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Redlands Personal Injury Lawyers

Redlands Personal Injury Lawyers Every day, our law firm fields calls from individuals who have been harmed in some way. We routinely talk to victims of accidents who want to know if they have any legal options after the incidents or if they must simply pay up for expenses they didn’t cause. As long as there is ample evidence available to successfully prove that you were a victim and you were hurt because of another party’s negligence or lack of care, you will not have to cover such debts. Our team of Redlands personal injury lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group will do all we can to win your case and bring you the worthwhile restitution you need.

Forms of Personal Injury Lawsuits

There are a number of different ways that you can take legal action against a responsible party. If you were hurt as a result of someone’s negligent action, you can likely sue. This negligence can take place anywhere, from parking lots to healthcare centers, and can be carried out by individuals or by businesses. Your lawsuit can be for any of the following incidents, if not many more: It is important to note that there are many ways that these incidents can happen, and what’s more, there may be numerous parties responsible. For example, if you were involved in an accident with a rental car that was defective, you may be able to sue both the driver and the rental company, as the driver could have been speeding or driving recklessly and the company could have provided him with a broken or malfunctioning vehicle that was not safe for driving. Our Redlands personal injury attorneys can help you with your case, no matter what type of lawsuit it is. If you have any questions or concerns, you can call us for more details.

Call (855) 339-8879 to set up a free, no obligation consultation to find out if you have a case.

Common Injuries from Accidents

There are many types of accidents, from car crashes to trip and falls, and thus, there are many types of ensuing injuries and damages. The injuries can be severe and long-lasting, even permanent, or they can clear up in a few days. The extent of your injuries will play a large role in the value of your claim, so you should always make sure to meticulously document your damages and keep all the evidence you can showing how severe they were. A few of the injuries we have seen from accidents include:
  • Neck and spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions
  • Whiplash
  • Knee and hip injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Torn muscles
  • Severed limbs and digits
  • Burns
  • Scarring
  • Wrongful surgery
  • Misdiagnoses and missed diagnoses
  • Bed bug bites
  • Allergic reactions
  • Infections
  • Facial damage
  • Crushing injuries
  • Puncture wounds
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Paraplegia
  • Quadriplegia
  • Coma
  • Death
There is also the chance that the incident could aggravate previously existing injuries or injuries that were still healing. The damage you suffer can greatly change or alter your life, and you should be appropriately compensated if you were not responsible for the injuries.

Call (855) 339-8879 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form today.

Don’t let your injuries and ensuing expenses control you. Talk with one of our personal injury lawyers in Redlands for help moving forward with a lawsuit against the responsible party.

Steps to Take to File a Lawsuit

If you were hurt in any kind of accident or incident, you should gather ample evidence to provide proof for your claim. This evidence can be found at the scene of the accident and in other places. As soon as you suffer the injury, you should get medical attention. Once you get treatment, you can hold on to the medical records and hospital bill to showcase the results of the damage. You should also get medical treatment quickly because of how fickle insurance agents can be; they can look at any gap between the accident and treatment and claim that you were not as hurt as you said you were or that you were injured elsewhere. We know that some injuries may not show up at first because adrenaline or a delayed reaction, but you should always see a doctor r healthcare professional as quickly as you can. Next, you should gather ample hard evidence. You should take pictures and videos of your injuries, record the scene of the accident, safely store the defective product, and more. As long as you have physical proof, it will be easier to show that you were a victim. You may also wish to request surveillance footage if the incident happened at a place of business. Documents, proof of purchase receipts, rental agreements, bank statements, credit card statements, and other files can also be used in your evidence package. These papers and forms can show that you were a legal customer or that you purchased an item. There may have been eyewitnesses or bystanders nearby who saw the accident happen, or who could attest to your claim. You should interview these individuals and record their testimonies and statements. The more people you have on your side, the stronger your case will be, which is a big part of why class-action lawsuits are generally successful; there are numerous plaintiffs offering individualized proof. In some cases, the police may have gotten involved to conduct an investigation. You can request a copy of the police report from the station one it has been finalized to add to your pile. If the incident occurred at a business or a company, you can file an incident report to have a record of the event happening. They may try to gloss over the incident or claim that it didn’t occur, but as long as you submitted your complaint or made the company aware, you will be protected. Finally, it is recommended that you reach out to a personal injury attorney in Redlands who can take care of your case for you. You may have no legal experience at all and you may never have tried to negotiate a fair deal from an insurance agency. Our job is focused on winning claims and ensuring that the law is upheld for our clients. We will do all we can to negotiate a favorable settlement for you and we won’t stop until we are satisfied with the result. You must be able to show that you were a victim of negligence. TO do this, you must prove that you were owed a duty of care, that the duty of care was breached, that the breach of duty led to an accident, and that the accident caused physical harm. These four points must all be true to sue for personal injury; if even one is wrong, you will not have a successful claim. You can only pursue certain damages if you were physically harmed. If you were not hurt, you can still seek out property damage and lost wages, but these amounts will likely be much lower. The plus side is that you may not need an attorney, as the insurance agent will be more likely to work with you on lower damages that do not require a lot of arguing or proof. You can simply provide a copy of the mechanic’s estimate, a receipt showing how much items cost, a pay stub showing your wages, and more.

