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Slip and Fall accidents caused by Poor Lighting | Lack of Lighting

Slip and Fall accidents caused by Poor Lighting | Lack of LightingSlip and fall accident are the second leading cause of trauma related injuries in the United States. A position that is outnumbered only by traffic related injuries. One of the most common causes of Slip and Falls is due to poor lighting, or a lack of lighting. Under general premises liability laws in the United States property owners have a duty to protect visitors to their property form all known and knowable dangers. As such property owner must maintain the property in questions is a relatively safe manner for residents and visitors. for example once the broken light is detected or report to the manger of a property there should be a reasonably competent resolution of the matter which may include
  • Placing of Warning signs stating the presence of poor light or lack of lighting
  • Cordoning off the are in the building which lack lighting
  • Fixing the issue in a timely matter
Slip and Fall accidents caused by Poor Lighting | Lack of Lighting In many instance poor light or a lack of lighting is compounded by other defects on the property. For example a stairway may have poor lighting and a broken handrail. So a visitor or resident on the property cannot see where he is going attempts to navigate the stairway by way of using the broken handrail which causes a fall and serious injuries. [ca-sidebar id=”21530″] Common areas where lack of lighting can result in serious injuries:
  • Stairways
  • Inside Elevators
  • Commercial and residential parking
  • Hallways of office buildings
  • College and professional league stadiums
  • Shopping Malls
  • Bathrooms in restaurants and other commercial establishment

Compensation for injuries caused by falls due to poor lighting:

In many instances property owners will not settle with an injured party in a just manner until and unless the victim seek out legal representation. The legal system in the United States provides for legal representation for victims of personal injury claims based on a contingency fee basis. Under this system a victim who has been injured can be represented by a competent attorney at no initial costs. Compensation for the work and success achieved by your attorney in a personal injury claim will take place one there is a financial resolution in matter by way of settlement of jury verdict.  Victims of personal injury claims are entitled to compensation for (1) Medical Costs including hospitalization, doctors office visits and medication costs. (2) Lost Wages and Loss of Income (3) Pain and Suffering (4) Punitive Damages – where possible.

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