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Hotel Injury Attorneys

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You decided to stay in a hotel, spend the night or a few days in a cozy space and enjoy the services it offers alone or with your family. But, did you or a family member have a bad night because of that hotel? Had problems with an employee, animal, or pest? Were you poisoned by the food of that establishment? Whatever your problem may have been, most likely you or your family were not at all happy with the result obtained. Is this a familiar situation? Has something similar happened to you? If so, you may want to consider exploring your legal options.

At DTLA Law Group we are here to help you with your claims. We will answer your questions and dispel your concerns, always guaranteeing you a free case review.

What Accidents Can I Suffer in a Hotel?

During your stay in a hotel, there can be many situations that not only ruin your experience but that even threaten your safety and integrity. Here are some of the situations that may arise during your stay in a hotel in Los Angeles:

  • Slip and falls at hotels
  • Bathroom accidents
    • Slip and falls
    • Excessively hot water causing burns
    • Slip and fall due to clogged toilet
  • Hotel furniture accidents
    • Electrocution due to damaged furniture or loose wire
    • Falls due to furniture in poor condition
  • Hotel room accidents
    • Roof collapse
    • Ceiling fan collapse
  • Food poisoning
  • An altercation with hotel staff or another guest
    • Guest dog bite
  • Assault and battery on hotel property
  • Fall down the stairs
  • Americans With Disabilities Act violations causing accidents
  • Pool accidents
    • Drowning
    • Lack of care and maintenance of the pool
  • Bed bugs

With all this potential danger, the intervention of the hotel is necessary to avoid or abolish the possible risks. However, this is not always the case, so action must be taken if someone is injured. Has something similar happened to you? If so, contact us. Remember that DTLA Law Group has a regional office in San Diego, so you can access us from anywhere.

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Bathroom Accidents

It is easy to be injured in a hotel bathroom, and have a bathroom slip and fall accident. If you are injured in a bathroom at a hotel, you need to call us at the DTLA Law Group right away. You can be injured in a bathroom if there are no grab bars to help you into and out of the shower and bathtub. This is where many people fall, getting in and out of the tub or getting off of the toilet area.

Slip and Falls

Slip and falls are a natural occurrence in a hotel, if there are no non-slip or non-skid surfaces installed at the hotel. There need to be non-skid surfaces to prevent slips and falls for guests to the hotel. There need to be non-skid or non-slip decals on the bathroom tub tiles, and the scatter rugs need to be tacked down to prevent slippage and tripping accidents.

Excessively Hot Water Causing Burns

Hotels are notorious for pumping up the water temperature to maintain a high level of the water being open and hot for all guests at the hotel. This practice will often result in excessively hot water coming out of the taps. This will be hazardous to all guests using the water in a hotel, and it is a dangerous situation which will work causing burns to people in the hotel.

Slip and Fall Due to Clogged Toilet

If you have been in a room where there is a clogged or stopped up toilet in a hotel, then you know how dangerous this situation can be. You are more likely to slip and fall in a hotel, due to clogged toilets than anything else. You are also more likely to be exposed to hazardous bacteria that is dangerous to be around and is a danger to human health and respiratory systems. You can easily slip and fall on the contents of a clogged toilet when the toilet overflows in the hotel room and bathroom. If this has happened to you, just give us a call right away at DTLA Law Group.

Hotel Furniture Accidents

Many hotels have guests who are seriously personally injured with hotel furniture accidents. Hotel furniture that is not maintained and carefully attended to can break, chip or fall apart. This can create sharp edges where the guest can be cut, maimed or hurt in the process of just being in and enjoying their hotel room.

Electrocution Due to Damaged Furniture or Loose Wire

People staying at poorly maintained hotels are often injured from an electrocution due to damaged furniture or loose wires around the electrical assemblies in the room. If you touch a lamp that is not properly grounded, or use an outlet in the bathroom that is similarly dangerous, you can easily be electrocuted from poorly placed wires. You can suffer serious burns, cuts, bruises and if you fall backwards from the shock, you can suffer head injuries and broken bones in the fall. If this has happened to you, just call us at DTLA Law Group. We are here to help you right now, but you must make the call to us first to start the process.