Statute of Limitations on Personal Injury Claims

You do not have an unlimited time to file a personal injury lawsuit. In the State of California, you will only be able to sue for 2 years after the date of the injury. If you take longer than that, your claim will be thrown out and you will be barred form pursuing damages. There are exceptions to this statute, though. A few include:
  • Age (statute will begin when minors turn 18 years old)
  • Health (mentally or physically unfit individuals can wait until they are fit enough to sue before the statute begins counting down)
  • Defendant’s location (defendants who have left the state force the time limit to freeze, which will start up again when they return)
You may also have a different statute of limitations if you sue a government entity. The statute will be greatly reduced, often to within a few months of the injury. On the other hand, medical malpractice claims have varying statutes; you may have 1 year from the discovery of the injury, 3 years from the injury itself, or an unlimited time if a foreign object was left in your body after surgery or a similar procedure. It is in your best interests to speak with a qualified attorney who can help you understand how much time you have left to sue and when your deadline is. Our Redlands personal injury attorneys will gladly file your claim for you to ensure that you do not miss a single important date.

Compensation from a Personal Injury Lawsuit

Your lawsuit can result in ample restitution with the help of our lawyers. We will make sure to negotiate the maximum settlement available under the law. The insurance agent will determine the worth of your claim by measuring the extent and severity of your injuries, your age, your job type, the impact all the damage had on your life, and your level of negligence. We will then counter and work to secure you full coverage, including:
  • Medical expenses from the past and future
  • Property damage
  • Lost income from the past and future
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death damages
  • Punitive damages
  • Reimbursement of fees
  • Refunds

Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative and schedule a free case review.

Our personal injury lawyers in Redlands will not stop pursuing your rightful earnings. You should not be expected to cover the costs of your injuries if you were not responsible for the accident, and we will make sure the appropriate insurance agency pays up.

The Best Firm in Town

Our law firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, has years of experience handling personal injury claims, and we know the best methods for success. Our aggressive lawyers have made sure that our clients have not had to pay a dime for their expenses. We pride ourselves on our commitment to our clients, and upholding your rights and keeping you safe and healthy throughout the case is of the highest importance to us. We are willing to take your case to court if we must. Reach out to our firm for a free legal consultation. You can call us at (855) 339-8879 anytime and we will give you our opinion on your case, including what your net step should be and what we can win for you. If you have specific questions, we’ll answer them. By choosing us to represent you, you’ll also get our zero fee guarantee, which is a promise that says that you won’t spend any out of pocket expenses for our help. We will cover the costs of the case ourselves and will only get paid if we win. If we do not win your case, you won’t have to pay us any money whatsoever. The Downtown LA Law Group can provide you with an expert personal injury attorney in Redlands to handle your case. Call us at (855) 339-8879 for more information.

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