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Beach Patrol Negligence

Over all, the purpose of beach patrol is to keep beach visitors safe. Usually, the beach patrol consists of many different separate groups, including traffic officers, lifeguards, rescue teams, and patrol officers, for instance. Although each section has specific responsibilities, all sections have a duty to keep beach goers safe. Beach Patrol NegligenceWhen we visit the beach, we expect comfort and ultimate relaxation. We expect to enjoy every second of our time. Although we are aware of the risks associated with swimming in the ocean, we trust that the lifeguards and other beach patrol personnel on duty will ensure that we are safe even if we end up in a dangerous situation. Were you harmed while you were visiting the beach? Although you might understand your risk of suffering some sort of accidental harm while you are on the beach, you might never even consider the possibility that you could be harmed by the negligence of the beach patrol – those who are supposed to be keeping you safe. Were you injured by beach patrol? If you suffered any type of harm as a direct result of the negligence of the beach patrol, you might have grounds to pursue a claim – depending on the specific details of the incident (and how you were harmed), you might also be eligible to recover compensation. If you suffered any sort of harm related to beach patrol negligence, it is essential that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. You should contact the beach patrol negligence experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible. Downtown L.A. Law Group is a personal injury law firm with many years of experience handling a variety of cases arising from different types of incidents. Our experienced attorneys have what it takes handle your claim and guide you towards a successful outcome. If you would like to discuss the possibility of pursuing a claim with the beach patrol negligence experts at our law firm, do not hesitate to contact our firm today.

Types of Incidents Resulting from Beach Patrol Negligence

The beach patrol is essentially responsible for keeping all beach goers safe. However, the beach patrol can negligently contribute to incidents. How could beach patrol contribute to the incident that you suffered? What are the different incidents related to beach patrol negligence? Consider the following points:
  • Encounters with wildlife – the ocean is home to many creatures, some which could be dangerous to humans. Sharks, sting rays, and even jelly fish could pose a significant risk to humans. At certain times throughout the year, there could be high numbers of wildlife near beaches. Because it could be dangerous for beach goers to swim in “infested” waters, the beach patrol is responsible for making the appropriate warnings. With a clear warning (either a verbal warning or a posted warning), beach goers could enter the water at their own risk (most of us have seen the “swim at your own risk” signs). However, if the beach patrol fails to issue the appropriate warnings, beach goers could unknowingly enter hazardous waters.
  • Near-drowning and drowning – the beach patrol, specifically the lifeguards, must always be watchful for those in the water. As soon as they identify anyone struggling in the water, they must act immediately to reach them and take them out of the water if necessary. Whenever lifeguards fail to respond or have a delayed response to someone struggling in the water, swimmers could suffer near-drowning injuries or could actually drown. Besides being watchful, lifeguards and other members of the beach patrol must warn swimmers of the different risks associated with going into the water. For example, the surface level can suddenly drop; this sudden drop-offs or sloping in the ocean floor can prove to be very dangerous for swimmers. Strong rip currents or tides can also prove to be very dangerous for swimmers. Swimmers must be warned to ensure that they are at least aware of the risks of going too far into the ocean; these risks can lead to near-drowning and drowning, depending on the circumstance.
  • Assault and battery – beaches attract large crowds. Although people go to beaches to relax and enjoy themselves, issues could arise between beach goers. Regardless of the specific trigger, it is possible for assault and battery to occur. The beach patrol must always remain vigilant to identify any situations that could escalate and become dangerous. Because the beach patrol is responsible for the safety of all beach goers, a lack of beach patrol presence or a delayed response to an incident report could contribute to the severity of the incident.
  • Vehicular accidents (pick-up trucks, SUV, ATV’s, etc) – the beach patrol often uses vehicles on the sand because doing so simply makes patrolling easier. They can cover a large area in a convenient length of time, ensuring that things are safe on the beach. However, vehicles and beach goers don’t usually mix well. In the beach, beach goers don’t typically look out for vehicles – although beach patrols do look out for beach goers, sometimes beach goers are difficult to spot. More specifically, people laying or sitting on the sand might be difficult to see from vehicles (even more so after a sudden turn or if the driver isn’t paying attention to surroundings), meaning that they could be run over on the beach.

