Assault and Battery
Assault and Battery Statistics
- Assault and Battery Definition and Laws
- Negligence in Assault and Battery Cases
- Injuries from Assault and Battery
- Procedure After An Assault And Battery
- Value Of An Assault And Battery Claim
- Example Settlements And Verdicts
- Assault And Battery Lawsuit Compensation
- Statute Of Limitations On Assault And Battery Cases

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.
Assault and Battery Definition and Laws

Negligence in Assault and Battery Cases

- You were owed a duty of care by the responsible party
- The duty of care was breached in some manner
- The breach of duty led to an incident
- The incident led to actual physical injuries
– Sexual Assault StatisticsIndividuals have a duty to not hurt others, while establishments have a duty to protect those on their properties. For example, bar owners and bartenders have a duty to cut off anyone who is visibly drunk or disorderly. If they continue to give a person alcohol and the person acts violently towards another individual, the bar could be held accountable for the actions. They had a duty to not let other patrons be placed in harm’s way, and by not limiting the intake of the perpetrator or not escorting him out, they have liability. This concept may fall under premises liability, which concerns individuals on private property (although trespassers are given much fewer rights and leeway in torts). This negligence can also be seen in employers and employees. If an employee hurts a customer, the company can be liable for the damages. This may include police officers who act with excessive force, which would force the law enforcement agency to be held accountable; security guards who violently escort or break up crowds at venues or clubs, making their hiring companies liable; and normal workers who may attack customers in any store. There is the issue of comparative negligence, which can hold the two separate parties of plaintiff and defendant accountable for the incident. It is possible that victims of assault and battery were heavy instigators in the incident or placed themselves in dangerous situations. This can be the case if a victim initially picks a fight and verbally threatens another person, who then reacts and harshly beats the other. A jury may find that the perpetrator who acted with excessive force was primarily negligent, but if he acted the way he did because of instigation, the victim could be held partially responsible.
– Los Angeles Assault and Battery Attorney
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Injuries from Assault and Battery

- Concussions
- Closed head injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Internal organ damages
- Lacerations
- Slashes
- Gunshot wounds
- Stab wounds
- Contusions
- Bruises and cuts
- Edema
- Brain damage
- Broken bones
- Fractures
- Nerve damage
- Knee injuries
- Dislocations
- Paralysis
- Coma
- Death
– My Uber Driver Sexually Assaulted Me, What Should I Do?In many cases of assault and battery, there are residual injuries from the initial conflict. For instance, if a perpetrator strikes someone in the temple with his fist, he could easily knock the victim out. The initial damage might not be excessive, but if the victim has no body control, he could fall and hit his head on a curb, fall down a flight of stairs, or fall on something sharp and suffer puncture wounds. The attacker would be responsible for all of the ensuing injuries, not just the initial one, and other parties may be held additionally liable as well.
Procedure After An Assault And Battery

Assault And Battery claims
— Statute of Limitations for Assault and Battery Injury Abuse — Parking Lot Assault Attorney — Sexual Assault Cruise Ship Lawsuits — Hotel Sexual Assault Injury Attorney — College University Liability for Sexual Assault — Sex Crimes-Why Suffer For Something You Didn’t Do — Criminal Defense — Sexual abuse – on the rise or more noticeable? — Assault and Battery Criminal Defense Attorney Representation — Road Rage Accident Injury Attorney | Assault and Battery — Nursing Home Sexual Assault Attorney — Amusement Park Sexual Assault Attorney — Student Injury Attorney — Ceders-Sinai Patient Sexual Assault lawyer — Summer Camp Sexual Abuse Lawyer — School Sex Abuse Attorney — Liability for Sexual Assault and Abuse on Campus — Security Guard Assault and Battery You should keep any medical notes, receipts, bills, or proof of treatment from the doctors to show that you did get medical help and that you had expenses that need to be paid off. Next, you should take photographs of your injuries and the damages you suffered. Any pictures of your harm will come in handy; they can be taken immediately after the incident, while at the hospital, or in the days following to show the progression. If possible, you can write down the contact information of the individual who hurt you. You may not be able to get this information from the perpetrator, but someone else may nknow him or an establishment may be able to divulge his details. If there were any eyewitnesses or bystanders who saw the event, you can request their statements and testimonies. They can attest to who was instigating, who threw the first blow, if the perpetrator had acted aggressively before, and more. Eyewitness testimony is important, as your claim may be left with only the plaintiff and the defendant present – turning into simply one story against another. If you were at an establishment or near a place of business, there could have been security camera that captured the incident on tape. You can ask the owner for copies of this footage to add to your claim. However, it may be hard to acquire the footage if the business could potentially be held liable. They may refuse to give you any tapes to protect themselves; it is not wise for them to hand you evidence of their liability, for example. The police may have been called to the scene of the incident. They could make an arrest or simply conduct an investigation. You should hold on to this police report or request a copy form the precinct after it has been filed. You may also wish to file a charge after the incident, which you should hold on to as well. If the defendant were arrested, it will be important to show that, as it indicates that the police found good enough reason to remove him from the scene. Lastly, it is very important that you contact as killed assault and battery lawyer to help with your case. You may not know the first thing about intentional torts or personal injury law, and if you try to wrestle a settlement out of the insurance company representing the perpetrator, you may not make any leeway or even come close to presenting your side. An attorney can write the demand letter for you and submit the claim to the insurance agent, who will then take a few weeks to read over it and consider if he wants to offer a settlement. A lawyer will be able to negotiate a fair deal for you, and you won’t have to worry about any legal legwork or proceedings.Get started today by calling (855) 339-8879.
Value Of An Assault And Battery Claim

