Sexual Assault Statistics
- Sexual Assault and Rape: What, Where, and How
- Assault-Related Laws
- Negligence-Based Claims
- Evidence for a Lawsuit
- Valuing a Sexual Assault Claim
- Settlements and Verdicts
- – Doe v. Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified School District
- – Students v. Los Angeles Unified School District and Glendale Junior All American Football Association Inc.
- – Coffman by way of Boehmer v. Glendale Adventist Health System
- – Carnahan by way of Burton v. Lakeside Union School District

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Sexual Assault and Rape: What, Where, and How

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Assault-Related Laws

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Negligence-Based Claims

- You were owed a duty of care, which is simple; all individuals are generally owed a duty of care by strangers to not hurt or be hurt, and if you are in an establishment, you should not be placed in harm’s way
- The duty of care was breached, which can happen if an individual inappropriately touches you or if an entity decides to abstain from monitoring an area or a person
- The breach of duty led to an incident, such as an assault, molestation, rape, or other occurrence
- The incident resulted in actual physical injuries
Evidence for a Lawsuit

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Valuing a Sexual Assault Claim

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Settlements and Verdicts

Doe v. Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified School District
In “Jane Doe” v. Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified School District, Dave Urquhart, Paso Robles Joint Unified School District and Jeremy Monn, an underage girl was engaged in a sexual relationship with her high school agriculture instructor. Monn worked at Don Pedro High School prior to Paso Robles, and previous representatives provided him with numerous positive recommendations and referrals. He secured a position at Paso Robles and was found to be acting inappropriately toward various female students. The plaintiff’s counsel stated that Monn had made many advances towards female students, resulting in him grooming and conditioning a student until she slept with him. There were numerous statements that the previous school district did not address any complaints and did not provide adequate supervision and monitoring of its teachers and student body. The previous district, the current school, and the superintendant all denied knowledge of any misconduct or prior acts. The female student whom Monn had sexually assaulted required counseling and therapy sessions. The abuse caused her to sustain depression, anxiety, and other emotional and mental traumas. In settling, the school districts combined paid $5 million to the student, while Monn paid an unspecified amount (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative and schedule a free case review.
Students v. Los Angeles Unified School District and Glendale Junior All American Football Association Inc.
In John FRR Doe, John DEE Doe, John FDG Doe, John FEJ Doe, John FEM Doe, Maria De Jesus Torres Diaz and Edgar Adolfo Espana as Guardian v. Los Angeles Unified School District, Benjamin Franklin High School, Glendale Junior All American Football Association Inc., and Jaime Jimenez, numerous students complained about sexual misconduct from a volunteer coach. Nine plaintiffs who were minors at the time of the incidents were allegedly victimized by Jaime Jimenez. He was the volunteer football coach at the school and was accused of sexual assault and molestation from 2002 to 2015. Many of the students were football players. The separate incidents were consolidated into a single case. The plaintiffs’ counsel stated that Jimenez routinely gave students rides home from practice and from school, bought them gifts and items, invited them to his home, shared with them alcohol and beer, took photos with them, and more. The defense claimed that it had no knowledge of Jimenez’s actions and did not notice any red flags in his behavior. Before the trial, the district and the parties agreed on an $8 million settlement. Jimenez had previously been sentenced to state prison for 36 years due to his extensive sexual abuse of three minors.Coffman by way of Boehmer v. Glendale Adventist Health System
In Cheryl Coffman, By and Through Her Guardian Ad Litem, Norine Boehmer, v. Glendale Adventist Medical Center, Adventist Health System/West, and Anthony Taylor, an 18 year old girl and another individual had sexual contact while under the care of the facility. Cheryl was placed under involuntary psychiatric care after she had acted violently towards her mother in an outburst. She had been previously diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, and she had a developmental delay. According to her mother, her mental age was closer to 12 years old than 18 years old. She was also regarded as hypersexual and boy-crazy; her mother instructed the staff to not let her be alone with any boys due to the fact that was mentally a minor. Taylor was brought in after Cheryl’s admission for a 5150 hold and had exposed himself to staff. One morning, Cheryl and Taylor met in the hallway where they allegedly shook hands; they then went back to Taylor’s room, where a charge nurse found them a few minutes later. Cheryl was nude on the bathroom floor while Taylor was shirtless with his pants on; Cheryl claimed that the two had sex, while Taylor said that he had put his finger inside Cheryl’s vagina, sucked on her breasts, and guided her hand to his penis. Taylor was arrested and charged with penetrating a mentally challenged female with a foreign object. The plaintiff filed a claim against the health facility citing negligence. They argued that there should have been a one-on-one safety attendant present with Cheryl at all times and that the lack of security cameras and monitoring systems was a key reason that the abuse happened. They further stated that a risk assessment should have been performed and she should have had higher safety precautions. This lack of attention and care, they claimed, was the primary reason for the sexual abuse. The defense claimed that there was no breach of duty. The two were checked on every 15 minutes per protocol and the lack of a charge nurse was only for five minutes during the sexual act. The defense’s main point was that the engagement of sexual behavior in and of itself is not cause for a breach of care, and that adult abuse pertains to the lack of provisions of food, water, and shelter. Cheryl was provided with basic medical care as needed, including medication and psychiatric help. The jury ruled in favor of the defense, denying a demand offer of over $1.2 million dollars. It stated that there was no presence of adult abuse by way of the health facility.Call (855) 339-8879 to schedule a free legal consultation.
