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Mobile Home Injury Lawsuit Lawyers

Mobile Home Injury Lawsuit Lawyers liability incident accident

Mobile homes have become a popular option for many people seeking affordable housing. However, it is important to note that living in a mobile home park comes with certain risks, particularly when it comes to the condition of the roads within the park. Mobile home park owners have a duty to ensure the safety of their residents and visitors by maintaining the roads in a safe condition. In this blog, we will explore the duty of mobile home park owners to make sure the roads are safe, citing relevant case law and recent awards in California and across the USA for these types of cases.

Legal Duty of Mobile Home Park Owners

Mobile home park owners have a legal duty to maintain their property in a safe condition for their residents and visitors. This includes the duty to maintain the roads within the park in a safe condition. Park owners must take reasonable steps to ensure that the roads are free from hazards that may cause injury or harm to residents or visitors.

In general, the duty of a mobile home park owner to maintain the roads in a safe condition requires them to:

  • Regularly inspect the roads for signs of wear and tear or other damage
  • Repair any damage to the roads promptly
  • Warn residents and visitors of any known hazards associated with the roads

If a mobile home park owner fails to fulfill this duty and someone is injured as a result, the owner may be liable for the resulting damages.

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Case Law

A number of cases have addressed the liability of mobile home park owners for injuries resulting from unsafe roads. One such case is Jarvis v. Gore, 592 S.E.2d 45 (N.C. Ct. App. 2003).

In Jarvis, a resident of a mobile home park was injured when she fell on a pothole in the road. The pothole had been there for several weeks before the accident, and the park owner had received complaints about it from other residents. The resident sued the park owner, alleging that the owner had a duty to maintain the roads in a safe condition and had breached that duty.

The court agreed with the resident and found the park owner liable for the injuries. The court held that the owner had a duty to maintain the roads in a safe condition and had failed to do so. The court also noted that the owner had notice of the dangerous condition of the road, as other residents had complained about it before the accident occurred.

Another case that illustrates the liability of mobile home park owners for unsafe roads is Baugher v. Caylor, 20 Cal. App. 4th 1074 (Cal. Ct. App. 1993).

In Baugher, a resident of a mobile home park was injured when she fell on a cracked and uneven portion of the road. The resident sued the park owner, alleging that the owner had a duty to maintain the roads in a safe condition and had breached that duty.

The court again agreed with the resident and found the park owner liable for the injuries. The court held that the owner had a duty to maintain the roads in a safe condition and had failed to do so. The court also noted that the owner had notice of the dangerous condition of the road, as other residents had complained about it before the accident occurred.

Recent Awards in California and Across the USA

In recent years, there have been several high-profile cases in California and across the USA in which mobile home park owners have been found liable for injuries resulting from unsafe roads. These cases have resulted in significant awards for the plaintiffs.

One such case is Johnson v. Kort & Scott Financial Group, LLC, No. 1:14-cv-01200 (C.D. Cal. 2016). In this case, a resident of a mobile home park was injured when she tripped and fell on a damaged portion of the road. resident sued the park owner, alleging that the owner had a duty to maintain the roads in a safe condition and had breached that duty. The jury found in favor of the resident and awarded her $1.7 million in damages.

In another case, Holmes v. Malibu Mobile Home Park, LLC, No. BC598003 (Cal. Super. Ct. 2015), a resident of a mobile home park was injured when she fell on a pothole in the road. The resident sued the park owner, alleging that the owner had a duty to maintain the roads in a safe condition and had breached that duty. The jury found in favor of the resident and awarded her $1.6 million in damages.

These cases illustrate the significant awards that plaintiffs can receive when mobile home park owners fail to fulfill their duty to maintain safe roads.

Mobile Home Injury Lawsuit Lawyers sue compensation liability incident accident

Sales-Oriented Content

As a mobile home park owner, it is important to prioritize the safety of your residents and visitors by ensuring that the roads within your park are safe. Failing to fulfill this duty can result in significant legal liability and financial damages.

Investing in regular road maintenance and repairs can help prevent accidents and injuries, and ultimately save you money in legal fees and damages. By taking proactive steps to ensure the safety of your park’s roads, you can also attract and retain residents who prioritize safety and quality of life.

Don’t wait until an accident occurs to take action. Contact a professional road maintenance and repair company to assess and address any potential hazards on your park’s roads. Investing in safe roads is not only a legal and moral duty but also a smart business decision.

In conclusion, mobile home park owners have a legal duty to maintain safe roads within their parks. Failure to fulfill this duty can result in significant legal liability and financial damages. By prioritizing road maintenance and repairs, park owners can ensure the safety of their residents and visitors while also attracting and retaining residents who prioritize safety and quality of life.

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