Example Settlements And Verdicts
To illustrate this point regarding value and worth of a case, we have provided numerous cases below to show the results. You may have similar circumstances to a case, but there could be many factors that determine why your offer is so different. You can look at these cases as examples of what can possibly be earned, as well as to understand what juries may look for when deciding who is negligent and who is not.Bagwells v. Funks
In Gregory R. Bagwell and Linda Bagwell v. John William Funk and Mia Funk, two men got into an altercation, resulting in strikes. The incident began when Mr. Bagwell drove his vehicle around Ms. Funk while both were waiting in a reversible lane that could be used by both directions of traffic. Ms. Funk contended that Mr. Bagwell drove negligent and placed her and her daughters at risk, and she followed him to his parking spot to confront him. After the confrontation, Ms. Funk called her husband, who entered the coffee shop in which the Bagwells were eating; he also confronted Mr. Bagwell, culminating in striking him on the temple, causing him to fall to the ground and get injured. The case is filled with disputing stories. For example, Ms. Funk claimed that Mr. Bagwell ran a stop sign in the parking lot, got in her face and yelled at her, and then proceeded to shove Mr. Funk when he arrived at the shop. Conversely, Mr. Bagwell said that he was not aggressive in any manner and that he drove according to all traffic rules. Two witnesses were used to corroborate the claims. Although both claimed that Mr. Bagwell did not appear to act aggressively, both were determined to not be 100% certain in their statements due to distance in one case and the time frame in the other (the witness did not see the start of the altercation). After Mr. Bagwell was struck, he went to the emergency room and claimed hairline fractures in his back and a concussion, as well as double vision and sustained back pain in the aftermath. The defense countered that he had previously made complaints about back pain and the injuries were already present; counsel also stated that the injuries he expressed were either false or exaggerated due to the fact that he and Mrs. Bagwell continued to participate in hobbies, go on vacation, and more. The jury declared that the Funks were both at fault, with Ms. Funk being apportioned 30%. The total recovered by the Bagwells was over $265,000.Rodgriguez v. Players Bar Inc. and Ugarte
In Mark Rodriguez v. Players Bar Inc. and Elmer Ugarte, a bar patron was assaulted after being escorted from the premises. Rodriguez was taken out of the bar by Ugarte; the reason was not known. On the way outside, Rodriguez flipped Ugarte’s hat off his head, which triggered Ugarte to start beating Rodriguez. There were multiple blows to the victim’s head, resulting in contusions and other marks; he also suffered an ear injury that resolved but left him with lingering symptoms of tinnitus. Ugarte was a former U.S. military veteran who was diagnosed with PTSD. The plaintiff’s counsel stated that hiring Ugarte with knowledge of the condition placed patrons in danger, given that PTSD episodes can appear at various triggering situations. The bar was accused of negligent hire, but refuted that, saying that it is illegal for employers to ask questions about PTSD, and regardless, Ugarte did not have a history of physical altercations related to his condition. The plaintiff’s counsel claimed that Ugarte was also improperly trained, but the bar said that, according to the law, only uniformed guards must undergo proper training – bouncers and such security figures do not have to. The jury found that both Ugarte and the bar were negligent and contributed to the injuries that Rodriguez suffered. It awarded punitive damages to Rodriguez due to the fact that Ugarte’s behavior was not addressed by counseling, training, or discipline, thus letting it be condoned. Rodriguez recovered $175,000 for his injuries.Grant v. Coco, Russell, and Carrillo
In Elena Grant v. County of Orange, Olivia Coco, Stacia Russell, Terra Carrillo, and Tara Carrillo, a jailed woman was beaten after being arrested. Grant was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving. When she went to the police station, she was interviewed and read her rights and what to expect. While there, three female officers allegedly beat her, pushed her, elbowed her, and dragged her by the hair. She said that they made racial remarks concerning her accent and immigration and deportation. The plaintiff’s counsel stated that the actions of the deputies were excessive and intended to physically harm or inflict emotional stress. The defending counsel pointed out the issue of having no expert witnesses and disputed the nature of Grant’s injuries. Grant pursued punitive damages for the incident, but ultimately, the jury deemed the deputies to not have acted negligently or with excessive force.Simonelli v. County of Monterey and Roberts
