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Westlake Village Car Accident Lawyers

Westlake village Car Accident Attorneys With over 6 million car accidents per year, it is no wonder that there are so many lawsuits and claims filed to pursue rightful damages. If you have been hurt, it should lie on the responsible party’s shoulders to pay your bills and expenses. However, not many people are equipped to file lawsuits and proceed with legal action. They may not have any experience at all in that realm. For this reason, it is best that you seek out the assistance of one of our skilled Westlake Village car accident attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group. We have years of experience handling automobile accident claims and know the best tactics to succeed with your lawsuit. We aim to bring you the maximum settlement available under the law.

What Do I Need To Know About Car Accidents?

Car accidents are not uncommon. It isn’t rare to have traffic stopped or be directed elsewhere because of a crash in the street, and there are plenty of moments where crashes happen in parking lots or on the freeway. Essentially, anywhere that you drive, you run the risk of being involved in an accident. These crashes happen for many reasons. The most common reason, though, is simple driver error or negligence. Too many drivers do not pay close enough attention while behind the wheel, and they may not operate their vehicles very safely. They may have tendencies to speed, tailgate, run red lights, fail to come to a complete stop at stop signs, ignore yield signs, disregard right of way laws, and more. Other drivers make grievous errors while driving, such as taking drugs or alcohol and getting in cars or texting at the same time. Driving while tired is also extremely dangerous. A car accident may occur if a driver is no operating his vehicle dangerously, though. This is most common in instances where there is a defect or malfunction, such as a suddenly-blown tire or brake failure. This can cause the driver to lose control and crash; the manufacturer could be held responsible if it can be shown that the defect was caused by the company. However, a mechanic may have negligently fixed a part or failed to correct an issue, which could have contributed to the crash as well. Car accidents are also more likely to happen in areas that have defective roads that are riddled with potholes or many sharp turns and curves. There may be inadequate lighting on the streets or they may be too narrow. Further, the area or environment can have an impact on the likelihood of car crashes. Storms, rain, snow, fog, and the like all make it hard to drive, and a small patch of ice can be enough to cause a car to lose control. If you are involved in a car accident and another driver was responsible for the crash, you should contact our Westlake Village car accident lawyers. We will do all we can to bring you the maximum compensation you deserve.

How Dangerous Are Car Accidents?

Car accidents result in millions of injuries every year with a sizeable amount of deaths as well. You can be hurt in a large number of ways. Head-on collisions may result in fatalities given the closeness of the impact and the sudden change in motion. The windshield could shatter and the car could fold up, leading to crushing injuries. You may be struck from behind and suffer whiplash in your neck, or various spinal cord injuries. Other injuries include:

  • ConcussionsHow Can I Sue After A Car Accident?
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Broken bones
  • Severed limbs
  • Abrasions
  • Nerve damage
  • Torn muscles
  • Knee and hip injuries
  • Scarring
  • Burns
  • Puncture wounds
  • Crushing injuries
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
  • Death

May individuals suffer concussions but do not know it. They may never get checked out and the problem could be extremely serious. There are only so many safety features that can be placed into a car before nothing will work as it is supposed to. Although safety belts and air bags do great for passengers, deaths still happen. If you have been injured in a car accident, reach out to our firm for more assistance. We will provide you with a skilled Westlake Village car accident lawyer who can handle your claim and see to it that you are fairly compensated for your damages.

Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements


Auto Accident


Shoulder Injury

$1.5 Million

Auto Accident

$5.5 Million

Motorcycle Accident


Back Injury

$1 Million

Forklift Accident


Truck Accident

$3 Million

Truck Accident

How Can I Sue After A Car Accident?

If you intend to sue after a car accident, you must prove that you were a victim of negligence. There are four points that must be established as true, and if even one is shown to be false, you will not be able to pursue your claim; it will be debunked. You must have been owed a duty of care by the responsible party which was then breached in some manner, and the breach of duty must have led to an accident that caused physical injuries. If you were not hurt in the accident, you will be unable to pursue compensation for your medical expenses and similar damages. You will only be able to get paid for the property that was damaged and any income that you missed as a result of absent days from work. To file an effective and successful lawsuit, you should have ample evidence. This evidence should be gathered at the scene of the accident if possible, but if you were transported to the hospital for emergency treatment, you could gather it afterward as best as you can. Other individuals can contribute to this evidence as well. You should be sure to have the following:

  • Proof of medical treatment, medical notes from the paramedics and doctor, receipts from the hospital, and more
  • Photographs of your injuries
  • Pictures of the damage to your car, the scene of the accident, the other responsible vehicle, and anything else that was hit, damaged, or involved
  • Security camera or surveillance footage if the accident happened at a place of business
  • A copy of the police report if the cops showed up and investigated the incident
  • Testimonies and statements from eyewitnesses and passengers who saw the accident happen

You should also write down the insurance information and contact details of the responsible driver so you can reach him and so you can file a claim against the right party. If you were involved in a hit-and-run accident, you will not be able to collect this information, and you will have to look at your underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage. Once you have gotten as much evidence as you can, our car accident lawyers in Westlake Village will assemble it and craft a demand letter to be sent to the insurance agency. Once the agent receives it, he will look over your claim and determine an amount to offer, if any. Our job will be to negotiate the fairest deal for you and show the impact your injuries had on your life and career.

What Can I Win In A Car Accident Claim?

You can win coverage for all of your expenses relating to the car accident. The insurance agent will try to make an offer that is too small or he will try to deem you partially at fault in order to reduce the amount. We will fight to win you the following expenses:

  • Medical bills (surgery, hospitalization, physical therapy, medication, future treatments, and more)
  • Lost income for days you missed at work and days you will miss in the future
  • Property damage for the repairs to your car, replacement of any personal items, reimbursement for damaged belongings, and more
  • Pain and suffering damages to cover PTSD, anxiety, fear, mental anguish, and more
  • Punitive damages if you were harmed as a result of gross negligence or deliberation
  • Wrongful death damages to cover the funeral and burial costs, pre-death medical bills, loss of inheritance and consortium, and more if a loved one died in the car accident

You should be given the utmost compensation for your damages. Get in touch with a car accident lawyer in Westlake Village for the best representation around.

Do I have to file a lawsuit within a certain time limit?

In California, you have two years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party. If you do not sue within this time period, you will be unable to pursue compensation and will be barred from filing a claim. You should always try to sue as quickly as you can once you have all your proof to preserve your evidence and to ensure that key details and damages are fresh. However, you may be eligible for an exception to the statute of limitations. This can happen if you are underage at the time of the accident, if you are left physically or mentally incapacitated after the accident, or if the defendant has left the state for a period of time. Our Westlake Village car accident lawyers will be glad to handle your case for you and document all your files on time. You will not run the risk of missing a single deadline when you work with our firm.

Choosing Us

The Downtown LA Law Group has been handling car accident claims for years. We are one of the most highly rated firms in the area and we have the best tactics to winning you the maximum settlement available under the law. We are willing to aggressively fight for your case in court and we will not give up until your debts are covered. We will give you a free legal consultation to discuss your case and the plan to move forward if you call us today. If you hire us, we will give you our zero fee guarantee to ensure that you do not pay any out of pocket expenses for your legal needs. We will cover the costs from start to finish and will only get paid if we win. If we lose, we collect no payment at all. Our Westlake Village car accident lawyers are available to assist you with your claim. Contact us at once to get started.

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