a single individual, especially because single individuals seldom have the funds necessary to pay out a settlement or verdict for numerous individuals. Even targeting the estate may make the settlement come up quite short. A class action lawsuit will proceed with a number of plaintiffs; all potential plaintiffs will be contacted to see if they wish to join in. Individuals who wish to opt out of the class action lawsuit do not lose the ability to take legal action – that is, they do not forfeit their rights to compensation, they only choose to take action that is different and not part of a group. Generally, individuals will pursue singular personal injury claims, often with the help of one personal injury lawyer or firm.

The Ultimate Guide to Recal and Class Actions

Recall LawsuitsProduct Liability/Defective ProductsWhat is a Class Action Lawsuit

Defective Car, Bicycle Recalls

2011 Subaru Outback Recall Notice Saturn Aura Lawsuit – GM Recall of Faulty Transmission CablesGM Cobalt Ignition Switch Defect Class Action LawsuitPorsche GT Recall LawsuitGM Fail to Make a Timely Recall in The Chevy Cobalt defectsToyota Steering Pump Defect RecallFord Airbag Class Action LawsuitFuel Hose Recall LawsuitCane Creek Bicycle Shock RecallTakata Airbag Class Action LawsuitStatute of Limitations Takata Airbag Explosion Lawsuit Quest ZRT Riding Lawnmower Defect RecallLuxury car maker BMW and Mercedes recallZip Line Defect Prompts RecallToyota FJ Cruiser RecallChevy Cobalt Air Bag Failure LawsuitJeep Liberty Fire Class Action LawsuitGM Ignition Switch Class Action AttorneyAttorney Discusses GM Liability for Ignition-Switch Defect in CobaltSaturn Ion and Sky Ignition Switch LawsuitsATV Accident Attorney | All Terrain Vehicle InjuriesOff-Highway Vehicles Crash Hazard – All-terrain vehiclesTerraTrike Recalls Adult Tricycles-Product Liability AttorneysArctic Cat Recalls Textron Recreational Off-Highway VehiclesPolaris Ranger RecallFailure to Deploy Airbag in Defective CarGM Cobalt and Saturn Ion Wrongful Death Lawsuits Seat Back Failures in VehiclesDefective Child Safety Seats and Restraint System InjuryNissan recalls cars after steering wheel fall offPontiac Grand Prix Ignition Switch Lawsuit Bicycle Defects Cause Serious InjuriesJet Ski Defect Attorney

Home Supplies Recalls

Gibson Office Depot Chair Defect Prompts Recall and LawsuitsFireplace Recall Burn Injury Lawsuit InformationHobby Lobby Scented Candles in Glass Jars Recalled Due to Fire HazardCambridge Elevating Issues Recall for Home ElevatorsTrampoline RecallRoss Folding Lounge Chair RecallH&M Children’s Water Bottle RecalledCoby Flat Screen TV RecallRocky Brand Steel-Toe Shoes RecallRed Wing Steel Toe Boot RecallTeavana Tumbler Defect RecallAsphyxiation Hazard Bunk Bed RecallSouth Shore Furniture Recalls Drawer Chest Due to HazardXtreme Outdoor Product Recalls Climbing SticksFestool Plunge Cut Circular Saw Defect RecallGree Dehumidifier Recall AttorneyBumbo Baby Seat RecallOntel Isometric Product Recall LawsuitFisher-Price Recalls Baby SleepersDorel Juvenile Group USA Recalls Baby SleepersOptimus Tower Quartz Heater RecallCrib Tent Injury AttorneyTech Gear 5.7 Recalls Battery-Powered Heated SocksRecall of Dick’s Sporting Goods’ Pull-Up Assist Equipment due to Injury RiskBed Handle Recall Injury LawsuitVentlab Product Recall AttorneySunbeam Ceramic Heater RecallCybex Free Weight Bench Press RecallGlass Pendant Light Fixtures RecallsPlaytex Hip Hammock Recall LawsuitHead and Neck Support Accessories Recalled Due to Suffocation RiskNavien Recalls Tankless Water Heaters and Boilers VIVO Recalls Speaker Wall Mounts due to Injury HazardChildren Travel Tent’s Defective | PeaPod Tent InjuriesCabrinha Kiteboarding H2 Hydra Series Binding RecallKids II Recalls Rocking Sleepers Due to Infant DeathsDefective Recalled Infant Baby BatherFujifilm Adapter Plug RecallBodum Starbucks Coffee Press RecalledAngelcare Baby Monitor LawsuitRestoration Hardware RecallsTouch Point Baseboard Convection Heater Recalled for DefectWeatherbeeta Collegiate SaddleEmbark Resistance Cord LawsuitEmbark Resistance Band Defect AttorneyAir King valencia range hoodsStroller Defect AttorneyLawsuits for Ergotron TV Wall Mount InjuriesMcDonald’s Happy Meal -Toy Defect InjuryGel Candle Burn Injury LawsuitCollapsing Card Table Chairs Sold at Walmart Causing Finger AmputationsWeed Trimmer Defect Attorney Baby Sleepers Lead to Infant FatalitiesBumbo Baby Seat Injury AttorneyDefective Climbing Lanyards can result in Injuries and Death