Falls Due to Furniture in Poor Condition

A person can easily fall in a hotel, if the furniture is in poor condition. Many people experience falls due to furniture being in poor condition. These individuals suffer serious personal injuries as a result of the furniture being cracked, broken or having unseen sharp edges. If you are injured on a fall due to poorly maintained furniture, you need to call DTLA Law Group today.

Hotel Room Accidents

Your hotel room is an area that is akin to a combat zone, what for all of the hazards inherent in that area. You need to know that there are many hotel room accidents that occur with guests nationwide, and locally. You have to be careful, as some hotel room accidents can be quite serious. If this has happened to you, just call us at DTLA Law Group right now.

Roof Collapse

If the hotel has leaking water issues, it is highly likely that the roof will collapse at sometime sooner than later. The water leaks will weaken the building structure over time, and make it difficult for any roof to stay in place without falling down on a guest. If a roof falls down on or around you, you can be hit with a big chunk of wood, concrete or steel, or a piece of a ceiling tile can “do a number” on your head causing serious personal injuries. If you have been injured in a roof collapse, just call us at DTLA Law Group for legal help.

Ceiling Fan Collapse

If you have been hurt from standing under a ceiling fan collapse, then you are not alone. We know that there are many ceiling fans that will collapse in a hotel, if the ceiling tiles, ceiling fan mechanisms and other structures in the ceiling are not maintained properly over the years. If you are injured from a ceiling fan collapsing on your head, or causing you personal injuries, just call us at DTLA Law Group for assistance.

Food Poisoning

Anyone who has had food poisoning knows that it is dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Food poisoning can be related to eating poisoned food with bacteria, germs or other foreign objects and can even lead to death. If you have experienced food poisoning from eating at a hotel pub, bar or restaurant, then you need to call us right now at DTLA Law Group.

An Altercation with Hotel Staff or Another Guest

Some guests at a hotel “don’t know how to act right,” and can get into an altercation with hotel staff or another guest quite easily. This can occur when the other hotel guest is inebriated and drunk, or when the person has a mental illness. Either way, it is the responsibility of the hotel to ensure that all guests are protected from any unsavory elements that can find their way into the hotel lobby, rooms, hallway, pub, restaurant or bar.

You are not expected to have to act as an impromptu bouncer at a hotel for unruly guests. That is the responsibility of the hotel manager to make sure all guests are taken care of and protected from unsavory elements at the hotel. If you are injured in an altercation with hotel staff or another guest, give us a call at DTLA Law Group for legal advice on your next steps.

Guest Dog Bite

Some hotels are dog friendly, but that doesn’t mean that the guests have carte blanche to allow their dogs to run around the place unattended or off of their leash. If the manager of the hotel is not on top of how their doggie hotel (which it will quickly become if they are not careful) is being run, then other guests will likely experience dog bites. If you are bitten by someone’s unruly and vicious dog at a hotel, it is the dog owner’s fault and the responsibility of the hotel owner and manager.

The hotel owner and manager are definitely responsible to have all guests keep their dogs on a leash. Similarly, the dog owners are fully responsible for the actions of their dogs and pets, and should not let them run free to bite and menace other guests at the hotel. If you are bitten by a dog during a hotel stay, just give us a call today at DTLA Law Group.

Assault And Battery on Hotel Property – Sexual Assault and Battery – Raped Grope

If you have been the victim of an assault and battery on hotel property – sexual assault and battery – raped grope or other sexual assault type of injury, you need to call us at DTLA Law Group. We understand that this may be a confusing time for you right now, and that you need time to heal from your injuries. But while you are healing, you need to call our law offices, to get the best and more beneficial legal advice possible from our legal team. Just call us today at DTLA Law Group if you are injured from a sexual assault, rape, or being groped on hotel property as a guest at a hotel. We are here for you, just call DTLA Law Group right now.

