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Gel Candle Burn Injury Lawsuit

Gel Candle Burn Injury LawsuitThe Downtown LA Law firm is dedicated to protecting the rights in individuals who have suffered serious injuries caused by a defective product. Our product liability litigators are actively investigating claims against manufacturers of gel candles causing severe burn injuries and fatalities. Recently there has been a surge in serious burn injuries caused by scented gel candles. In one such instance a 14 year old teenager was severely burned when he attempted to fill a gel candle that was already lit. On Jun 22nd of 2012 the CPSF issues a nationwide recall of several gel candles including Napa’s Fire Burners ceramic pots. Filing a Product Liability Lawsuit Against Manufacturers of scented gel candles: Generally there are three ways a plaintiff attorney can prove the existence of a defect in a manufactured product.  (1) Defect in the original design of the product: This can be proven by showing the court the existence of already exiting designs for candles that presented a reduction in the probability of harm consumers. (2) Defect in the manufacturing process of the product:  There several ways in which a product liability case based on manufacturing defect can be proven. One  way is to show that the final manufactured product is markedly different and as a result more dangerous than its original intended design. (3) Labeling defect: A cause of action for a defect in the labeling of a product can be proven by showing that the manufacturers failed to place warning signs regarding the known dangers associated with the usual use of the product. More on defective product lawsuits click here.  More information on gel candle recalls click here. Contacting and Attorney: If you or a loved one have suffered serious burn injuries caused by a defective scented gel candle contact our Law Offices. (855) 339-8879

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