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Stomach Issues from Mounjaro Weight Loss Drug Lawyer

Stomach Issues from Mounjaro Weight Loss Drug Lawyer Attorney attorney sue

Mounjaro is the brand name for tirzepatide, which is a drug that’s used for the treatment of Type-2 diabetes in adults. The drug is injected into the patient once a week, and it works by stimulating the release of glucagon, insulin, and other hormones. Aside from controlling diabetes symptoms, Mounjaro can help you stay full for longer periods of time. Due to this effect, doctors began to prescribe the drug for patients that were struggling to lose weight.

Unfortunately, many people ended up with serious gastric discomfort from taking Mounjaro. These include gastroparesis, a stomach disorder that stops or slows down the movement of food from your stomach. In essence, your ability to digest food is compromised to the point where you are unable to effectively empty your bowels.

Gastroparesis can occur as a result of long-term diabetes in patients who have had the disease for 5 or more years. But there are indications that the condition may develop from the use of diabetes medication, specifically GIP and GLP-1 receptor agonists. Mounjaro’s formulation is based on both of these peptides, and this probably explains why so many patients have complained of severe stomach disorders after they started to receive injections of Mounjaro.

Did you receive a diagnosis of gastroparesis after being injected with Mounjaro? In that case, contact our law firm to discuss the possibility of a weight loss medication injury claim. A lawsuit can help you recover the monetary losses you’ve suffered through no fault of your own. For more information on suing for a stomach disorder from taking Mounjaro, call us to schedule a free case review.

Stomach Issues from Mounjaro Weight Loss Drug Lawyer Lawsuit Attorney Lawsuit compensation lawyer attorney sue
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Recent Lawsuit for Stomach Disorders Caused by Mounjaro

In August 2023, numerous plaintiffs filed a personal injury lawsuit against Eli Lilly and Co., the makers of Mounjaro. The lawsuit is based on the manufacturer’s “failure to warn,” according the one of the attorneys in charge of the case.

One of the most serious claims involve a 44 year old Louisiana woman, who first took Ozempic, followed by Mounjaro, based on her doctor’s advice. In a statement by her attorney, the plaintiff had symptoms that were so severe, “she’s been to the emergency room multiple times…She’s actually even thrown up so violently that she’s lost teeth.”

This plaintiff is one of approximately 400 people who have reported serious gastric issues after taking Mounjaro, and the list is growing as we speak. If you are one of these patients, contact our law firm to learn about the legal options that are available to you.

What are My Rights if I was Diagnosed with Gastroparesis from Mounjaro?

If it’s clear that you developed a stomach injury from using Mounjaro for weight loss, you may have grounds to sue the manufacturer for monetary compensation. Negligence by a pharmaceutical company can take place in several ways. Problems during the manufacturing process can result in contaminated medications and reduced efficacy of the drug.

The current lawsuit filed against Eli Lilly is based on failure to warn, which most likely refers to one of the following:

  • The makers of Mounjaro had data / information that indicated a link between their product and gastroparesis, but failed to issue the necessary warnings
  • Eli Lilly and Co. was made aware of this problem after the product’s release, but failed to issue a recall or additional warnings to doctors and patients.>

Both of these circumstances indicate negligence by the drug company, which is the basis of a personal injury lawsuit if you were diagnosed with a stomach disorder after using Mounjaro. Compensation can be obtained by filing a product liability claim on your own or joining a class action with other victims. Class actions lawsuits make sense when it’s likely that there are thousands of others out there who developed gastroparesis from this medication. However, it’s important to understand the pros and cons of each type of lawsuit before you decide on the best plan of action.

We are happy to answer any questions you have about your rights and legal options. Give us a call and speak to a lawyer with experience in drug company failure to warn injury cases.

Average Value of a Claim for Mounjaro Weight Loss Drug Causing Stomach Issues

There’s no denying that gastroparesis is a serious and painful condition. It can take quite some time before you receive an official diagnosis, and in the meantime, it can be agonizing to live with the symptoms of this rare stomach disorder. Even with treatment, you may be left with permanent health issues that affect your body and mind. That’s why it’s important to hold these companies responsible and demand the settlement you deserve.

Case values for weight loss drug injury claims are usually six to seven figures, and we estimate that the majority of awards will be around $200,000 to $3,000,000. Ultimately, the complications from your injuries and how they affect your finances and personal life will determine how much you are entitled to from a lawsuit. These are some of the factors we will need to discuss with you in order to determine the approximate value of your case.

How Long it Takes to Settle a Mounjaro Stomach Injury Lawsuit

The extent of your injuries also impacts the amount of time it will take to reach a settlement in your case. While it’s not an absolute rule, cases with severe health complications generally take longer to settle than those with minor injuries. The type of legal action you are filing matters as well; class actions typically take longer than personal injury claims. This is due to the fact that class action lawsuits have additional requirements that must be satisfied in order to receive a class action certification by the court.

We find that one or more years is the expected timeline to receive payment in these cases. Granted, we have had claims that were resolved within a few months, but some of these lawsuits will take over two years, especially if going to court is the only option. If you’d like to learn more about the case settlement process for a weight loss drug injury lawsuit, call us today for a free consultation.

Stomach Issues from Mounjaro Weight Loss Drug Lawyer Attorney attorney sue
Deadline to File an Injury Claim against Eli Lilly

It’s essential to be aware of how much time you have for a lawsuit if you’ve suffered bodily harm as a result of using Mounjaro. Generally, the time limit for a compensation claim with a drug company is 2 years from the date of diagnosis. However, there are circumstances that may reduce or lengthen the statute of limitations for a stomach disorder lawsuit. You don’t want to get this wrong, as missing the deadline for a lawsuit will invalidate your right to monetary damages from the negligent party. To confirm the deadline for a Mounjaro side effect injury claim, contact the attorneys of DTLA Law Group.

Legal Advice for Injury Victims Harmed by Mounjaro

When you agreed to take Mounjaro based on your doctor’s advice, you had every right to expect that the drug was safe. Of course, there are side effects to any medication, but it’s a manufacturers’ duty to run all the necessary tests and fully disclose complications that you may experience. When there is a failure in these areas, patients end up with devastating injuries that will stay with them for life.

The drug side effect injury lawyers of DTLA are here to fight for you and the compensation you deserve. We have decades of litigation experience with product liability cases and understand the nuances that are involved with these lawsuits. However, choosing us to represent you is not a decision you should make on a whim. That’s why we would like to offer you a free case evaluation or free second opinion if you have a Mounjaro stomach injury claim that’s already in progress.

We will take immediate action on your case and charge you $0 upfront. With the Zero Fee Guarantee here at DTLA Law Group, we don’t make a cent unless we recover your settlement. That’s because we ask for our expenses to be paid by Eli Lilly as a condition of winning your case. This is to ensure that you never have to worry about legal fees when you are already dealing with the impact of an unexpected illness.

If you’re ready to explore your rights as a weight loss drug side effect injury victim, please reach out to us at our office.

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