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Luxury car maker BMW and Mercedes recall

Luxury car maker BMW and Mercedes recallAuto Recalls have become a common occurrence over the last decade, but its rare to hear about recalls in high performance vehicles produced by these auto makers. Reports show that both BMW and Mercedes are recalling their most high performance vehicles for significant issues. BMW has issued a recall on their M5 and M6 sports cars because of engine failure. Apparently the automaker has recalled the vehicles because they can cause complete engine failure, which can cause an accident. The vehicles have shut off entirely while in transit and can lead to some very dangerous accidents. Mercedes has recalled their SL550 sports car for refrigerant lines that can leak and cause fire or worse in the event of a frontal accident. If you are the owner of any of these vehicles contact your local dealership about the recall. If you have been involved in an auto accident from any of the above mentioned defects contact a personal injury attorney at Downtown L.A. Law for a free consultation.

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