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How do I Collect Life Insurance after a Slip and Fall Accident?

How do I Collect Life Insurance after a Slip and Fall Accident lawyer attorney sue incident compensation lawsuit

Life insurance is a valuable asset that’s meant to ease the financial burden placed on your loved ones when you pass away. In most cases, people obtain life insurance for their spouse and children in the event that they die unexpectedly. Fall-related accidents, like slip and falls, are a leading cause of accidental deaths in the U.S. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 42,114 died from an unintentional fall in 2020, which is greater than the number of people that died in car accidents.

If you lost your loved one to a slip and fall, a life insurance payout can help with various expenses, including funeral costs, mortgage payments, and debts left behind by the decedent. However, the process of obtaining your benefits can be complicated if your loved one died in an accident. As a result, many people find themselves waiting month after month for their payment. If you are having trouble collecting life insurance after a slip and fall accident, please give us a call right away. We can guide you through any issues in your claim and help you recover the funds you’re entitled to.

How do I Collect Life Insurance if my Loved One died in a Slip and Fall Accident?

Filing a claim is the first step to collecting life insurance after a death, which many companies allow you to do online these days. However, you may be required to submit a hard copy of the application, so it’s best to call the company and verify the instructions ahead of time. We know that this is a very difficult time in your life, and there are many responsibilities you have to juggle when someone passes away prematurely. However, it’s important to speak with the insurance company and start the claims process as soon as possible.

Along with your claim application, you will need to submit a copy of the death certificate, and other documentation that provide insight into the policy holder’s death. In the case of a death by slip and fall, the insurer may ask for a police report, autopsy / coroner’s report, and certain medical records. In addition, you will need proof of your own identity as the beneficiary. In general, the insurance agent will ask to see your driver’s license, Social Security card, and/or birth certificate to confirm who you are. However, you may need to complete additional paperwork if you are not a U.S. citizen.

All this may sound straightforward, but there are many complications that you may encounter. For some beneficiaries, especially non U.S. citizens, just the process of gathering the needed documents can be challenging. Help from an experienced life insurance lawyer is the best way to overcome these obstacles.

How do I Collect Life Insurance after a Slip and Fall Accident lawyer attorney incident compensation lawsuit sue
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How long will it take to Receive my Payment?

As a general rule, companies have 30 to 60 days to pay the beneficiary on a life insurance policy. Once you submit your claim and the required documents, an agent has 30 days to review the information and decide whether to issue the payment, deny the claim, or request more information. Don’t be surprised if you are asked for more information, as this is fairly common in cases of accidental deaths. While it’s frustrating, the insurer has the right to investigate unexpected deaths and make sure that there are no suspicious circumstances.

Unfortunately, some companies do not act in good faith when it comes to paying out a life insurance policy. If you believe that the company is holding up your payment without a valid reason, contact our office and speak with a bad faith insurance lawyer.

Why is it so long to Settle my Life Insurance Claim?

Frankly, life insurance companies are dealing with many claims at once, and the backlog can take a while to get through. However, insurers have a legal duty to issue payments within a certain timeframe, or at the very least, communicate why it’s taking so long to resolve your claim. Issues that can lead to a delay in your claim include:

  • The insurance policy is under two years old.
  • The insurer believes that there is false or missing information on the life insurance application.
  • There is reason to believe that the beneficiary lied on the insurance claim.

Unexpected deaths are another common reason for holding up a life insurance payment. With a slip and fall injury case, the life insurance company may investigate the incident to ensure there was no foul play by the beneficiary. Additionally, they must ensure that the decedent did not contribute to or cause their own death in the following ways:

  • Suicide
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Criminal activity
  • Dangerous hobbies, like skydiving, car racing, and bungee jumping.

There are many other issues that can cause your claim to be delayed or denied. Depending on your situation, it can be very difficult to stand up to an insurance company and demand the payment you deserve. We have lawyers experienced in the recovery of life insurance payouts, and they are more than ready for the challenge of fighting for your rights.

