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Broken Bones from a Car Accident Attorney

Broken bones from a car accident Injuries resulting from a car accident range from very minor (soft tissue) to very severe (traumatic brain injuries, death).  However, one of the most frequent forms of injury from a car accident are broken bones.  Broken bones are so common in car accidents because of the sudden force or trauma exerted during a crash.  Bone breakage also occurs because there are so many moving parts in a vehicle after a crash. As a result, victims involved in a car accident could suffer broken bones to any number of body parts including
  • Broken leg
  • Broken foot
  • Broken arm
  • Broken femur
  • Broken collarbone
  • Cervical fractures
  • Breakage to the spinal cord.
  • Fractures Ribcage
In these situations, surgery is almost always required, and the recovery period can be extensive. Broken bones are also referred to as fractures and can range from a hairline fracture (slight rupture in the bone) to a complete separation of a part of the bone.

Types of Broken Bones from Car Accidents

Califoria Car Accident Laws - Legal GuideCompound Fracture: Broken bone penetrates through the skin and creates an open abrasion.  Outside air reaches the fracture, leaving it susceptible to infections. Simple Fracture: Broken bones that do not penetrate the skin Greenstick Fracture: Bone cracks on one side, but not all the way through.  A partial fracture.  Most common in children as a child’s bones are more flexible than that of an adult, thus more likely to bend than break. Avulsion Fracture: A tendon or ligament that is attached to the bone pulls of a piece of the bone.  Most common around the pelvis area, and more likely to occur to children than adults. Buckle Fracture: Also called “torus fractures,” one side of the bone buckles without effecting the other side.  Less severe than the similar greenstick fracture Hairline Fracture: The bone does not separate, but rather is a very thin crack in the bone.

Broken bones and fractures can also be categorized by the pattern in which the bone breaks.

  • Transverse Fracture: Break is across the bone, at a right angle or straight across to the long axis of the bone. 
  • Oblique Fracture: Slanted fracture.  Unlike a transverse fracture, the bone breaks at an angle
  • Spiral Fracture: Usually results from the twisting of the bone.  Forms an oblique fracture around and through the bone. 
  • Comminuted Fracture: Bone breaks in 2 or more pieces.  Often the bone is splintered or crushed

DO NOT DO – Breaking a Bone After a Car Accident

DO NOT shift unless the bone is secure DO NOT move unless it is absolutely necessary (often after a car accident, a person must be removed immediately to avoid more severe consequences).  In these situations, it is best to move the person by their clothing if possible In the case of a spinal cord injury, NEVER try to reposition the victim, or to straighten them out DO NOT attempt to move the bone in order to determine if it is broken.  Moving the bone can only make it worse.

Treatment for Broken Bones Following a Car Accident

It is very important to make sure your bone is fully healed before accepting any sort of settlement.  Insurance adjusters will attempt to procure a quick settlement in order to absolve themselves from future liability related to the accident.  Often times, the true consequences of a broken bone are not known until far after the crash occurred. For example, a complication of a broken bone is the mal-union or non-union of the bone, where the bone never fully heals correctly.  Children regularly experience a growth disturbance from a broken bone, which can lead to a deformity of the limb.  Infection can occur, specifically in instances where the bone penetrates the skin.  This is called Osteomyelitis.  Sometimes, avascular necrosis can occur where the bone ceases to collect proper blood supply and dies.  This is most common in broken bones of the wrist, shoulder or femur. At the Downtown L.A. Law Group, our attorneys understand the complexities of broken bones, and therefore understand that proper healing depend on several variables, including:
  • Location of the broken bone
  • Severity and classification of the broken bone
  • Type of Fracture
  • Age and medical history of the victim
  • Potential for full restoration of health
A good attorney understands these factors, and will account for them when dealing with your claim

California Broken Bone and Bone Fracture from a Car Accident Attorney

Most troubling for car accident victims with broken bones is that they often do not receive the compensation necessary to fully pay the costs for their damages.  They might receive monies for their past medical bills, but the attorneys at the Downtown L.A. Law Group know that this is never enough.  Our lawyers will make sure you obtain the full amount such as future medical bills, lost wages and loss of earning capacity, as well as all pain and suffering. Speak directly to an attorney and schedule a free 60-minute consultation of your case at (855) 339-8879

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