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Electrician Sexual Assault Lawyer In Los Angeles

Electrician Sexual Assault Lawyer In Los Angeles sue lawsuit compensation

When you discover an electrical problem in your Los Angeles home, you instantly begin to worry about the safety of your loved ones and house. Knowing that even a single spark could start an electrical fire inside the walls of your home is all the motivation you need to begin your search for a licensed electrician. Once your electrician arrives, you believe your worries about safety are over. However, that might not be the case. Now you should be concerned about the potential for a sexual assault from the electrician that you just allowed into your home.

Sadly, no one is immune to this hazard, man, woman, or child. So homeowners need to be very careful about whom they invite into their homes and how the electrician acts from the moment they arrive. Being too friendly, standing in your personal space, making physical contact, and rubbing against you as they enter the house can all be indications of a potential electrician sexual assault that is about to take place.

If you have been the victim of an electrician sexual assault in your home, it is crucial to know and understand your rights under the laws of California. It can be very hard to admit to yourself that you have become a victim. But know that you did nothing wrong. All you did was call a legitimate electrician who also turned out to be a sexual predator. Now you need to contact a Los Angeles electrician sexual assault lawyer immediately to ensure that your right to justice and fair compensation for your indignity, pain, and suffering are adequately compensated. The compassionate professionals at DTLA Law Group are here 24/7 and offer free consultations and honest evaluations of any sexual assault case.

Defining Sexual Assault

The U.S. Department of Justice has defined sexual assault as any non-consensual sexual act, including when the victim lacks the capacity to consent. The specific acts considered sex crimes include:

  • Rape
  • Statutory rape
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Groping or unwanted touching
  • Any forced sex act

Seeing this definition can be very unsettling for some victims. What they initially viewed as an assault is now clearly a sexual assault, which can bring with it increased feelings of shame, anger, and confusion. Now you are even more unsure about talking to anyone about the event, especially a Los Angeles electrician sexual assault lawyer. However, understanding that the unwanted touching, groping, and violence when the actions were not returned did have a sexual component means it is even more important to seek professional help from a lawyer and medical professionals. Your physical and emotional well-being is at stake, as well as your financial future and stability.

Electrician Sexual Assault Lawyer In Los Angeles lawsuit compensation sue
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Your Ability To Take Action

It is very easy to understand feelings of helplessness and shame after suffering a sexual assault, especially when it happened in your own home. However, it is vital to remember that you only invited an electrician into your house to fix an electrical problem, not to sexually assault you. The mistake and misbehavior were all on the part of the electrician, and you are not to blame. It is also essential to know that you have rights, including pressing criminal charges against the person who assaulted you and seeking financial compensation through a civil lawsuit.

The team at DTLA Law Group is here to ensure that you no longer feel helpless or alone. Our expert electrician sexual assault lawyer will guide you through the process of gathering information, determining a fair settlement amount, and seeking compensation from the person you violated your trust, home, and body. In addition, our pros will help you determine if other parties could be held accountable for this awful act of violence against you. As an example, if a company fails to properly screen employees before hiring them, they could be liable due to negligence. Likewise, no service provider should employ a person with a history of abuse or sexual abuse and then allow them to enter unsuspecting customers’ homes.

Putting A Number To Your Electrician Sexual Assault Lawsuit

Your DTLA Law Group electrician sexual assault lawyer understands that no amount of money will restore what has been brutally taken from you during the assault in your home. However, after years of working with sexual assault victims, we know that the money we secure for our clients offers a different kind of support and benefit. It provides you time to focus on yourself and your healing without the worries of paying mounting medical bills and getting back to work as quickly as possible to remain current on your living expenses.

The components used by our expert sexual assault lawyers to determine the amount of a sexual assault settlement include:

  • Medical Expenses – The bills for any medical care related to the assault, including emergency room care, surgery, treatment of wounds, medication, and all future treatment for physical injuries resulting from your sexual assault, are included in the settlement amount.
  • Lost Wages – The stress and emotional trauma of a sexual assault could keep you from returning to work long after your physical injuries have healed. Your settlement amount will include the total of all lost wages throughout the time that you are unable to work and earn a living.
  • Property Damage – If any items in your home were damaged or destroyed during your struggles to escape from your attacker, their value is included in the amount of your settlement request.
  • Pain And Suffering Damages – Your physical and emotional scars could last years beyond your attack or even the completion of your electrician sexual assault settlement process. No amount of money can change that fact. But the money you receive for your pain and suffering will allow you to focus on healing and regaining your confidence and feeling of security in your home without worrying about paying bills and added financial strain.
  • Punitive Damages – Punitive damages are not always included in a settlement, nor are they always granted by a judge when they are requested. However, at DTLA Law, we believe that you have suffered an immeasurable amount at the hands of a sexual assailant who attacked you in your own home. And for those cruel acts, added financial punishment for your attacker is not too much to ask.  
Electrician Sexual Assault Lawyer In Los Angeles compensation sue lawsuit
When Can I Expect My Settlement?

Because each electrician sexual assault case is unique, it is unrealistic for your DTLA sexual assault lawyer to quote you a time frame for the completion of the process. However, we can pledge to work as diligently as possible to move the case forward to the best of our ability. In addition, we want to let you know that the sooner you contact our staff for a free initial consultation, the sooner we can begin preparing the documentation needed to build a successful case on your behalf.

We understand this is a highly private and upsetting subject and can be challenging to talk about, especially with a stranger. But please be assured that our professional staff will only ask these difficult questions in the pursuit of justice for all you have endured during and since your sexual assault. In addition, your help compiling a detailed account of the events, documentation from medical professionals, therapists, and others involved in your care, and images of your injuries will all allow us to proceed quickly. Our goal is to rapidly bring the legal phase of this very unpleasant experience to an end when you receive your compensation settlement.

Professional Advice With No Strings Attached

The staff at DTLA Law is genuinely invested in protecting the legal rights of our clients without adding to their already stressful circumstances. That is why we are happy to take your case without asking for a retainer or any upfront payment. If we take on your electrician sexual assault case, we are confident we will secure a favorable settlement for you. Furthermore, we ask for payment only after we have completed our job as your legal counsel. This process instills added confidence that you have chosen the right Los Angeles electrician sexual assault lawyer to represent you and eliminates your stress about paying bills when you are trying to heal.

Even if you have spoken to another Los Angeles law firm that claims you have no case, please feel free to contact DTLA Law Group for a complimentary second opinion. We understand that not every firm has the same expertise that we have in successfully managing a sexual assault settlement. And we welcome their potential clients to sit down with our seasoned staff for an additional review of their case. If we see the potential to secure a settlement for you, we will let you know and begin the process upon your request. And there is never a worry about our payment until we prove our skills and get you the justice and settlement you deserve in light of your injuries, suffering, and pain resulting from a senseless sexual assault in your home.

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