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Flat Creek Cheese Salmonella Outbreak – Food Poisoning Lawsuit Info

Flat Creek Cheese Salmonella Outbreak – Food Poisoning Lawsuit InfoAccording Gary W. Black the commissioner of the state of Georgia Department of Agriculture certain chesses produced by Flat Creek Farms and Dairy’s Heavenly Blue and Aztec Cheddar cheeses have been recalled due to the potential risk of Salmonella poisoning. The cheeses have believed to have been distributed and sold in Georgia and nearby state of Florida. According to the United States Department of Agriculture there have been no report of illnesses caused by the contaminated cheese. Individuals who had purchased the cheese are being notified as soon as possible. What To Do if You have been Stricken Ill from Salmonella Poisoning: Salmonella can be a serious illness which can result in death in individual with compromised immune systems including the elderly and young children. One should seek medical attention immediately if there are any sign of food poisoning. Victims of food poisoning due to the negligent or wrongful acts of producers have the right to seek compensation for all harms suffered via the filing of single party claims of class action lawsuits. Compensation available for victims of severe food poisoning include all economic damages including medical and health related expenses, lost wages and loss of future income, as well as non economic damages including pain and suffering, mental anguish and punitive damages. The More You Know – Food Poisoning and Product Liability Lawsuits: The majority of large scale food bone contamination lawsuits are based on a product liability cause of action. 1. Defect in the design of the food. 2. Defect in the production of the cheese. 3. Labeling defect – or failure to warn of potential harm caused by the consumption of the food. Further Information: Staute of Limitations for Food Poisoning Claims Blue Cheese Salmonella Recall  

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