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Hotel Fire Accident Attorney

Hotel Fire Accident Attorney Lawyer Attorney attorney sue lawsuit compensation

Hotel fires can be extremely traumatizing for someone staying at a hotel. If you are at a hotel on vacation or on a business trip, the last idea in your mind is that there will be a hotel fire. Many hotel fires occur in the bedroom area of the hotel, where the guests are sleeping and staying. Some hotel fires are caused by someone illegally cooking in the hotel room. Other times, there can be an electrical malfunction, or someone using appliances wrongly in a hotel.

Hotels Need to Have Operational Smoke Alarms in the Hotel Rooms

A hotel needs to have operational smoke alarms in all of the hotel rooms where guests are staying. Additionally, a hotel should have water sprinklers keyed to the fire and smoke alarms in the hotel guest rooms. This is to ensure that if the smoke alarm goes off, that the fire alarm, smoke alarm and water will act to put out the fire in the rooms in case of an emergency. If the sprinklers or automatic extinguishing systems (AESs) are not working or installed in a hotel room, then these fire deterrents will not put out the fire because it is not in place to do so.

Hotel Fire Accident Attorney attorney lawsuit compensation incident sue
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The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Finds Many Hotel Fires Can Be Prevented with Proper Fire Deterrents in Place

The National Fire Protection Association or NFPA notes that fires can be prevented, if a hotel has fire deterrent systems in place. The prevention for a fire in a hotel guest room will save countless lives, in the event of an actual fire. If a building fire is confined to one room, it may be possible that the water sprinklers can put that fire out fast, before even calling the fire department to come and fight the blaze! Also, if there is a nonconfined fire that breaks out in another area of the hotel, the staff can be trained on how to put out or prevent fires in these other common areas to also save lives. For example, if a fire at a hotel breaks out in the boiler room of the hotel, then a highly trained staff can close fire doors and evacuate the areas to help save lives and prevent the fire spreading to other areas of the hotel in that circumstance. Fires can occur anywhere at a hotel, including:

  • In a guest room
  • In a trash container
  • In a commercial trash compactor
  • In a boiler room
  • In the laundry room
  • In a chimney
  • In any area of the hotel

If you have any questions regarding the fire at your hotel, you can call us to review your claim for a hotel fire accident. We are here to review your claim with you for free, at the DTLA Law Group at 855.339.8879. It is easy to call us now, to discuss your claim with a lawyer with experience in personal injury “wins” related to a hotel accident.

Zero Fee Guarantee

We offer a zero-fee guarantee, when you call us now regarding your personal injury claim for having been in a hotel fire accident.

Free Second Opinion Case Review / Experienced Lawyers in a Hotel Fire Accident

We can give you a free second opinion case review, when you call us to talk to our attorneys who specialize in hotel fire personal injuries. You can get the access you need to our lawyers, with a specialty in personal injury claims. Just call us today, to talk about your personal injury case with our experienced attorneys in Los Angeles at the DTLA Law Group.

Can I Sue for a Hotel Fire Accident?

Yes, we can sue for the personal injuries that you sustain from being injured in a hotel fire. We are able to initiate a lawsuit against the at-fault parties and owners of the hotel where you were injured in a hotel fire. We understand that you may still be under the doctor’s care for your personal injuries and burns from the hotel fire accident. You can talk to us more about your claim, when you give us a call at the DTLA Law Group today. When you call us, our Los Angeles case lawyers can file a lawsuit on your behalf. We are here to help you, and our case attorneys in Los Angeles can sue for a recovery compensation package to help you pay your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering related to a hotel fire and personal injuries sustained in that accident.

Hotel Fire Accident Attorney Lawyer Attorney attorney sue
Average Case Value of a Hotel Fire Accident

The average case value of a hotel fire accident will depend on the severity of your personal injuries related to the case. Your final payout can be between $300,000 to over $3 million for a debilitating or permanent personal injury form a hotel fire. If you have any questions regarding the value of your personal injury claim, you can call us at the DTLA Law Group at 855.339.8879.

How Long Does It Take to Settle and to Get Paid on These Cases?

It can take 3-5 months to settle out your hotel fire accident personal injury case.

Statute Of Limitations – How Long Do I Have to File a Lawsuit?

The statute of limitations in California for personal injury lawsuit filing is two years. The statute of limitations in California for harassment and discrimination lawsuit filing is one year, with a two year timeframe to file for wrongful termination.

Call for a Free Consultation

You can call us today to review your hotel fire accident personal injuries and claim. The first phone call to is will help you set up a claim for personal injuries from the at-fault parties for your injuries and losses. We understand that you may still be in the care of a doctor after the hotel fire accident you witnessed and were injured by at the hotel where you stayed. You can call us to review your claim in a free consultation.

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