Trampoline Recalled Due to Fall and Injury Risk

What is the Danger of a Defective Product?

Who is Liable for the Harm Caused by Defective Products?
Liability caused by defective products usually falls on the companies that negligently make the defective products available for purchase. This means that Super Jumper might be liable for the harm that you or members of your family suffered as a direct result of one of their defective trampolines. All companies that make products available for consumers to purchase have a specific duty of care towards their consumers. They must ensure that they are only releasing products that are completely safe for consumer use. This means that companies have to rigorously test and inspect their products to identify and address hazards that could potentially harm their consumers. When companies fail to identify and address the hazards that could harm their consumers, they are being negligent; therefore, they could face liability for all the harm their consumers suffer.Do You Have the Right to Sue?
Was the harm that you or a member of your family suffered a direct result a defective product? If so, you might have grounds to pursue a claim. To file a product liability or defective product claim, there must be a defect in the product’s labeling, design, or manufacturing. Based on the recall, it is possible to assume that the problem with the weld of the metal legs is representative of a manufacturing defect. If this is the case, victims do have the right to sue. If you would like to learn more about your right to sue, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our law firm as soon as possible. Our experts are ready to provide you with all the information that you need to pursue your claim.What Should You Do After Being Harmed By A Defective Product?
If you were harmed by a defective trampoline (or any other defective product), you should do the following:- Seek medical attention immediately
- Photograph all visible injuries
- Take photos of the defective product, making sure that the defect is clear
- Contact the company to report the defect and the harm you or your family suffered
- Do not agree to a refund or voucher
- Do not agree to a repair (do not use any repair kits that the company sends you)
- Do not tamper with the defective product in any way
- Keep the defective product as-is (this is the most important piece of evidence)
- Gather all records associated with the harm suffered
- Seek legal assistance
Could You Recover Compensation?
You could recover compensation if your product liability claim is successful. How much compensation could you be eligible to receive? What type of compensation could you recover if your claim is successful? It is normal to have these questions; however, only an experienced attorney could provide you with exact information on the type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to receive. In general, some of the compensation available for recover includes at least some of the following categories:- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of consortium
- Punitive damages
What’s the Deadline for Your Product Liability Claim?
In California, product liability claims are generally subjected to a two-year statute of limitations. A statute of limitations is a timeline that establishes the specific length of time that claimants have to pursue their claim. When claimants fail to file their claims within the time allowed by the statute of limitations, they lose their right to sue; they will also lose their right to receive compensation. As previously mentioned, defective product claims are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. This means that claimants will only have two years to file their claims. Although the statute of limitations is strict, some details surrounding your claim could affect the time that you have to sue. One of the most important things that you should do if you are interested in pursuing a claim is to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the applicable statute of limitations for your claim. For more information about the deadline that applies to your claim, do not hesitate to contact our experts today.Who Should You Contact?
Did you or a member of your family suffer injuries because of a defective product? Did the legs on the trampoline fail, causing you or members of your family to fall and suffer injuries? If you or your family suffered any type of harm in association to the defective trampoline or any other defective product, you could trust the experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group to provide you with all the information that you need to file a successful claim, hold the company liable for the harm that you suffered, and recover the compensation that you deserve. If you would like to discuss your defective product claim with the experts at our firm, do not hesitate to contact our firm immediately. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, we are dedicated to providing all parties affected by defective products interested in filing product liability claims with all the information that they need to begin or continue the legal process. At our firm, we offer free legal services which include free consultations and free second opinions. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns – while providing you with all the information that you need to start or continue your claim. Our free consultations and free second opinions are available as part of our Zero-Fee guarantee (a guarantee that ensures that you will never have to cover ay upfront legal fees). Our law firm is also based on a contingency structure that ensures that our clients only have to pay legal expenses after reaching successful claim outcomes. If your claim is not successful, you will not be required to pay us anything at all. If you are ready to benefit from our free legal services and discuss your defective product claim with our expert, do not hesitate to contact Downtown L.A. Law Group at your earliest convenience. Over $1 BILLION Recovered
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– Product Liability/Defective Products
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– Fireplace Recall
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– Trampoline Recall
– Trampoline Recalled Due to Fall and Injury Risk
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