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LEM Food Dehydrator Defect Lawsuit | Product Liability Attorney

LEM Food Dehydrator Defect Lawsuit | Product Liability AttorneyRecent reports of the LEM food dehydrators are very concerning to our firm, considering that the device has been previously recalled. These items are defective because of the serious risk they pose to users. If were injured as a result of a LEM 5-Tray Dehydrator with Digital Timer contact our defective product law firm for a free case evaluation. Our offices are investigating cases with regards to this device in order to determine whether or not the injuries were caused by the defect.

What Makes the Device Defective?

According to consumer safety reports the fan inside of the unit can fail, which will cause the device to overheat. This issue will likely result in electrical fires, which can quickly engulf an entire home. What makes this particularly dangerous is where consumers generally store the device. Food dehydrators are usually placed either near gas lines or in kitchens, where flammable gases and liquids are close by. This can cause the fire to spread aggressively. Additionally, since most people use dehydrators overnight, the risk of fire can happen overnight. All of these factors combined can cause significant injury and or death to occupants of a home. A defective food dehydrator likely to catch on fire poses significant health and safety risks to consumers. As a result it is urged that the device be returned for the potential dangers it can pose to end users.

Steps to Take After an You have Sustained Injuries Due to a Defective Consumer Product

If you were injured there are three critical steps which need to be taken. See below for our suggestions.
  1. Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries. Do not wait to heal or self diagnose. get medical treatment for your injuries ASAP.
  2. Keep all records of the defective item. DO NOT discard or throw away the device, this can ultimately destroy the case. It is important that our experts inspect the device to check for defects in order to pinpoint the manufacturing or design defect.
  3. Seek legal representation. Product liability claims are not your average case. Insurance companies will often ignore or all together avoid your calls or inquiries. If you have been injured speak to an attorney at Downtown L.A. Law Group.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

A wrongful death lawsuit is filed by the family members of the deceased. These types of lawsuits essentially put you in the position of your loved one, to file a complaint on their behalf. A wrongful death lawsuit, allows the deceased members family to file a lawsuit for the injuries they suffered. In California only certain family members are permitted to file a lawsuit for injuries. Legal Representation: To learn more contact one of our attorneys for a free case evaluation. (855)385-2529. More Information: CPSC Recall of LEM 5-Tray Food Dehydrators Due to Fire Hazard

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