Drug, cosmetics and medical devices Recalls

Theraflu Recall Defective of Child Resistant CapsXenmatrix Surgical Mesh AttorneyMedtronic Recalls SynchroMed Infusion PumpAvon Eyelash Curler Injury LawsuitVentlab Product Recall AttorneyDePuy ASR Defect Recall TrialDePuy Hip Replacement Attorney St. Jude Heart Valve Attorney – Silzone Implant LawsuitValue of Zimmer Knee Implant LawsuitsHeartMate II Class Action Lawsuit Zimmer PEEK Ardis – Recall Product LawsuitsZimmer NexGen Knee Replacement AttorneyCovidien Thoracic Device LawsuitZimmer Nexgen ClaimDePuy ASR Hip ReplacementVentlab Manual Resuscitator Injury LawsuitsJohnson and Johnson Settles First 3 DePuy Hip Replacement CasesStryker Rejuvenate Hip Replacement ImplantCochlear Implant Defects Resulting in HarmMetallosis caused by Metal on Metal Hip Replacment Implant

Food Recalls

Ground Annatto Salmonella Prompts RecallTrader Joe’s Peanut Butter RecallTrader Joe’s E-Coli Poisoning Class Action LawsuitSoy Products Recalled by Wa Heng Dou Fu & Soy Sauce Corp.Ground Annatto Salmonella Prompts Recall By FDAGlass Onion Catering E-Coli Outbreak Lawsuit and Recall InfoCultured Kitchen Cheese Salmonella Poisoning Class Action LawsuiSt. Jude Heart Valve SettlementsLEM Food Dehydrator Defect LawsuitTyson Chicken Salmonella Outbreak Class ActionFlat Creek Cheese Salmonella OutbreakTerbutaline Class Action LawsuitInstant Soup Cup Class Action Lawsuit

Reasons to File a Class Action Lawsuit

There are many reasons that you may wish to file or join a class action lawsuit. As stated above, because the lawsuits pertain to large groups of plaintiffs, it may be a better chance of success. A few of the most common reasons that class action lawsuits are filed can be found below.
  • Premises liability: Premises liability claims pertain to safe premises or private properties. If the property owner does not take care of the premises, and injuries happen, he can be held responsible. For example, if a large group of people are in a parking garage while waiting to leave a concert, it is expected that they will be safe from harm. If the parking garage collapses because of structural damage or wear and tear that was never addressed, the injured individuals can sue for compensation with a class action premises liability claim.
  • Dangerous drugs: Many pharmaceutical companies manufacture drugs targeted for specific use. These companies must gain FDA approval, but in an effort to turn profits and get as many products out onto the market as possible, they may cut corners, lie about test results, change ingredients without notification, and more. Invokana, Accutane, Byetta, and others are all examples of drugs that have led to negative results, have been taken off the market or temporarily banned, and were sued in class action claims.
  • Product recalls: Product recalls are the most common type of class action claims. They can be filed when people are hurt by a product defect or error of some kind. For instance, hundreds of thousands of vehicles are manufactured each year, and there may be bunches and groups of those vehicles that are defective in some way. Individuals who buy the cars may find that the brakes lock up or do not properly work, leading to injuries in accidents. As a result, the car manufacturer can be sued by the group of plaintiffs, usually after the parts have been recalled. Other common recalls include kitchen appliances, safety gear, toys for small children, and more.
  • Environmental troubles: Occasionally, companies and businesses will pollute an area and not clean up after themselves. They may let toxic waste stew in a river or they may consistently violate zoning laws. They can be targeted in a class action claim if numerous individuals are harmed as a result of the pollution. Additionally, if the government seeks to install or build something that violates laws or the rights of homeowners, a class action can be filed.
  • Employment discrimination and mistreatment: Some workers in companies may suffer a ton of mistreatment and discrimination over the years. They may be sexually harassed, face racial discrimination, have their wages cut, and more. If this happens to numerous employees, it may be wise to file a class action lawsuit. Big companies often have their own lawyers and representatives to combat such attacks, so a highly skilled lawyer will be necessary for your class action lawsuit to be successful.

