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Head on Collisions Attorney | Los Angeles Car Accident Fatalities

Contact a Los Angeles Accident Lawyer to discuss your Head on Collision ClaimHead on Collision can be the most dangerous form of roadway collisions. Such accidents lead to serious catastrophic injuries which can lead to auto related fatalities.  According to the National Highway Safety Administration, head on collision account for only 2% of all motor vehicle accident in the U.S. while causing more that 10% of all road accident fatalities. Other related type of accident are referred as a Side-Swipe accident which takes place when a driver fails to check his/her blind spot before changing lanes.

Common injuries resulting from highway head on collisions:

Common injuries associated with head on accidents are as follows

  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Paraplegia or Quadriplegia
  • Sever internal bleeding and organ failure
  • Hemorrhaging of the brain
  • Severe facial Lacerations and Scarring leading to permanent disfigurement
  • Crushed Bones
  • Severed Limbs arms and legs
  • Amputations of the fingers and toes
  • Highway Fatalities

 Factors Contributing to Head on Collisions in California

  • Driving While Distracted: This is the leading cause of accidents in the state of California, and accounts for roughly 80 percent of all car automotive accidents nationwide.
  • Driving While Intoxicated DUI offenses:  If alcohol was involved a driver can be charged with vehicular manslaughter, vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated, or second-degree murder.
  •  Driver Error: Driver error is considered negligence on the part of the driver, and therefore grounds for liability.
  • Aggressive Driving: many individual on our highway drive faster than the speed limit,, change lanes without checking their blind spots.
  • Traffic Law Violations: Car accidents in California often result from traffic violations such as following improperly, illegal or dangerous lane changing, not following traffic signs or signals, failure to yield right of way, failure to observe warnings, signal or obey traffic signals, and driving in excess of speed limits.
  • Product Defect: Many times, a car accident in Los Angeles is not the result of faulty driving, but rather the product of a variable completely outside the drivers control. Product Defect in Automobile Accidents is a frequently overlooked cause of crashes that can result deadly consequence

 Head on collisions and fatal auto accident litigation

Wrongful death is defined as the death of a person by someone who is liable but did not directly and deliberately cause the death of that individual.   Usually wrongful death is characterized as the “the negligence of another leading to death”.  A wrongful death claim in common law jurisdictions has been specifically made due to a loophole where a person cannot file a lawsuit if he or she is technically dead. If your love one has been a victim of wrongful death resulting from a Head on Collision in Los Angeles, you have suffered enough.  We believe your rights come first, and that every individual deserves proper, adequate, skilled and aggressive representation. It is under this belief that we stand by our policy: “NO RECOVERY…NO CONTINGENCY FEE.  If you do not recover compensation from wrongful death claim we receive no compensation for our work.

Head on Collisions Attorney Los Angeles Car Accident Fatalities injury lawsuit lawyer attorney sue compensation

If you like to speak to our lawyers and discuss such matters contact us at (855) 339-8879: We’ll take the necessary legal actions.  All our Initial Consultations are completely FREE OF CHARGE to our clients. Rememberit is crucial to act quickly after a loved one has been killed before any limitations can lower or extinguish a rightful claim. Call us for a free consultation (855) 339-8879

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