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Zimmer PEEK Ardis – Recall Product Lawsuits

Zimmer PEEK Ardis – Recall Product LawsuitsIn December 2012 the FDA along with the medical device manufacturers Zimmer issued a Class I recall of the PEEK Ardis Inserter because of a fear of implant breakage. According to the FDA report the Ardis Inserted poses a risk of breaking during the implantation process resulting in serious health risks including
  • Tears in the covering of the spinal cord
  • Significant blood loss – hemorrhaging of the blood
  • Leakage of cerebral fluid
  • Severe nerve injury
  • Paralysis paraplegia and quadriplegia
  • Long term disability
  • Fatality – Wrongful Death Claims
If you or a loved one have suffered from any injuries due to the implantation of PEEK Ardis Inserters contact our Defective Medical Device Law Firm. (855) 339-8879 Filing a Possible Product Liability Claim Against Manufacturers of PEEK Ardis Inserter: Product Liability causes of action generally fall into three categories; Defect in the design of the medical device, Defect in the Manufacturing Process, Labeling defect. (1) Defect in the design:  A cause of action for design defect can be proven via evidence showing a failure on the part of the manufacturers of the product to seek out an employ alternative designs which are less likely to result in serious adverse effects. (2) Defect in the manufacturing process:  A cause of action for manufacturing defect is predicated on the notion that the final manufactured and distributed medical device is markedly different and as a result posses a greater risk if harm to the users of the product. (3)  Failure to Warn: In many instances medical device manufacturers fail to warn patients and the medical community of dangers associated with the used of the product. Contact and Attorney According to FDA observers in certain instances fragments of the broken implants have been left inside patients. Victims of defective medical devices and implants are entitled to monetary compensation for the injuries and financial losses they have incurred including
  • Medical expenses and recuperation costs including cost of rehabilitation and any future revision surgeries
  • Lost wages and loss of income
  • Pain and suffering and emotional distress and trauma
To schedule an appointment regarding any injuries which you may have suffered from the implantation of PEEK Ardis inserters contact our Law Firm at (855) 339-8879. All consultations with one of our attorneys is free of charge.

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