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Boat Tour Sexual Assault

boat tour sexual assault lawyer attorney sue compensation liability

People are out on the water these days, and there will be ample opportunities to engage and book a boat tour. Most people on a boat tour never suspect that sexual predators are laying in wait to molest and rape people on their boat tours, but it does happen.

People who pilot boats, work on boats and who arrange for helpers on a boat tour can take advantage of the individuals who book the tour. Men and women can be sexually assaulted on a boat tour. If this has happened to you, you can give us a call at the DTLA Law Group right now, to discuss your case.

Boats Out to Sea Are a Small Community Away from the Shore

If a boat allows boat tours and has staff who sexually assault the boat passengers, those passengers are vulnerable when they are far away from the shore. When the passengers and guests of a boat tour are out to sea, the passengers do not have as much power over several individuals who are intent on trapping them and sexually assaulting them at sea. It is a crime to sexually assault someone while on a boat tour.

Boat owners and operators need to perform due diligence and only hire crew who will not sexually assault passengers and guest, while they are out to sea. Sometimes, a crew member intent on sexually assaulting a passenger on a boat tour, will tell the passenger that the boat will not go back to shore safely, unless the sexual favor is granted. This may be the case of a number of different laws being broken (false imprisonment, trapping a passenger, etc.), and if this has happened to you, then you need to call our law office immediately.

Crew members intent on sexually assaulting a passenger may threaten the person with throwing him or her overboard, if sexual favors are not granted. The individual who is the victim of the sexual assault may be afraid of hypothermia, cold incapacitation, being eaten by sharks or other deadly peril that is being threatened while the boat is on the tour out at sea.

Boat tour sexual assault lawyer lawsuit liability sue compensation

Boat Assault Lawyer

You need to talk to a lawyer fast if you were assaulted on a boat. You do not have to suffer in silence on this one, no one is here to judge you. It will be an important factor for you to put your trust in a legal group with expertise in managing and settling cases of boat assault. We understand the dynamics of a boat and the situations that can occur, when a party gets “out of hand” and there are assaults and sexual batteries and assaults on the watercraft. When you want to get the restitution that you deserve from this type of case, you need to call us at the DTLA Law Group today. We will allow you to review your case with an attorney, who is able to get you the full recovery package that you deserve in this case. You really should not wait one more minute to give us a call right now.

Assaulted During a Boat Party

Many times an assault can occur during a boat party, and the other guests at the party were none the wiser that it occurred. That is because there are separate chambers and rooms on a boat. Incidentally, if the boat or yacht is underway and out on the water, the sounds of splashing of the surf can generally muffle any scuffle or even yelling noises in some cases of a person in distress on board. Boats of all sizes and especially yachts have small rooms, such as bathrooms, water closets, salons, underwater level areas and confined spaces all around the watercraft. These are the areas that someone who is familiar with the boat can lure another guest into, to sexually assault the person away from everyone else at a boat party. It is going to be difficult to near impossible to get away from a sexual offender who has cornered you on a boat in a small and confined area.

Assaulted on a Boat

If you have been assaulted on a boat, there may have been nothing that you could have done to prevent this crime happening to you. People who work on boats or who are familiar with boat interiors often stalk other people, and wait for someone to be isolated on a boat inside the inner quarters to propose an attack. You can be assaulted quite easily on a boat, but you may not have known that when you took the invitation to board the boat for a party or event. If you have been injured on a boat, attacked or assaulted, you need to call us at the DTLA Law Group today. You can call us even as you heal from your personal injuries. Even if you are still under a doctor’s care for your personal injuries, you can call us and we can review your claim with you today.

Sexual Assault on a Private Boat/Yacht

People are sexually assaulted on a boat or a yacht, far too frequently. It is a terrible experience for you to have to go through, especially after being invited on a boat or a yacht for a social party or event. Many people are assaulted on a boat or yacht in the cabin areas, sitting areas when they are alone, or in the bathroom areas of the watercraft. Although yachts are very expensive to buy, they are uncomfortable inside and have tight cramped areas that comprise the living spaces of the boats. You can be assaulted in any area of a boat or yacht, including:

  • Bathroom
  • Galleys
  • Bedroom
  • Lower-level decks
  • Closets
  • Hideaway areas
  • Under areas of the watercraft
  • Behind closet doors
  • Cubby holes to the engine room
  • Storage areas
  • In bathrooms
  • In corridors and hallways
  • Under deck sleeping areas
  • Anywhere that is isolating from other guests on the watercraft
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Boat Passengers Being Sexually Assaulted May Not Have Access to the Boat Radio for Help

Many passengers and guests to a boat have no idea how to actually work any of the operating systems on a boat. That means, that the passengers and guests will not know how to make contact with anyone off of the boat to warn that the person is being sexually assaulted.