Pros and Cons of Class Action Lawsuits

What is a Class Action Lawsuit - How to Find a Class Action Lawsuit Attorney
As with all things, there are many pluses and minuses to filing a class action lawsuit. For instance, a class action lawsuit will generally have much more evidence available to present to the insurance company or to the judge. The abundance of evidence will make it easier to show fault or negligence. With solo cases, some evidence may get lost or corrupted over time, which can ruin the lawsuit. This is much less likely to happen with a class action claim and numerous plaintiffs. Further, if a class action lawsuit is filed, it may lead to a lot of media attention and force the company to change its ways. The negative spotlight is often enough to spur a business to issue a recall and to publicly concede or apologize. These long-term effects can give plaintiffs peace of mind. A big con of filing class action lawsuits, though, is the relatively small amount of compensation that can be received. This is because a class action claim’s settlement will be dissipated amongst the plaintiffs. Therefore, all individuals will receive a portion of the sum. It will allow those who were not as seriously hurt to be given the same amount as those who were, which may be unfair in the eyes of some plaintiffs. If you want to pursue the maximum compensation possible, your best choice is a solo claim, as you will not have to split the insurance settlement with anyone else.

How to Find a Class Action Attorney

If you wish to find a class action attorney, you should scour the internet and advertisements for an attorney who speaks to you and with whom you can identify. You do not want to enter into a working relationship with someone who is secretive or who does not make you feel comfortable. You should be trusting of your attorney and not be curious over what the next step will be or what you have to do to make sure the case is successful. It is also recommended that you seek out the experience of the attorney. A lawyer who has worked on numerous class action claims is more likely to be victorious than an attorney who has never been involved in such a lawsuit. For more help, you can contact our lawyers today. We have ample experience in the realm of class action claims, ranging from aviation accidents to products with too much lead in them.

Why Choose Us

If you come to the Downtown LA Law Group for your class action lawsuit, you will not be disappointed. We promise to do everything in our power to win your claim for you and bring you and all the other plaintiffs the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers are very aggressive and relentless while pursuing damages. We do not rest until we are satisfied with the result. Further, our lawyers are known for being attentive and caring towards our clients. There is no point in time in which you should be clueless or misunderstanding the goals and progress of the claim. We will always update you and make sure you are fully aware of what is happening with your case. For a free legal consultation, call our law offices at (855) 339-8879 today. We are available around the clock and will ensure that any details you give us will remain totally confidential and private. We will walk you through the legal process and tell you more about what to expect. We will also tell you what we believe the value of your claim is and how many others have expressed interest in a class action claim. If you do hire us to handle your class action lawsuit, you can rest assured that your savings will not be touched throughout the process. We will only get paid if we win, and the money will come out of the settlement taken from the insurance company or individual. This is called our zero fee guarantee, which preserves your finances and savings. If we lose, we take no money at all, and you can walk away from our firm with no debt whatsoever. To get started on your class action lawsuit or to join a class action claim, contact our team of expert lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group.

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