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Goodwill Injury Lawyer

goodwill slip and fall injury lawyer accident incident attorney sue compensation lawsuit

Goodwill stores are essentially locations where individuals can donate their unwanted, second-hand, or unused materials. Most locations accept books, clothing, appliances, carpets, paintings, and other miscellaneous items. The stores are all around the country, but they are not always the safest locations. Many employees do not take care of the store, and the materials can cause people to get injured in a variety of ways. If you were hurt while shopping at a Goodwill store, you should take legal action. Our team of attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group can assist you with your Goodwill accident lawsuit.

Injuries at a Goodwill Store

Goodwill stores are generally packed with a lot of merchandise, from carpets and upholstery to clothing and appliances. The amount of second-hand materials that are donated to the stores can often find its way into the aisles and where people walk. Because of the amount of material that needs to be sorted and sifted through, workers are often swamped. There may also not be enough workers to adequately take care of the store. As a result, there are many dangers and risks present for customers.

Slip and falls in Goodwill stores can happen quite easily because of this. There may be curtains, sheets, clothes, wet spots, and other slippery things on the floor that can contribute to slipping. You could also trip over discarded toys, wires, and more. These accidents are often harmless, but it is not uncommon for injuries to result.

Additionally, you could be testing out some of the appliances or furniture at Goodwill, only for the item to break. It is fairly common for a chair to be donated to Goodwill that is actually faulty, and when a customer sits in it to test its stability, the chair can collapse. Some items may break during use and have sharp edges, which can lead to additional damages.

Moreover, the trucks carrying the merchandise may cause injuries. Drivers could fail to pay attention, crash into other cars, hit you while pulling into or exiting the Goodwill lot, and more.

Some of the injuries that can occur from these incidents can be found below:

  • Lacerations
  • Abrasions
  • Bruises
  • Cuts
  • Puncture wounds
  • Crushing injuries
  • Neck and spinal cord injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Hip injuries
  • Knee injuries
  • Torn muscles
  • Nerve damage
  • Concussions
  • Closed head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Aggravation of previous injuries
  • CRPS
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
  • Death

If you were injured while at a Goodwill, it is important that you take legal action. Victims will often call and ask, “Who can I sue if I got hurt at a Goodwill?” or “Can I sue Goodwill for injuries?” The answer is yes, and with the help of a Goodwill accident attorney, you can receive the maximum compensation available to you under the law.

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How to Sue Goodwill

To sue Goodwill, you will need to establish that the company owed you a duty of care in some way. For example, if you aim to file a slip and fall lawsuit, you must show that you were an invitee on the property, or someone who was present for am mutual gain. Licensees are more akin to social guests and trespassers are not legally allowed on the property; both are owed lesser duties of care than invitees. If you can show that you were a customer, you have a good start to your claim. The company should be sure to provide safe areas for its customers. Similarly, if you were struck by a Goodwill truck, the driver should have been paying better attention and owed you a duty of care to not harm you or anyone else on the road.

If you can establish negligence in such a way, your claim will be fundamentally sound. You should follow these steps, as well:

Get medical help from a doctor so your injuries do not worsen. If you do not go to the doctor quickly, your health may deteriorate. Further, the delay will look suspicious to the insurance agency. A gap between the injury and treatment can indicate that you were actually hurt elsewhere. Further, hold on to all medical receipts, treatment results, doctor’s notes, test results, and more.

Get as many photos as you can of the injuries you suffered, the scene of the accident, the problems at the store, the involved vehicle, and more. If you can get video footage or surveillance footage, that will also largely benefit your claim.

There may have been eyewitnesses who saw the event unfold. You can interview them and ask for their statements and testimonies to add to your claim. The more support you have, the better off your case will be.

If you made any purchases at the Goodwill store, you can provide the receipt as proof.

You should file an incident report with the Goodwill so they are aware of the injuries you suffered and that an accident happened. This will also provide a basis for your impending claim. You should make sure to not accept any compensation, refunds, or vouchers from the company, though, or they can claim that you were already compensated for the incident.

Finally, it is wise to contact an attorney with experience in Goodwill injuries. We will be able to negotiate a fair deal from Goodwill’s insurance company and will not stop fighting for your fair compensation. You may not have any background in law or in negotiations, and if you try to handle the claim by yourself, you may not be successful. We have the time, expertise, and knowledge necessary to succeed with your case.

Goodwill Injury Lawsuit Compensation

A lawsuit against Goodwill for injuries suffered in the store can be a success if you have enough evidence. We will do everything in our power to win you the maximum settlement available under the law. The value of your claim will be determined by the insurance agent handling it. He will look at how severe the injuries were, the effect they had on your life and career, how liable or responsible you were in the incident, and more. He will then make an offer, but in all likelihood, it will not be very high. We will counter it and strive to bring you every penny you deserve. Our goal is to win the following damages for you:

  • Medical expenses for hospital visits, surgery, physical therapy, prescription drugs, and future treatments
  • Lost income if you were unable to go to work and earn a living, and missed wages from future time off work due to recovery time or injuries
  • Property damage if your personal belongings were lost or broken in the incident
  • Pain and suffering damages for emotional turmoil, anxiety, PTSD, fear, mental anguish, and more

With a qualified lawyer on your side, you will have the best chance of success with your claim. We will be able to negotiate a deal for you that will cover all your expenses and will not leave you in any debts.

goodwill slip and fall injury lawyer accident incident attorney compensation lawsuit sue
Statute of Limitations to Sue Goodwill

In California, the statute of limitations on personal injury lawsuits is 2 years from the date of the injury. If you do not file a claim in this time period, you will be barred from pursuing compensation in the future. It is important that you act quickly – your evidence is more likely to get lost or corrupted in some way if you do not acquire it at once.

The statute of limitations can potentially be extended beyond the 2 year mark in some situations. These exceptions can be granted if you were under the age of 18 years old at the time of the incident or if you were left incapacitated afterward. Minors cannot sue, nor can those who are not in their right minds or state of health. Once they turn legal age or return to functionality, respectively, their statutes will resume.

Too many victims end up not knowing the correct amount of time left on their claims. If you come to our law firm, we will submit your claim on time and ensure that you do not miss any deadlines.

LA’s Best Firm

The Downtown LA Law Group is one of the premier law firms in town. We have a long history of successful cases and we have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients. We know how to win claims and we will dedicate ourselves to your case. Our empathetic lawyers make sure that all clients are aware of the legal process and what they can expect. We will aggressively hunt for your deserved compensation and if we have to go to court to defend your rights, we are willing to do so.

Call today for a free legal consultation to discuss your claim and learn more about the value of your case. We will also tell you more about our zero fee guarantee, which says that you won’t have to pay any money at all for our services. We will get pad only if we win, and if we lose, we receive nothing. Goodwill will cover the legal fees if we secure a settlement.

If you were injured in a Goodwill store and need a Goodwill accident attorney, contact the Downtown LA Law Group today.

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