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Intersection Accident Attorney

Intersection accidents attorney Intersection accidents are common because of the heavy flow of traffic they generally experience. The key reason behind this is the lack of knowledge concerning the proper right of way when it comes to who goes first, and who yields. Further, there are drivers who are in too much of a hurry and try to speed through everywhere without regard for other people at the intersection. These accidents can result in various kinds of collisions and extensive injuries. As a victim of a car accident in an intersection, you can likely file a lawsuit against the responsible party for your damages. Our team of skilled attorneys at Downtown LA Law Group can help you secure the settlement you deserve for your injuries. We will dedicate ourselves to your case and will see to it that you are fairly represented if you pursue a claim with the liable insurance company.

Intersection Information

There are various kinds of intersections that can lead to accidents. Almost all of the time, an accident can be attributed to the negligent actions of one of the drivers. They may not have been paying proper attention to the road, was driving recklessly or carelessly, was inebriated while operating the vehicle, was on his phone and texting when they crashed, was tailgating, ignored the signs in the intersection, and more. No matter what the reason, the occurrence of a crash can be very dangerous.

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Intersection crashes can result in different types of accidents, such as T-bone collisions, sideswipe accidents, rear-end collisions, head-on crashes, and much more. Some of the various types of intersections are listed below:
  • 4-way Intersections: A 4-way intersection, or a cross street, is the most common type of intersection. It usually has some kind of sign or light to control traffic as traffic flows through all four intersections. There may be four stop signs, two stop signs, two sets of alternating traffic lights, or a traffic light that works as a yield sign and a stop sign simultaneously. Often, accidents occur at these intersections because a driver jumped the gun, ran a light or stop sign, or tried to turn in front of someone before they had the right of way.
  • “T” Intersection: This intersection generally only has two streets on it with one intersecting and being perpendicular to the other. The streets may be two-way or one-way. It is important that drivers be aware of the signs; the long street may not have any stop signs, which can confuse the driver of the short street.
  • Merging Intersections: Some off-ramps on highways and major streets have merge lanes for drivers to effortlessly continue onto the road. Some drivers do not yield at these intersections and instead simply try to merge right away, which can cause sideswipes and other accidents.
If you are involved in an intersection accident, you should contact one of our attorneys in Los Angeles to help you get started on your claim.

Injuries from an Intersection Crash

Intersection accidents can be severe depending on the speed of the other driver and the location of the impact. However, a low velocity rear end crash can still cause extensive damages. You may be further hurt if you were not wearing your seatbelt, if you were hit by a truck, if your windows were open, or if multiple cars struck you. Some of the injuries you can receive from such crashes include: The extent and severity of your injuries will be the biggest factor in determining the value of your case. Because of how important it is to be correctly diagnosed, you should see a doctor after a car crash and then call our law offices at (855) 339-8879 to get started with legal representation.

Negligence-based Personal Injury Claim Against the Responsible Driver

If you wish to file a personal injury lawsuit against a driver who hit you in an intersection, you must be able to prove the four points of negligence. These points are what allow you to successful file a claim. If you fail to show each of these points as true, you will likely not have a strong case. They are as follows:
  • You were owed a duty of care by the defendant, which is usually the case, as all drivers on the road owe others a duty of care to not harm them or place them in danger
  • The duty of care was breached in some way, whether by careless driving or another act
  • The breach of duty caused an accident, whether a head-on crash, rear-end collision, sideswipe, or other kind of incident
  • The accident led to physical harm, which is extremely important; if you were not hurt in the accident, you won’t be able to collect compensation in a personal injury lawsuit.

To speak with a Los Angeles car accident lawyer, call (855) 339-8879.

It may be difficult for you to prove these points as true if you do not have any legal experience. For that reason, it is important that you reach out to one of our skilled lawyers for more help.

Need for an Attorney

Many victims of car accidents may wish to forgo getting an attorney in an attempt to win their cases by themselves. We do not recommend this. For one, the insurance agency is much more likely to ignore your claim and reject anything you ask for. They are likely to say that you were not as injured as you claimed or that you were likely at fault for the incident. It can be daunting and frustrating to try and get the compensation you feel you deserve only to be repeatedly rejected. Further, you may have suffered serious injuries after the accident and you cannot dedicate too much time to legal action. An attorney can see to it that your case is at the front of the queue and that the insurance agent is working on making a settlement offer. You can heal up and focus on how you wish to return to work while our lawyers take care of business. It is our job to represent clients, and you should not let the stress that accompanies legal action make your recovery process longer. Our wealth of experience and negotiation skills are likely more worthwhile in a claim, and you would be best served by letting us represent you.

Compensation from a Car Accident Lawsuit

Our team of lawyers will do all we can to bring you the maximum compensation available under the law. We will strive to make sure the insurance agent offers you a fair amount and will cover all of your expenses related to the accident. If you were not responsible for the crash, you should not be expected to pay for your expenses. Some of the kinds of restitution you can receive from a claim include:
  • Coverage of medical expenses (surgery fees, medication, hospitalization, ambulatory transportation, physical therapy costs, and future medical bills)
  • Property damage (if anything you own was broken, damaged, lost, or harmed in the accident)
  • Lost wages (from missed days of work due to your injury, as well as future missed days because of additional recovery time or other medical treatments)
  • Pain and suffering damages (PTSD, fear, anxiety, psychological trauma, emotional stress, and more)
  • Punitive damages (if a party were grossly negligent or intentionally tried to cause harm, you could receive punitive damages, which are additional monetary funds meant to punish the defendant; however, only a skilled lawyer can win these damages, as many juries view them as excessive or unnecessary)
  • Wrongful death expenses (in the event that a loved one or family member passed away, you could have the ensuing expenses covered, such as funeral and burial fees, pre-death medical bills, pre-death pain and suffering, loss of consortium, loss of expected inheritance, loss of expected savings, and more)
Talk with one of our top-rated attorneys to learn more about the compensation available to you in a claim against a driver who hit you in an intersection.

Statute of Limitations to Filing a Lawsuit

One of the most important parts of a lawsuit is the statute of limitations you must adhere to in order to file it. If you take too long, you won’t be able to file your claim. By talking with a lawyer, you can ensure that all of the necessary documents will be filed on time and that you won’t be barred from pursuing your rightful compensation. You have two years from the date of the injury to take legal action, but this number can be increased or suspended if certain circumstances allow it. For example, if you were underage when the accident happened, you would not have to worry about the deadline until you turned 18 years old. You may also have been mentally or physically incapable of filing a claim after the crash, so the deadline would be extended t when you returned to functioning health. An attorney can give you more details and keep track of the time limits you must follow with regards to your case.

The Proper Firm for You

Downtown LA Law Group in Los Angeles is the premier law firm for victims of car accidents. We have won millions of dollars for our clients and we promise to always work to bring you the compensation you deserve. If necessary, we will go to court to win your case before a judge. Our aggressive lawyers know the best methods to winning you a fair settlement. Call our offices at (855) 339-8879 today to schedule a free legal consultation with an attorney. Our lawyers area available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and we will be glad to listen to an overview of your case and tell you what we believe we can win for you. We will also give you free legal advice and tell you what your case might be worth. If you have questions, we’ll be happy to answer them. If you wish to hire us, you’ll also be given our zero fee guarantee. This states that you won’t have to pay any personal expenses for our services – we will only get paid if we win your case, and we’ll take our share of the money from the settlement we bring you. If we lose, we take no payment at all, and you will be debt free from our firm. To get started filing a lawsuit for an intersection accident, get in touch with our experienced lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group.

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