Can I Sue the Life Insurance Company if they Refuse to Pay me?

If it’s clear that the insurance company is violating your right to a fair and timely payment, you may have grounds for an insurance bad faith lawsuit. Bad faith tactics by a life insurance company include:

  • Denying a claim without a good reason.
  • Failing to investigate or conclude an investigation in a timely manner.
  • Misrepresenting the insurance policy or state laws that govern the policy.
  • Using delay tactics, like asking for additional paperwork or evidence that is not necessary.
  • Unreasonable delays in releasing an approved payment.

A lawyer at our office can sit down with you during a free consultation and advise you of your legal options. These include filing a complaint with the California Department of Insurance, which is the agency in charge of enforcing laws for insurance companies in the state of California. Submitting a complaint with the Department of Insurance may get the insurance company to stop playing game and release your payment. Of course, you will need substantial evidence to support your allegations, which we can help you with. If you’re interested in learning more about your rights as a victim of insurance bad faith, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

How do I Collect Life Insurance after a Slip and Fall Accident lawyer attorney incident compensation sue lawsuit
Wrongful Death Claims for Loved ones of Slip and Fall Accident Victims

If your loved one died from a slip and fall that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for monetary compensation from the at-fault party. A lawsuit for wrongful death can help you recover funeral expenses, medical bills, lost income, loss of consortium, and other damages resulting from the decedent’s passing

Your right to compensation will depend on your ability to prove the other party’s liability (responsibility) for the decedent’s accident. In general, someone else is liable for another person’s injury or death if they:

  • Knew about a hazardous situation on their property but did nothing to fix the problem or warn people about the hazard.
  • The property owner / manager/ employee of the owner caused the problem that led to the accident, like spilling coffee on the floor and not cleaning it up or putting up Wet Floor signs.   
  • The owner / employees were lax in basic duties like cleaning and inspections, which would have alerted them to a dangerous condition on the premises.

If you lost a loved one due to negligent circumstances, contact us right away to get started on an injury claim. Though life insurance is helpful, it may not be enough to cover all the expenses that are left behind by the decedent. Furthermore, life insurance will not help you with the grief and emotional trauma of losing someone in a tragic accident. By working with a wrongful death lawyer at our firm, you can obtain maximum payment through all the legal methods that are available to you.

What are my Rights if my Lawyer isn’t helping me with my Life Insurance Payment?

Your troubles should be over once you hire an attorney to represent you in a life insurance dispute. Sadly, some clients end up with incompetent or apathetic lawyers that are not looking out for their interests. These claims can sit in limbo for months, while the beneficiary is struggling to make ends meet. A second opinion from one of our lawyers can help you verify if your attorney is doing all that they can to recover your payment. If not, switching your lawyer may be the best way to settle your claim in a timely manner. We can help you make the best choice for your needs, but no matter what you decide, the consultation is completely free.

We also have lawyers experienced in wrongful death cases if you need help with an active lawsuit. This is another situation where family members can struggle if they are not getting the time and attention they need from an attorney. If you’re interested in continuing your lawsuit with us, we will take immediate action on having your case transferred to our firm and fighting for the compensation you deserve. Call us today to schedule a second opinion with one of our legal experts.

Speak to a California Life Insurance Lawyer

Life insurance can never replace what someone meant to you, but it can help with many costs that you are left with as a result of your loved one’s death. The process should be simple, but many claimants run into problems that they are unable to resolve on their own. Our life insurance attorneys can help you obtain your benefits or cut through the red tape that’s holding up your claim.

We know how worried you are over your finances at a time like this, which is why we never charge upfront for our services. That means we work for free and only get paid for our work by settling your claim. If we don’t recover your payment, you won’t be responsible for any of our expenses. That’s a promise under our Zero fee guarantee, so you have nothing to lose by choosing our law firm.

For a free, no-obligation case review, contact our office at your earliest convenience.

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