Carnahan by way of Burton v. Lakeside Union School District
In Katherine Carnahan, by and through her Guardian Ad Litem, Julie Burton v. Lakeside Union School District and Shane Cable, a young girl was allegedly molested by a director at her school. Katherine was a fourth grade student when she was called into the director’s office. The director, Cable, was the head of the after-school program. Katherine alleged that Cable had sexually molested in the office on numerous occasions. There were also claims that he had openy picked up, hugged, and behaved inappropriately towards other students in the open, prompting the claim that the school and district were aware of the issues and did nothing to correct them. The plaintiff claimed that the district was negligent in hiring, retaining, and monitoring Cable. As a result, she said she suffered emotional distress and counseling. The defense countered that according to Kahterine’s testimony, she was touched two inches above her vagina and two inches below her belly button, which does not constitute sexual abuse. The defense also stated that even if there had been sexual contact, it was not the fault of the district and the school was not at fault in any way for the monitoring or hiring of Cable. The jury sided with the district and awarded no damages to Katherine.Conclusion
Provided there is enough evidence, perpetrators may be hit with jail time and have to pay damages. However, proving that an institution was negligent can be difficult. It is very possible that an establishment was not aware of the goings-on and had no additional duty to meticulously scrutinize all of its workers. It is harder to show that there should have been no additional supervision in the cases of schools and school districts, though.Potential Restitution for a Sexual Assault Lawsuit
Victims of sexual assault can pursue damages and receive compensation from the perpetrators. These damages can cover different types of expenses and may be awarded by a company, an individual, a school district, and many other parties. Because a sexual assault claim is a personal injury lawsuit, the damages are monetary. There may be separate criminal charges that can land an abuser in jail, pay fines, complete community service, be labeled a sex offender, and more. Because the consequences are much higher in criminal cases, the burden of proof is proportionally high as well. In civil cases, you must simply show that a party was negligent and cause you harm or intentionally hurt you. Examples of damages you can acquire in a lawsuit include:- Medical expenses from the past and future
- Therapy costs
- Property damage if any personal items or belongings were lost or broken in the incident
- Lost income if you were unable to return to work for some time following the incident
- Pain and suffering damages, which cover anxiety, fear, trauma, PTSD, and more (PTSD is a common side effect of sexual assault)
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Statute of Limitations on Sexual Assault Claims
A sexual assault claim is a form of personal injury, which means that, according to California Law, you only have 2 years from the date of the damage to file a lawsuit. If you do not take legal action within this time period, you will not be allowed to pursue any compensation and your claim will be thrown out. Take note that this applies to civil claims in which you pursue monetary compensation; criminal charges are different. This two-year limit allows the victim to gather evidence in a timely manner and it also allows the defendant to gather evidence to the contrary. The sooner you take legal action, the more likely it is that your key proof will be intact and not corrupted or lost. Many of the main pieces of evidence for sexual assault claims are time-sensitive; for example, the longer ago an incident happened, the higher the chance the memory of it will be foggy. The 2-year limit is not static, though. There are several circumstances in which the statute of limitations can be temporarily extended. The most common scenario involves an underage victim. Underage individuals are not permitted to file lawsuits; a guardian can file a claim on their behalf, but it is not required. Minors can wait until they turn 18 years old to sue, which would cause the statute of limitations to begin on their birthday. Further, the victim may be rendered mentally or physically incapacitated after the incident. This is common in aggravated assault cases where intense physical violence accompanies the sexual act. The victim could be left in a coma or in a psychiatric breakdown. This would preclude the victim from having to adhere to the statute of limitations until functional health or awareness returns. Additionally, the defendant must be present in the state you are in if you wish to sue. This causes many defendants to flee or go on extended leaves in an attempt to evade the lawsuit. However, the statute of limitations will simply pause while the intended target is out of town; the claim would then resume when he returns. The difficulty of pinpointing the exact dates involved in a sexual assault claim can be difficult and troublesome. You may not know precisely when incidents happened, and you do not want to run the risk of missing your opportunity to sue. It is recommended that you allow a lawyer to help you with your case so that you do not miss any important deadlines. Over $1 BILLION Recovered
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