Fall Down the Stairs

Guests at a hotel facility fall down the stairs frequently, when the stairs are not properly maintained and designed with safety of the guests in mind. The stairs need to be safe, by adding additional handrails, installing visual contrast strips at the end of the stairs and smoothing out rough and jagged edges on the landings. These directives will help to prevent falls on the stairs by the guests. Stairs cannot have carpet that leads up to concrete, with a bump or area that is not smooth for the feet when the guests are leaving a hallway and going to the stairwell. This will have the opportunity to cause tripping and falling down the stairs.

Americans With Disabilities Act Violations Causing Accidents

When staying at a hotel, people with disabilities have the same rights as able-bodied individual spending time on the hotel premises. Americans With Disabilities Act violations causing accidents can be devastating for the individuals with a disability. This means that the ADA compliance is not being followed at the hotel facility, which puts individuals with disabilities and other guests in danger of being injured. ADA violations can include the more egregious and obvious violations, to the more subtle violations. For example, some violations commonly found in hotels includes:

  • No wheelchair access to outside areas of the hotel (courtyards and pools)
  • Misplaced or missing handrails on walkways and in stairwells
  • No handicap restroom accommodations
  • No handicap parking spots near to the building
  • No varied communication for guests with visual or hearing impairments
  • No braille in the elevators or on the doors
  • Steep or narrow hallways or entrances
  • Elevators too small for wheelchair access to turn around in
  • Refusing to help a guest with handicap access issues

Pool Accidents

There needs to be daily testing of the pool water to determine that the color of the water is clear. That is to distinguish if someone is in trouble in the pool. There should be no horseplay allowed near the pool, and no guests who have been drinking alcohol should be allowed to enter the pool. The pool needs to clearly divide the shallow and deep ends with floats or contrasting ropes that float on the water, to protect the safety of the guests.


Contrary to popular belief, drownings are usually silent, and if no one is paying attention, a person can drown quite easily in a hotel pool. Hotel pools need to have certified site pool operators and need to have daily inspections when there are safety issues at the pool.

Lack Of Care and Maintenance of the Pool

If you are injured from staying at a hotel because of the lack of care and maintenance of the pool, you need to give us a call. We can go over your personal injuries as a result of the pool having cracked and dangerous tiles, poor pool conditions or other issues that resulted in injuries to you because of poor pool maintenance.

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are a lot more than a nuisance, they are an epidemic. When bed bugs are found in a hotel, it is a serious state of affairs. The bed bugs can spread diseases and are difficult to get rid of. They like to bite and suck the blood from the guests as they sleep in a hotel. Bed bugs are a common health hazard, as they can cause secondary infections and reactions to the people they bite, such as:

  • Impetigo
  • Ecthyma
  • Lymphangitis
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Systemic reactions
  • Anaphylaxis

If you have had a serious reaction to a bed bug bite and suffered a personal injury, you need to give us a call right now. We are here to help you in this case, just call us at the DTLA Law Group for more information if you are bitten by bed bugs while staying at a hotel.

Swimming Pool Accidents – Slip and Falls – Falls – Drownings

It can be the case that there are a multitude of swimming pool accidents, resulting from slip and falls, general falls and accidental drownings when people are staying at a hotel. It is surprisingly easy to have a drowning at a hotel pool.

Can I Sue?

When a hotel has committed an act of negligence, which has caused you to be injured, a lawsuit becomes justifiable.

The vast majority of events listed above are the sole responsibility of the hotel, which is why its response to the event is mandatory.

If you or someone in your family has suffered any of the accidents mentioned above, call us. Our expert hotel injury attorneys at DTLA Law Group are ready to answer your questions and guide you, with a free case review.

How Can I Be Compensated?

After an injury in a hotel, you may have to be paid monetary compensation. The type of compensation obtained will depend on the type of injury suffered. Depending on the injury, compensation may include the following:

  • Medical costs
  • Legal costs
  • Pain and suffering
  • Punitive damages
What should I do?

After having suffered an accident or injury in a Los Angeles hotel, you should consider doing one of the following points:

  • Seek for medical help, if needed
  • Take photos or record videos of the accident
  • Contact witnesses, if any
  • Contact a hotel injury lawyer immediately
Contact Us Today!

If you are willing to find a satisfactory solution to your hotel injury, contact us. We offer you a free case review so that you do not hesitate to contact us and wait for a speedy and comfortable recovery.

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