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Compton personal injury lawyers

 There are dozens of accidents every day, ranging from car crashes to slip and falls. These accidents may happen because of the simple mistakes of the victims or because another party was negligent and contributed to the accident in some way. If you have been hurt in an accident that was caused by another individual, you may have the opportunity to file a personal injury lawsuit against the party and collect the compensation you deserve. With the help of our Compton personal injury lawyers, you can rest assured that you will have the best representation possible. Our firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, has recovered millions of dollars for our clients. We have a team of multitalented individuals who have decades of combined experience practicing law, and you will not find more knowledgeable attorneys anywhere.

What Should I File A Personal Injury Lawsuit For?

There are many reasons to file a personal injury lawsuit. You can essentially file a claim if you were a victim of negligence. To prove that you were a victim, you must be able to show these four points:

  • You were owed a duty of care by the responsible party
  • The duty of care was breached in some manner
  • The breach of duty led to an accident or incident
  • The incident led to physical harm

Bear in mind that you will not be able to file a personal injury lawsuit if any of these points are shown to be false. For example, if you were not physically harmed, you won’t be able to file a claim to collect medical expenses. However, you can still file a claim to be compensated for property damage and lost wages. You will only need receipts or estimates from a mechanic and a pay stub to show what you should be owed, which means you may not even need an attorney to help – the potential for negotiation will be very low. Our Compton personal injury attorneys can help you file a claim for any of the following accidents:

All of these cases can be handled by our Compton personal injury attorneys. We have years of experience litigating all aspects of personal injury law, and you will not find a better law firm in town to work your case for you.

What Are Common Injuries In Personal Injury Lawsuits?

The amount of injuries that you can sustain in accidents is very high. Each type of incident can actually yield wildly different damages. For example, a bicycle accident may lead to several shattered bones, but bed bug bites can cause an allergic reaction and scarring. Almost an physical damage resulting from an accident be used as evidence in a lawsuit. You can also point to previously existing injuries and show that they were worsened if you are in an incident of some kind. Our firm has helped individuals who have suffered from the following injuries:

  • Fractures
  • Sprains
  • Broken bounds
  • Dislocations
  • Concussions
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Closed head injuries
  • Bites
  • Allergic reactions
  • Burns
  • Scarring
  • Crushing injuries
  • Facial damage
  • Severed limbs
  • Nerve damage
  • Torn muscles
  • Knee and hip injuries
  • Neck damage
  • Spinal cord issues
  • Herniated and slipped discs
  • Internal organ damage
  • Infection
  • Birth injuries
  • Paraplegia and quadriplegia
  • Coma
  • Death

Our firm has seen it all, and we can provide you with the best medical professionals who can give you additional treatment you need, no matter what kind of injuries you suffered. We promise to work around the clock to bring you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

What Should I Do To File A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

If you wish to file a personal injury lawsuit, you should make sure that you have as much evidence as you can of the accident to show that you were the victim of negligence. We know it can be a confusing time after an incident, so we have provided these common steps to follow. The most important thing to remember is to not panic – stay calm, and you will be fine.

  • Get medical attention immediately after the incident. You may need to call the paramedics or you may have to go your own doctor. No matter what, it is important that you get treated. Your health is your priority. The other reason is due to the timing of a lawsuit. If you were hurt in a crash and then wait over two weeks to go to the doctor, the insurance agent can claim that you were hurt elsewhere and you were using the accident as a scapegoat.
  • Take photographs of everything you can – your injuries, the scene of the accident or the incident, the involved car, the responsible party, anything that can be shown to give support to your claim
  • Talk with eyewitnesses and bystanders who can give you their statements and testimonies about what happened
  • Keep receipts and documents of purchase
  • Submit an incident report
  • Contact the police so they can conduct an investigation, at which point you can request a copy of the police report
  • Call a lawyer who can help you with collecting all your evidence and submitting a claim letter to the responsible party’s insurance company or representative

As long as you follow the steps, your lawsuit will have a great chance of success. If you need more assistance or you want to discuss a potential case, you are welcome to contact our firm for more help. Our personal injury lawyers in Compton are available to discuss anything you wish.

What Is The Statute Of Limitations To File A Claim In California?

In California, you have two years from the date of the injury to file most personal injury lawsuits. There are different statutes for some incidents; for example, although the 2-year limit is in effect for medical malpractice cases, there is no statute if a foreign object were left in the body during surgery. The statute of limitations is in effect to make sure that claims are filed efficiently and do not get left around waiting. The longer you wait to take action, the more likely it is that you will lose key evidence and statements or that the defendant may not have the ability to pay the compensation. There are other exceptions to the statute of limitations that are not related to specific types of injuries. For instance, if you were underage at the time of the accident, you would not have to adhere to the statute until you turned legal age at 18 years old. IF you were mentally or physically harmed to such an extent that you couldn’t file a claim, the statute would be suspended until the time you returned to functioning health or mind. The defendant also needs to be present in the state – if he left, the deadline would be extended to match when he returned to California. Many times, individuals are not aware of how much time they have to sue. Contact our personal injury lawyers in Compton for more assistance, and we’ll gladly file your claim within the necessary time frame so you run no risk of missing the deadline.

What Can I Receive In A Personal Injury Lawsuit For Compensation?

As a victim of an accident or incident, you could receive numerous kinds of restitution, some of which may be unique to the case itself. Those who were harmed by bed bugs, for instance, can have extermination costs reimbursed, but these would obviously not be available for assault victims. You may be able to earn the following coverage:

  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death expenses
  • Punitive damages

You should talk to a lawyer if you are unsure of what your case may yield. Wrongful death damages can only be pursued in the event of an untimely death of a loved one or family member. Punitive damages can only be given out in times of gross negligence or an intention to cause harm. It may be hard for attorneys to win these damages.

Why Choose Our Firm

The Downtown LA Law Group is the premier firm for Compton personal injury lawyers. We help all of our clients with receiving the maximum compensation available under the laws. Our attorneys are aggressive and always strive to negotiate the fairest deal. With our assistance, you can be sure to get the help you need in a fast manner, and you won’t have to worry about confusing legal action. We’ll represent you and will always check up on your throughout the case. Call us today at (855) 339-8879 to set up a free legal consultation with a wrongful termination lawyer. You can receive free advice and we’ll discuss the potential value of your case. Further, if we represent you, you won’t have to worry about a single dime being taken out of your savings. We’ll be paid if and only if we win, and the money will come from the insurance company. If we lose, you will owe us no money whatsoever. Let the Downtown LA Law Group provide you with one of our talented personal injury lawyers in Compton.

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