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Motor Vehicle Accidents

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Motor Vehicle Accidents Are More Common Than You Think

Motor Vehicle AccidentsThe roads are always bustling with motor vehicles speeding to their destination. Even though traffic regulations are there to prevent motor vehicle accidents and keep order on the road, it is simply not possible. Human beings are notably bad drivers. That includes you. Even if you’ve never been in an accident and consider yourself a good driver, our short attention spans and slow reaction times will inevitably get you involved in an accident. To err is human. When you get in an accident, insurance companies will resolve who’s fault it was: Motor vehicle accidents can actually hold one or more persons responsible, which could then be legally scrutinized for proper analysis.

How do you classify motor vehicle accidents?

Any accident or mishap that happened with the involvement of any road vehicle can be considered a motor vehicle accident. The most frightening thing about motor vehicle accidents is that they could happen virtually anytime, anywhere, to anyone — with even a few cases happening off-road. Causes of motor vehicle accidents vary greatly. Human error is by far the most common: texting, talking, daydreaming, etc. There are then more complex reasons such as mechanical failures and faults in vehicle design.

Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements


Auto Accident


Shoulder Injury

$1.5 Million

Auto Accident

$5.5 Million

Motorcycle Accident


Back Injury

$1 Million

Forklift Accident


Truck Accident

$3 Million

Truck Accident

Assessment of the damage caused by motor vehicle accidents

Just like any other kind of accident, assessment of the damage is always given the higher priority. In rare instances, the compilation of damages can be extensive, but is usually divided into four general categories.

1. First would be the medical attention needed by people who were involved; 2. Next, would be the costs of repairing or replacing the vehicles; 3. The third category is the damage to the surrounding property when the accident occurred; 4. And fourth, if the vehicle was part of a fleet or is used for business purposes, the net financial loss caused by the accident.

Knowing who should be the one responsible

Knowing who was directly responsible for the accident usually requires legal action. Filing for a motor vehicle accident lawsuit won’t be as easy as you might expect in the litigious USA. The reason it is not so easy to file a lawsuit is because there are often many factors in an accident. That is why you’ll need the expert law services of the Downtown LA Law Group. With their extensive knowledge in taking legal action against such cases of personal injury, pinpointing the one responsible, successfully winning the claim, and financially securing yourself from the incident can be guaranteed. Make that call to Downtown LA Law today, we’ll try to answer all of your inquiries and discuss such matters properly. We would be glad to help you take that proper legal action for a motor vehicle accident claim. Resources:

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