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Gibson Office Depot Chair Defect Prompts Recall and Lawsuits

Gibson Office Depot Chair Defect Prompts Recall and LawsuitsAccording to the Consumer Product Safety Commission the Gibson Leather Chair sold at Offices Depot locations around the country are to be recalled due to a heightened risk of serious injuries caused by the chairs mounting plate breaking. According to investigators from the federal agency there have been more than 150 incidence of the seat place cracking resulting in dozens of injuries including cuts, abrasions, contusions, as well as more serious injuries such as broken bones, hip fractures, neck injuries and traumatic brain injuries.

Proving a Defect in the Product – Product Liability Lawsuits Explained

Generally there are three ways in which a defect in a consumer good can be proven in the court of law. (1) Faulty design of the furniture  (2) Defect in the manufacturing process of the chair  (3) Labeling defect – failure to properly warn of all known and knowable harms associated with the common use of the product.

Steps to Take of You have Been Harmed By a Defective Office Chair

Here are several important steps you need to take in order to protect your right to recovery under the law. 1. Seek medical treatment for your injuries as soon as possible: A gap in treatment from the date of the accident caused by the defective product and when you seek medical treatment can be used by defense attorney and insurance adjuster to low ball and or completely deny your claim. A clear  documentation of your injuries serves as an important factors in maximizing the financial recovery you are owed. 2. Preserve all the Evidence: Do not do anything to the product. Do not return the product. Do not attempt to fix the product and do not throw away the product. The chair needs to be evaluated by an expert to determine the existence of a defect. 3. Do not speak with insurance adjusters of representatives from the manufacturing company or store that sold you the chair. Any words or statements you make can and will be used against you to lower or extinguish your life to a claim. 4. Contact an Attorney: Legal representation can serve to protect your rights under the law.

Financial Recovery Available for the Injured by Defective Gibson Leather Task Chairs

Victims of defective furniture and office chairs are entitled to financial recovery for all harms suffered. The specific types of compensation recoverable in such cases include the following…
  • Medical and health related expenses.
  • All future medical and rehabilitation costs.
  • Economic Damages – including lost work time, salary and future loss of income.
  • Non Economic Damages – pain and suffering, mental anguish, PTSD, and punitive damages.
Attorney Consultation: If you have any further legal questions regarding the filing of a product liability lawsuit against the manufacturers of the defective Office Chairs sold at Office Depot feel free to contact our law offices toll free (855) 339-8879. All legal consultations are confidential and are provided free of charge. Further Information: Defective Furniture Injury and Accident Claims Recall Information of the Gibson Leather Office Chair Sold and Office Depot    

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