Passengers and guests may not be able to have access to help, by:

  • Making a distress call
  • Calling the U.S. Coast Guard for help
  • Declaring an emergency on the boat
  • Use the recording feature of a distress call
  • Use channel monitoring of the boat radio
  • Know if the radio is within full coverage of the coastline for receiving messages from the boat
  • Understands how to make communication with shore during an emergency onboard
  • Knows how to use a DSC-Capable Radio (if it is registered on the boat, the user can press the emergency call button for 5 seconds to make a call, and vessel information is automatically transmitted to help nearby)
  • Knows how to use Channel 16 or “MAYDAY” distress calls for help

If you have been sexually assaulted on a boat tour and had no way to get help on the boat, you can call us this afternoon for advice on this type of case. You may have additional trauma related to this claim, and we can discuss that with you, when you give us a call today at the DTLA Law Group.

Sexual Predators Know What They Are Planning to Do on a Boat Tour, But Passengers Are Oblivious to These Vulnerabilities

Unbeknownst to the passengers and guests on a boat tour, the sexual predators on the boat usually plan out how they will lure in the guests and sexually assault them once they are out to sea. This is not the fault of the guest and passengers on a boat tour, as they could not have anticipated that the boat tour crew planned to sexually assault them on their day out on the water. If a sexual predator sexually assaults a boat tour guest on the boat, then the guest needs to take action to hold the responsible parties accountable for their criminal actions. If you have been sexually assaulted on a boat, you need to call our law office at DTLA Law Group right now.

We understand the sensitive and difficult nature of this type of trauma, and we are waiting to talk to you right now about your case.

Long-Lasting Memories of Being Sexually Assaulted on a Boat Tour Stay with Victims for a Lifetime

There are many long-lasting memories that stay with a victim of a sexual assault on a boat tour. Symptoms of sexual assault that stay with survivors for a lifetime can include:

  • Shock over the event
  • Anger that the even happened
  • Hyper-alertness in their everyday lives
  • Irritability for no reason
  • Reliving the sexual assault over and over
  • Need for control in their lives
  • Interpersonal relationships that suffer from old memories
  • Reduction of ways to cope with life in a healthy way
  • Drug and alcohol abuse to heal oneself
  • Emotional distancing from loved ones
  • Feelings of delusion or betrayal
  • Strong sense of shame over the sexual abuse
  • Tendency to be alone all the time instead of joining others

If you find that you have long-lasting negative memories related to being sexually assaulted on a boat tour, you can call our legal team at the DTLA Law Group right now.

Zero Fee Guarantee

Our law firm is able to give to you a zero-fee guarantee. You can talk to our lawyers who can help with your claim for having been sexually assaulted on a boat tour. Call in today to connect with an experienced attorney in Los Angeles at our law firm. Just call the DTLA Law Group right now!

boat tour sexual assault lawyer attorney compensation liability sue
Free Second Opinion

You can call us today for a free second opinion on your case. We can give to you a free second opinion regarding being sexually assaulted on a boat tour. Just call us to talk to our attorneys who specialize in sexual assault cases.

Can I Sue for Being Sexually Assaulted on a Boat Tour?

Yes, we can sue if you have been sexually assaulted on a boat tour. Just call us to discuss your case with our Los Angeles case lawyers. We are here for you, and can file a lawsuit on your behalf related to your personal injuries being sexually assaulted on a boat tour. You can talk to our case attorneys in Los Angeles right now, regarding your damages, losses and personal injuries related to your case.

Call for a Free Consultation

You can give us a call to discuss your case, regarding an incident being sexually assaulted on a boat tour. We are here to give you a free consultation on your claim. Call today!

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