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ATV Accident Attorney | All Terrain Vehicle Injuries

killed in ATV accidents ATV Accident Attorney | All Terrain Vehicle Injuries ATV’s short of All Terrain Vehicles are designed to handle a wide range to environments from sand dunes, forests, farms, and shallow streams. Over the past decade All terrain vehicles have gained much popularity.  However safety standards and regulatory precautions have not caught up to the pace resulting in user unawareness of the hazardous nature of their use. If you have suffered a serious injury while riding on an ATV or you have been hit or run over by an ATV because of negligent driving you may be entitled to compensation.  According to national statistic on ATV accidents in 2010 nearly 115,000 persons visited the emergency room as a result of ATV related accidents. Every year approximately 600 to 800 persons are Our Accidental Injury Law Firm has the experience and knowledge base to take on ATV related accident cases and will provide you with the compensation you are entitled too. There are numerous avenues (defendants) that can be held liable for your injuries. Some possible responsible parties are as follows:

  • ATV Product Manufacture – for defective manufacturing, leading to ATV Rollovers accidents, design defects, or failure to provide proper warning
  • Property Owner Liability – for failure to warn of dangerous conditions on the property where the ATV accident took place
  • Driver of the ATV – for negligent driving, or driving while intoxicated, unsafe speed of the driver, having too many passengers/occupants on the vehicle during operations.
  • ATV rental companies – for failure to properly inspect and maintain the vehicle
  • Workplace Injury Claims against Business owners and employers which use ATV’s for work related activities

ATVs, known as all-terrain vehicles, are often involved in accidents due to the low restrictions and regulations surrounding them. Riders do not need to be licensed or insured to operate them, which means that people with next to no driving experience can essentially be behind the wheels and handlebars. This is a lax restriction when compared with the driving tests needed for motorbikes and automobiles. Off-road vehicles may be crashed and result in fatal accidents. The reasons vary, but no matter what, victims and families of victims should take the appropriate legal action to pursue financial compensation. Our lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group will be able to assist you with your claim and ensure that you are paid the worthwhile expenses.

ATV Information

ATVs are vehicles that are used to travel off-road in forests, woods, dirt roads, and other areas. They are generally 3-wheeled or 4-wheeled and have thick treads to maneuver in the environment. ATVs may have roll bars and steering wheels or they may be bikes with handlebars. These bikes are known as quad bikes and are popular among young people. Each year, over 100,000 individuals are injured in ATV accidents. These individuals range from young to old, especially because the majority of states in the country do not require ATV riders to have licenses. It is generally recommended that lower-cc engines are used by kids, while higher-cc engines are operated by those over the age of 16 years old.

Learn more about your legal options: call (855) 339-8879 with a representative now.

ATVs are generally not as safe as automobiles. This is because they are like motorbikes in that they do not provide restraints and such for riders. ATV riders should not be restrained or held to the vehicle with seatbelts. If they are in accidents or flip over while riding ATVs, they can be pinned beneath the vehicle, leading to numerous injuries. It is safer for riders to be ejected from the vehicle to prevent crushing damages, especially because ATV riders are often adorned with ample protective wear and helmets.

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ATVs and Recalls

ATV Injury Attorney
ATVs can be dangerous vehicles if improperly driven or defectively manufactured

Over the years, many ATVs have been recalled by the manufacturers because of various defects and malfunctions. Defects may include fire hazards due to high exhaust fumes, brake failure, frame damage, inconsistent wiring or support, lack of working lights, unfixed seats, broken steering, engine troubles, suspension problems, and more. If you purchased an ATV and suffered injuries, or if a loved one died in an ATV accident, you should check to see if the vehicle were recalled. If so, you could potentially sue for damages related to the accident, especially if the incident were caused by the defect.

Defective and Recalled ATV’s: Over the past decade the U.S. Consumer Protection Safety Commission has issued dozens of ATV recalls due dangers posed to users.  Some of the most recent recalls are, (1) Arctic Cat Recall due to Crash hazards (2) BRP Recalls due to loss of Control hazard (3) American Honda Recall of their ATV’s due to Crash Hazard. Visit the U.S. ATV Safety Websites for further information on Defective and Dangerous ATV Recalls.

Call (855) 339-8879 to set up a free, no obligation consultation to find out if you have a case.

Injuries from ATVs

According to the CPSC, there are over 500 deaths per year in ATV accidents. The majority of individuals harmed are adults, but a quarter of all victims are under the age of 16. Some of the injuries that can occur in ATV accidents include:

  • Closed head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Brain damage
  • Neck and spinal cord injuries
  • Herniated and bulging discs
  • Shoulder damage
  • Dislocations
  • Fractures
  • Broken bones
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Torn muscles
  • Scarring
  • Burns
  • Facial injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • CRPS
  • Degloving
  • Puncture injuries
  • Crushing damages
  • LCL, MCL, and ACL damages in the knees
  • Hip injuries
  • Paraplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Coma
  • Death

Fatalities in ATV accidents often occur because of riding on paved roads, riding without safety gear, vehicle defects, and more. For the best safety precautions, you should always wear a helmet, protective clothing, and gloves, and you should not drive without previous instructions. – All Terrain Vehicle Injuries

