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Broken Park Bench Injury Lawsuit

Broken Park Bench Injury Lawsuit lawyer attorney sue lawsuit

When you think about sitting on a park bench, your first thought could be a scenic place where you stop for lunch or to enjoy a cup of coffee. However, the term park bench actually covers many more locations than just that quiet place you stop to enjoy a few minutes of solitude in an actual park. These same benches can be found in government facilities, the lobbies of many office buildings, at the DMV, on the property of many schools, and even at your favorite shopping mall. But no matter where they are, you see them and assume they are a safe place to rest for a moment.

The average person assumes that a park bench that is damaged or worn out will be clearly marked with a sign to alert the public of the safety hazard and not to sit on the bench. However, even though you are unfamiliar with premises liability and duty of care, you know that common sense dictates there be a warning sign when any type of park bench or public seating is hazardous. You might even expect there to be some fencing or caution tape to keep the public from being able to approach a bench that is unsafe. So it comes as a complete surprise when you sit on a broken park bench and suffer an injury.

If you have had the misfortune of being injured by a broken park bench, the broken park bench injury lawyers at DTLA Law Group are here to help. Our seasoned pros have the expertise needed to get the information you need to make some critical choices about your future and a possible broken bench lawsuit. All you need to do is contact our office today to discuss your injuries and request a free consultation with a DTLA Law Group broken park bench injury lawyer.

Broken Park Bench Injury Lawsuit Lawyer Attorneys sue compensation liability
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Who Is Liable For The Broken Park Bench Injuries You Sustained?

If a few bruises to your ego are all the damage you suffered due to a broken park bench accident, consider yourself very fortunate. However, if your injuries were more severe, which is not uncommon, you will need the help of the legal experts at DTLA Law Group to determine who could be responsible for the injuries and expenses they have caused. The first challenge is determining who owns the bench and who else could be responsible for the care of the bench.

Some of the parties that could be liable for your injuries include:

  • The owner of the property
  • The city, state, or federal government if the bench is located in a government building or on government-owned property
  • The property management company
  • A maintenance or landscape company responsible for the care of the space and the bench
  • A security company overseeing the space
  • The manufacturer or distributor of the bench, if it is defective
  • The company that installed the bench if the installation was incorrect and caused the bench to fail

As you can see, the list is shockingly long. And it could take a bit of work to determine who is to blame for the broken bench. However, the experts at DTLA Law Group will work diligently to get the answer to this and all your questions to help you determine if a broken park bench injury lawsuit is the best way to protect yourself and your financial future.

Can I Sue The Bench Owner Or Responsible Party?

Not all accidents result in a lawsuit. For the victim to sue someone else for their injuries, there typically needs to be negligence by the person or business responsible for the broken bench. In addition, it must be determined that the responsible party knew about the issue and failed to fix it or should have known about the defect but was not making the appropriate inspections to discover the problem. Your broken bench injury lawyer at DTLA Law Group will provide the answers to these questions as you explain the details of your incident, and they will investigate further. Once all the facts are gathered, they will advise you on the merit of your case and if they recommend you pursue a broken bench injury lawsuit.

What Is The Value Of My Broken Park Bench Injury Lawsuit?

After meeting with your DTLA Law Group legal team, you will better understand the possible value of a lawsuit to seek compensation for your injuries and losses. The vital piece of information to remember is that the value of your claim will be based primarily on the losses and expenses you incurred due to the broken park bench accident.

In most situations, you will compile the costs you have incurred in the following areas:

  • All medical expenses related to the injuries you sustained in the broken park bench incident
  • The cost of your legal fees to prepare the broken park bench injury lawsuit
  • The value of any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the accident
  • Your lost wages if the injuries you sustained prevented you from working
  • If the injuries were severe and required a lengthy recovery period, you can also include an amount to compensate you for the pain and suffering you endured due to the injuries

Your DTLA Law Group legal team will assist you in gathering the essential data to back up your claim amount and ensure you receive full and fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Typical Injuries Caused By A Broken Park Bench Accident

Most people would think a fall of only around two feet from a broken park bench has no chance of causing severe injuries. However, that is not true. Victims of a broken park bench often suffer severe injuries, including:

  • Broken or fractured bones in the hands and arms from trying to break their fall, or to the lower back, neck, and head as they impact the ground suddenly
  • Puncture wounds and severe lacerations with damage to internal organs and internal bleeding are common when bench hardware or metal brackets are exposed and gouge the victim during the fall
  • Soft tissue, nerve damage, and injuries to joints often occur as the victim twists or falls awkwardly trying to regain control of their body and momentum
  • Back, neck, and spinal cord injuries are common due to the compression that occurs when the body impacts the ground unexpectedly
  • Facial wounds to the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, and skin occur from impact with the ground or parts of the damaged bench
  • Head injuries, including a concussion, skull fracture, brain contusion, brain hemorrhage, or other traumatic head injuries, are common due to impact with the ground, bench, or other nearby items
Broken Park Bench Injury Lawsuit Lawyer incident liability attorney sue lawsuit
The Statute Of Limitations For Filing Your Claim

While you might assume that being injured due to a broken park bench is not common and will not have a general timeline for filing a claim, that is not the case. This kind of injury falls into the group known as personal injuries, which all have a Statute of Limitation of two years from the date of the incident. Therefore, if the claim is not filed with the court in two years, you will lose the right to seek compensation for that event.

However, there is no time limit for how fast you can file a claim after suffering a personal injury. So the sooner you contact DTLA Law Group and begin to build a case, the quicker your claim can be presented to the court. The primary advantage is that you could receive the settlement or verdict needed to pay your bills and living expenses that had piled up when you were injured and unable to work.

How Can I Afford The Best Lawyer For My Broken Park Bench Injury Lawsuit?

It is frustrating to realize that you need to spend money to hire a lawyer to secure the compensation that is owed to you for injuries sustained in a broken park bench accident. Unfortunately, money is typically tight after suffering an injury and having limited or no ability to work. So you could be worried about how to hire the best lawyer to get the money you deserve.

The simple solution is to hire the team at DTLA Law Group to handle your broken park bench injury lawsuit. Our policy is never to charge any upfront legal fees to handle your case. We want to eliminate that stress from your mind so that you can focus on healing and rebuilding your life. Our belief is that every personal injury victim deserves the best legal services in the region. And we are here to provide them with expert legal guidance to ensure that victims understand their rights and how to protect them.

We request payment for our services only after we have delivered the settlement or verdict needed to pay your bills and legal fees. And if we fail to win your case, you owe us nothing. So if you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a broken or damaged park bench, don’t hesitate to contact DTLA Law Group today. We are here 24/7 to provide the information you need when you need it the most. In addition, the consultation and legal guidance are free to help reduce your stress and worries about future financial challenges related to your injuries and if you can file a broken park bench injury lawsuit.

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