Understanding Liability for Incidents

Beach Patrol Negligence Who is liable for any incidents like those explained above? Could the beach patrol be liable for the harm suffered? Liability depends on the specific details surrounding the claim. In general, the beach patrol has a duty of care towards all beach goers. They must exercise caution and care to promote and preserve the safety of beach goers. Whenever the beach patrol breaches this specific duty of care, innocent and unsuspecting beach goers are put at risk of being involved in incidents. The incidents could lead to significant harm. Whenever a breached duty of care causes harm to an innocent party the party (or entity) that breached their duty of care could be found negligent and liable for all the harm suffered. Liability can often be difficult to understand – especially if the cause of the accident is unclear. Therefore, if you are interested in learning more about establishing liability and possibly pursuing a claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance as soon as possible.

An Example of a Beach Patrol Incident

In April 2019, a woman was run over by a police cruiser on Venice Beach. The woman was sunbathing on the sand – like so many beach goers do. The police cruiser was performing a routine patrol. In Venice Beach, the Los Angeles Police Department has a special unit that serves as a beach patrol – keeping local beaches free of any incidents. The beach patrol was during a round in an SUV (the typical police cruisers). When the officers on duty made a turn, they accidentally struck the sunbathing woman. The patrol unit found the sunbather under their SUV. She was given first aid and transported to a local hospital. Fortunately, she did not suffer any life-threatening injuries.

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Do You Have the Right to Sue?

If the negligent actions of a beach patrol contributed to the harm that you suffered, could you pursue a claim? Do you have the right to sue? Any time that you are harmed as a direct result of a breached duty of care (a party failed to exercise their duty of care towards you), you could pursue a claim. However, you could also pursue a claim if the harm that you suffered was a direct result of their negligent or reckless actions. If you would like to learn more about your right to sue, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our experts as soon as possible. Our lawyers will provide you with the guidance that you need to gain a better understanding of your right to sue.

Could You Recover Any Type of Compensation?

Do you have the right to be compensated for the harm that you suffered? Depending on the specific details of the harm that you suffered, you could be compensated. In general, injured victims could be eligible to recover compensation for at least some of the following: medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, property damage, loss of consortium, funeral and burial costs, and punitive damages. How much compensation could you receive? What type of compensation could you be eligible to recover? The type and amount of compensation that you are eligible to receive will always depend on the specific details of your claim; therefore, it is important to seek legal assistance as soon as possible to learn more about the specific value of your claim and the compensation that you could be eligible to receive.

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When you allow the experts at our firm to handle your claim, you can be certain that you will recover the compensation that you deserve. Our experts are ready to aggressively fight for your right to recover the highest amount of compensation available for your claim. If you are ready for our beach patrol negligence experts to evaluate your claim and help you recover the compensation that you deserve, do not hesitate to contact our law firm immediately.

How Long Do You Have to Sue?

Although you have the right to sue, you could lose this right if you fail to take legal action and file your claim within the appropriate length of time. All claims are subject to a statute of limitations. What is a statute of limitations? How does a statute of limitations affect your claim? A statute of limitations establishes the total length of time that claimants have to sue. In general, injury claims in California are subject to a two-year deadline; wrongful death claims are also subject to a two-year deadline in most cases. However, claims against government agencies are subject to much shorter deadlines. In instances in which the beach patrols are part of the police or fire departments, claims will be subject to a shorter six-month deadline. For more information about the specific statute of limitations that applies to your claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with our lawyers immediately,

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

Contact Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

Are you in need of legal assistance? If you suffered any sort of harm as a direct result of the negligent or reckless actions of the beach patrol, it is essential that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible – as you might have grounds to sue and receive at least some sort of compensation. For the legal assistance that you need to understand your right to pursue a claim and be compensated, do not hesitate to contact us at Downtown L.A. Law Group. Downtown L.A. Law Group is a personal injury law firm with many years of experience handling claims and guiding victims and their families towards recovering the compensation that they deserve. If you would like to discuss the possibility of pursuing a claim with the experts at our law firm, contact us immediately. When you contact our firm, you will find that we are available to provide you with all the information that you need – at no upfront cost to you. Specifically, our firm offers free consultations and free second opinions. During our free consultations and free second opinions, our lawyers will be available to answer all your questions and address all your concerns – ensuring that you have access to the legal assistance necessary to pursue your claim. Our free legal services are available as part of our Zero-Fee guarantee, which ensures that our clients never have to pay any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services. Our law firm is also based on a strict contingency structure that ensures that our clients never have to pay anything until (and only if) their claim reaches a successful outcome. If you would like to discuss your beach patrol negligence claim with the experts at our law firm, do not hesitate to contact us immediately. Our lawyers are ready to provide you with all the information that you need to pursue your claim and fight for your right to be justly compensated.

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