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Filing a Lawsuit for Spinal Cord Damage After a Car Accident

Filing a Lawsuit for Spinal Cord Damage After a Car AccidentAccidents that cause spinal cord injuries are serious. In fact spinal cord damage is considered some of the most serious types of accidents. When a victims spin suffers any type of damage it can leave to life-long pain and suffering. In dealing with a spinal cord injury you need to make sure your attorney is aware of the long term impact. Car Accidents Causing Spinal Cord Trauma Statistically motor vehicle accidents are one of the top five reasons for a spinal cord injury. In fact vehicular accidents accounted for 39.2% of spinal cord injury claims. Spinal cord injuries can result from high to low impact collisions. They can occur anytime the spine is weakened. In certain circumstances age can play a big factor. For example if you are above a certain age a light impact or slow moving impact can cause damage to the spinal cord. This is because of the compounded effect of the natural aging process coupled with the impact of the accident. High impact accidents and SUV Rollover Crashes, resulting from truck or RV accidents or fast moving vehicles can also cause serious spine trauma. These high impact collisions can cause cervical or neck injuries, thoracic or chest level injuries and lumbar or lower back injuries. Additionally, these types of car accident can press sideways or compress the spinal cord leading the extensive or serious injuries after a car accident. Symptoms of Spinal Cord Damage After a Car Accident Spinal cord damage or trauma can occur after a serious or minor car accident. While the impact of the collision is important, it is not the only factor to consider. Symptoms of possible trauma include the following:
  • Increased pain in the spinal or lower back region
  • Loss of bodily function control
  • Paralysis
  • General pain throughout the body
  • Sensory changes particularly to light
Depending on which part of the spine was injured the type of symptoms you may experience may be different. If you experience neck or cervical injuries it is likely that it will impact your legs and arms. If the injury was to the lower back it can impact bowel movement or muscle control. Knowing the symptoms to a spinal cord injury is important. Your attorney should be able to help you assess the type of injury and get you in front of the proper doctors for treatment of your injuries. Calculating a Spinal Cord Injury Claim The cost associated with a spinal cord injury can be substantial. That is why your attorney must present any demand for damages to include the potential future cost of care and treatment. Below is a list of cost depending on the type of injury sustained.
  • Victims with high level Tetraplegia impacting the C1-C4 area are expected to have a care cost of $1,023,924 for the first year and around $177,808 for each subsequent year. Lifetime cost can be between $4.5 million dollars if the victim is 25 years of age and at around $2.5 million if the victim is over the age of 50.
  • Low level injuries or Low Tetraplegia impacting the C-5-C8 spinal region cost around $730,000 for the first year and around $109,000 for each subsequent year. The lifetime cost is around $3.5 million for those at the age of 25 and around $2 million for those 50 years or older.
  • Injuries causing paraplegia have a scheduled first year cost of around $500,000 and $66,000 for each subsequent year. The lifetime cost is around $2 million if you are around the age of 25 and about $1.4 million if you are 50 years or older.
** These figures can vary depending on geographic region. The Downtown LA Law Advantage – What Our Attorneys Can Do To Help.
  • Absolutely Free Consultation
  • Experienced Team Aggressive Representation
  • Knowledgeable Staff
If you suffered a spinal cord injury after a car accident contact our Law Offices. ** All Consultations with an attorney from the Downtown LA Law Group in Completely Free of Charge. Call Toll Free (855) 339-8879

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