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Who Is Responsible When I Trip On The Sidewalk?

Who Is Responsible When I Trip On The Sidewalk?The rise of sidewalk accidents can be attributed to the reluctance to repair broken and defective walkways, and this responsibility is shared by property owners and city officials alike. Sidewalk accidents can result in various kinds of injuries and damages, and if you are not careful, you could be permanently hurt in the incident. You should be willing to take the necessary legal action to have any ensuing expenses covered, and our law firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, will be glad to help. We will represent you and ensure that you have the best chance of success with your claim. We know the most effective methods to winning sidewalk accident lawsuits, and we are willing to take action against any responsible party, whether a property owner, business owner, or city group. We are often asked questions about the liability of sidewalk accidents, some of which include:

Who Is Responsible For Sidewalk Repair?

Sidewalks have generally been in place for decades, but years of activity and exposure has caused them to deteriorate. The responsibility of sidewalks depends on the situation. For example, if a sidewalk has wet leaves, snow, ice, and other environmental hazards on it, the property owner has a duty to clear the path for pedestrians. If there are trees that have caused the sidewalk to rise up, crack, and become uneven, the city can be held responsible for the repair. The city may not be responsible if the damage to the sidewalk is very negligible; for instance, if there are only a few small cracks in the sidewalk, the city may be absolved of responsibility. If a property owner is aware of issues with the sidewalk and does not address them, he can be held responsible for any ensuing injuries. For instance, if a business owner knows that there is a section of the sidewalk that is raised and causes people to trip but does nothing to fix it, he can be held liable. Further, he can also be held liable if he caused the damage to the sidewalk in the first place. There is also the possibility that the owner was simply negligent and unaware of the hazard at all. However, he should have reasonably been aware, as any other dutiful property owner would have been in his position. With the help of our attorneys, you can determine who is liable for your injuries from a sidewalk slip and fall accident and take proper legal action against the correct entity.

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

What Are Causes Of Sidewalk Accidents?

There are many reasons that sidewalk accidents happen, and some are directly attributed to the negligence of property owners. It is not uncommon to see people trip and fall over discarded items and materials; for instance, sticks, garbage, toys, and more can all be left on the sidewalk, sometimes overnight, which may cause passersby to trip. Over time, natural disasters, weather, wear and tear, and expanding tree roots can all cause sidewalks to break and crack, sometimes even popping them up and causing raised sections that are uneven and hard to navigate. These instances are no one’s fault, and the repair should be left to the city, while continued maintenance should be the responsibility of the property owner. Cracks in the sidewalk can be detrimental to more than just those who walk on foot. Any disabled individuals in wheelchairs and who use canes and walkers can get stuck in the cracks, causing them to suddenly fall over. Those who have service dogs or who are blind can fall much easier than those who do not. Also, parents pushing their babies in strollers may not see the full view of the sidewalk, and a fall can cause the carriage to upend, resulting in injuries to the child or children. If you were hurt in a sidewalk trip and fall accident, you should contact our law firm. We will help you determine who was liable and who you can take legal action against.

The Ultimate Guide to Slip & Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall accidents
Nerve Damage from Slip and Fall Accident
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Who Is Responsible For Sidewalk Maintenance

What Are Common Sidewalk Slip And Fall Injuries?

Victims of sidewalk slip and falls can suffer various damages to their bodies as a result of the accidents. The risk of damage increases because of how sudden the impact may be. A raised section of a sidewalk can cause you to catch your foot and plummet to the ground; it can be even more debilitating if your hands are occupied or you’re carrying bags, luggage, or groceries. Older individuals who fall on the sidewalk are more susceptible to damage due to a life of injuries and wear and tear on the body. Elderly victims may suffer various injuries because of brittle bones, and once the damage has been done, more injuries can start to appear. It is not uncommon to see elderly individuals suffer a simple injury like a broken leg only to have the condition worsen or never fully heal. We have handled cases where injuries include:
  • Broken bones
  • Fractures and sprains
  • Dislocations
  • Nerve damage
  • Muscle tears
  • Knee and hip injuries
  • Neck and spinal cord damage
  • Concussions
  • Brain injuries
  • Closed head injuries
  • Wrist, arm, and finger injuries
  • Paralysis
Some of these damages may be permanent. It is crucial that you get medical attention as soon as possible to get treated. Our lawyers can recommend you to a skilled doctor if necessary; call our offices for more details.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call (855) 339-8879 today.

What Should I Do After A Slip And Fall On The Sidewalk?

After a slip and fall accident, you should go to the doctor to get treated for any injuries that you may have suffered. You can also call the paramedics if you need on-site assistance. You should get medical treatment regardless of whether or not you believe you were seriously hurt; some damages can manifest much later. Further, if there is a large gap between the accident and medical treatment, the insurance agent may claim that you were hurt elsewhere and you’re trying to blame the injuries on the fall. Next, you should take as many photos of you can of the sidewalk from different angles. You can get the materials and hazards on film, and you can also photograph your injuries to show the extent of the damages.

The Ultimate Guide to Slip & Fall Accidents

Slip and Fall accidents
Nerve Damage from Slip and Fall Accident
Legal Questions Regarding a Slip and Fall Claim
Supermarket Slip and Fall Injury Attorney
Hospital Slip and Fall Accident
Brain Injury Caused by Slip and Fall Accidents
Top 10 Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents
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Slip and Fall FAQ
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Workplace Slip and Fall Accident Attorney
Slip and Fall Accidents on Sidewalks
Slip and Fall Accidents in Restaurants
Who Is Responsible For Sidewalk Maintenance

If there were any witnesses who saw you slip and fall, you could ask them for their testimonies and statements. Other witnesses could be neighbors who can attest to the condition of the sidewalk and workers who could back up your claim. You should try to identify who is liable for the damage. If it were a business, you could file an incident report with the company. Otherwise, you may need to do more research to find out just who should be held responsible. Lastly, you should contact a qualified sidewalk slip and fall lawyer to handle your claim for you. You may not be able to deal with the stress of the lawsuit and you may not have the knowledge or experience required to successfully negotiate a fair deal. Our lawyers have decades of combined experience and we have proven case results to show it.

What Can I Receive From A Sidewalk Accident Lawsuit?

The insurance agent will weigh the amount of damages you suffered to make an offer. If the injuries were severe and had a large effect on your job and life, you would likely be eligible for more compensation than if you were not seriously hurt. Your case could be worth over $200,000 if you were seriously injured.

Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative and schedule a free case review.

We will strive to bring you compensation for the following damages:
  • Medical expenses and bills from the past and future
  • Property damage and lost items
  • Lost income from missed days of work from the past and future
  • Emotional pain and suffering
Our attorneys will not stop until you receive a satisfactory offer from the insurance agency. The responsible party, whether the city or a property owner, should be made to cover your bills.

The Top-Rated Law Firm for Sidewalk Accident Lawsuits

The Downtown LA Law Group is the premier firm for sidewalk accident injuries. We have handled dozens of such cases and take none lightly. Our primary goal is your safety and the preservation of your compensation. Our aggressive attorneys are willing to fight for your rights every step of the way, including by taking your case to court to be settled in front of a judge and jury. To learn more, call our firm for a free legal consultation. We will walk you through the legal process and will tell you what we think we can win for your lawsuit. We will also gladly answer any questions you have and try to help you make the best choice for your case. If you wish to hire us, we’ll give you our zero fee guarantee, which states that you won’t have to pay us any personal fees. We will be covered only if we win, and if we lose, you owe us nothing at all. To get started on your lawsuit and to find out who is liable for your sidewalk accident injury, call the Downtown LA Law Group at (855) 339-8879.

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