In Antonio C. Simonelli v. County of Monterey and Andre L. Roberts, an attorney sued due to being attacked by a bailiff. Simonelli had been escorted out of a courtroom by a bailiff, Roberts. Simonelli stated that Roberts punched him in the chest upon removing him, and that a few months later, he placed a hand on his chest while telling him not to speak with a court reporter. The incidents left Roberts filled with fear and emotional distress, leading him to file a claim against Roberts and the county for negligence. There were no experts for either counsel, and all witnesses contradicted Simonelli’s claim that he was struck with excessive force. He did not suffer any physical harm by his own admission, nor did he suffer any lost income. His counsel requested in excess of $1 million, but the jury found that Roberts did not use excessive force and did not batter Simonelli.Conclusion
Physical injuries should be present when filing an assault and battery case if you wish to pursue very large sums of money. In the absence of physical harm, it can be extremely difficult to win emotional damages. Many attorneys will try to use other factors to explain assault or to illustrate why an establishment was negligent but the jury may determine that those reasons are irrelevant or did not contribute to the incident.To speak with a Los Angeles Assault and Battery lawyer, call (855) 339-8879.
Assault And Battery Lawsuit Compensation
Victims of assault and battery cases should be appropriately compensated for their injuries. You should not be expected to pay off numerous debts and bills if you were not able for your own injuries. The responsible party or parties should pay off your debts for you if they were the cause of your harm. You can potentially earn the following types of restitution if you win your lawsuit:- Medical expenses from the past and future to over surgery costs, hospitalization fees, medication fees, physical therapy sessions, wheelchair costs, restructuring of home and vehicle to accommodate disabilities, and the cost of future treatments or procedures if you were seriously injured
- Lost income from your job if you could not make it to work due to the injuries you suffered, as well as lost future wages if you cannot return to work until you fully heal or because you have to go to medical treatment
- Property damage for any personal items you owned that were lost or broken in the incident; most commonly, victims lose their cell phones and laptops, or their clothing is damaged
- Pain and suffering damages, which include coverage for psychiatric suffering, mental trauma, fear, anxiety, PTSD, and more
- Wrongful death damages in some cases, which can be handed out if a family member or loved one dies and leaves behind funeral and burial costs, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, and more; you can also sue for loss of consortium, loss of relations, loss of expected savings and inheritance, and other damages
- Punitive damages, which are additional forms of monetary compensation that are meant to punish the defendant and prevent him from acting the same way in the future and are only awarded in times of gross negligence or an intent to cause harm; these are handed out in lieu of jail time in civil cases and are difficult to win because judges and juries view them as excessive (however, assault includes the intent to harm, so there is a better chance in assault and battery lawsuits than in some other types of cases)
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Statute Of Limitations On Assault And Battery Cases
The statue of limitations is the time in which you can legally file a claim for compensation. If you do not file a claim in this time, you will not be allowed to pursue damages in the future. The statute of limitations exists so that people do not drag their feet or take too long to take action. It si unfair to defendants if they committed a wrongful act two decades previous and are only now being served a lawsuit for it; the damages may have already been paid off and the evidence may be all but completely lost. This limit allows the plaintiff and defendant to both gather appropriate evidence, which will not be corrupted or forgotten about, and for the bills and expenses to be paid off in a timely manner. In California, personal injury lawsuits, including assault and battery claims, have a time limit of 2 years from the date of the injury to take legal action. This means that the injury could have appeared a few days or weeks after the incident, which would allowed you to sue after the assault had already been completed. In some instances, though, the statute of limitations can be extended, or tolled. This can occur if the victim was underage at the time of the incident (although a crime against a minor can still carry its own charge). The plaintiff can thus wait until he turns legal age at 18 years old to file the lawsuit, which would cause the statute to be two years from the date of his birthday. Further, plaintiff may have been left mentally or emotionally incapacitated and have no ability to take legal action after an assault and battery. If so, the statute can be lifted until they return to functioning health. This may be due to a coma, a nervous breakdown, a mental disorder, or some other issue. The defendant must also be present in the state if you wish to sue him. If he has fled or left California, the statute would be held off until he returns. Leaving the state does not mean a defendant can evade punishment and the law; the statue would simply not be running while he is gone. Over $1 BILLION Recovered
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