Causes of ATV Accidents

Many of the causes for ATV accidents are easily preventable, but riders are negligent or careless in their actions. They may ignore simple requests or break rules, which can lead to severe consequences. ATV accidents may happen for the following reasons:

  • Riding with too many people on the ATV
  • Vehicle defects or malfunctions
  • Road hazards or environmental issues
  • Poor weather, like rain, snow, fog, and more
  • Speeding
  • Lack of experience with an ATV
  • Riding on paved roads or areas that are not ATV-friendly
  • Riding while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Losing control of the ATV on hills and jumps

If the ATV accident were found to be the result of a malfunctioned ATV or error, you should take appropriate legal action.

Filing a Product Liability Lawsuit

To file a product liability lawsuit for a recalled ATV, you should take the following actions:

  • Hold on to the ATV and do not return it to the company, as the business will likely destroy it or attempt to fix it, which will cause you to lose key evidence
  • Go to the doctor for medical help or get information from the hospital after a fatal accident involving a loved one
  • Take down eyewitness testimonies or the statements from bystanders who saw the accident happen
  • Hold on to any receipts showing you purchased the ATV
  • Do not try to fix the ATV or put it back together if there were any issues with it
  • Speak with a skilled ATV accident attorney who can handle your case for you

It is not simple to file a product liability case, especially if you do not have ample legal experience. All product liability cases must be filed based on one of these three points:

  • The ATV had a design flaw that was present in the creation of the product
  • The ATV had a manufacturing error that affected it or affected a group of the products
  • The ATV did not have any hazard signs or warnings on it to prevent injuries from happening

Only one of these points must be fulfilled in order to file a product liability suit. The majority of ATV accidents that can be attributed to business errors are due to manufacturer defects. – Arctic Cat Recalls Textron Recreational Off-Highway Vehicles

ATV Accident Statute of Limitations

A product liability lawsuit against the ATV manufacturer or a wrongful death lawsuit against the business must both be filed within the same amount of time: 2 years from the date of the injury. Personal injury claims can only be filed for a short period of time before they are rendered void, at which point you will not be able to receive any compensation for your injuries. If you have questions concerning the statute of limitations, you can call our firm. We will also see to it that you are granted any possible exceptions to the statute of limitations. Commonly, these exceptions pertain to minors under the age of 18 years old, the physically or mentally compromised, or those whose cases have absent defendants. Respectively, the statute of limitations will be suspended until the minors turn 18 years old, the damaged return to functioning states of mind or body, or the defendant returns to the state. Too often, individuals simply forget when their statutes of limitations run out. To ensure that this does not happen to you, give our firm a call.

Compensation from a Fatal ATV Accident Lawsuit

If you were injured in an ATV accident, or if a loved one died in the incident, you could receive various forms of compensation for your damages. Some of the types of restitution include:

  • Medical expenses from the past and future (hospitalization, surgery, medication, physical therapy, and more)
  • Property damage (ATV repair costs, lost items and belongings, and more)
  • Lost income from the past and future (for time spent away from work or for loss of benefits, bonuses, and more)
  • Pain and suffering damages (PTSD, anxiety, fear, emotional anguish, psychological trauma, and more)
  • Wrongful death expenses (funeral and burial expenses, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, loss of expected savings and income, loss of relations and consortium, and more)

If you were hurt or if a family member were killed in an ATV accident, you should reach out to our firm for more assistance.

Compensation for your loss – Personal Injury Lawsuits:

Compensation for your loss - Personal Injury LawsuitsIf you or your child have sustained injuries from an ATV accident you have a right to receive compensation against all negligent parties. The calculation of your compensation will be based on several factors including:

  • Hospitalization costs
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Future medical expenses
  • Loss of income due to the injuries you suffered
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Emotional Trauma including Post Traumatic Stress Injuries

Hiring a personal injury attorney and filing a personal injury lawsuit can be a challenging task for many.  If you would like to speak to an attorney regarding your injuries call us today. All initial consultations are free of charge and of we take on our cause we will not charge you a penny until you have been compensated for your loss.

The Best Firm in Town

The Downtown LA Law Group has handled ATV accidents for years. We know the best tactics to winning claims and will not hesitate to go to court to win your lawsuit and defend your rights. Our attorneys are known for being aggressive, and we will constantly seek out your deserved compensation. We won’t stop until we are satisfied with the amount we have brought you. Call our offices at (855) 339-8879 today for a free legal consultation. You can discuss anything you wish with us and we will tell you what we think your case is worth. All of your private details and case information will be kept totally confidential. We will tell you what we believe you can win, and we encourage you to ask us questions you need the answers to. If you hire us, we will give you a zero fee guarantee on your case. Therefore, if we win, we do not get paid by you – the fees will come from the settlement won and taken from the ATV company. If we lose, we won’t get paid at all, and you won’t touch your savings from start to finish. Don’t let a loved one die in vain from an ATV accident. Pursue your rightful damages today with the assistance of the Downtown LA Law Group.

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