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Pomona Car Accident Attorneys

Pomona car accident attorneys Car accidents happen every single day, and we know how troublesome it can be for victims to move past them and get what they deserve. We know that you may search fruitlessly for an attorney and never turn up with one you like or can trust. Our law firm, the Downtown LA Law Group, has decades of combined experience handling car accident lawsuits. We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars in compensation for our clients and we know the best methods to winning lawsuits. Our Pomona car accident lawyers are more than well equipped to bring you the restitution you deserve.

What Are The Common Causes Of Car Accidents?

Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in the country and result in over 6 million accidents per year. Often, the causes can be attributed to simple driver error. For example, many people do not abide by the laws of the road, and choose to speed, tailgate, turn without signaling, run stop signs and red lights, and more. There may be causes that are outside of the control of the drivers, though. Vehicle defects, road conditions, defective streets, harsh weather, and more can contribute to accidents. Regardless, if you were involved in an accident, it is crucial that you take legal action against the responsible party. You will have an easier time suing if you can show the kind of accident that happened. For example, if you were rear-ended, it will be much easier for you state that you were not at fault and that the other party hit you than if you were both trying to merge or turn into the same lane. Our car accident lawyers in Pomona will gladly take on your case and ensure that you are fairly represented.

What Kind Of Injuries Can I Get In A Car Accident?

Over 2 million individuals are hurt each year in car accidents. This is extremely troubling; car accidents can cause severe damage even if you were not traveling very quickly. The sheer force and size of cars can be enough to cause irreparable damage and completely alter your life. Some of the injuries we often see from car accidents include:

  • Broken bones
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Sprains
  • Strains
  • Nerve damage
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Spinal cord and disc injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Concussions
  • Whiplash
  • Knee and hip injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Paralysis and quadriplegia
  • Severed limbs and digits
  • Burns
  • Crushing injuries
  • Coma
  • Death

These injuries can affect you for the rest of your life. If you wish to pursue compensation, look no further than our car accident attorneys in Pomona.

Our Recent Verdicts and Settlements


Auto Accident


Shoulder Injury

$1.5 Million

Auto Accident

$5.5 Million

Motorcycle Accident


Back Injury

$1 Million

Forklift Accident


Truck Accident

$3 Million

Truck Accident

What Should I Do After A Car Crash?

If you were involved in a car crash, you should follow these steps to ensure that you have the best chance of success with your claim and that you stay healthy without placing your safety at risk.

  • Get medical attention immediately (if you don’t get medical help at the scene from paramedics, go to the doctor the next day so that you can be treated for any damages that may not have shown up and so the insurance agent cannot claim that you were hurt in another incident)
  • Take pictures and videos of your injuries
  • Take photographs of the damage to your car
  • Record the scene of the accident
  • Write down statements and testimonies from passengers and eyewitnesses who saw the incident happen
  • Collect the insurance information and contact information of the driver who hit you
  • Request a copy of the police report if law enforcement showed up to conduct an investigation
  • Ask any nearby businesses or parking authorities for surveillance footage if possible

It is highly recommended that you call an expert car accident lawyer in Pomona to help you with your case. You may be shaken up after an accident and not know what to do. We will walk you through the legal process and will help you understand the nuances of your claim. We will also gather your evidence for you into a package and write the demand letter to submit to the insurance agency if you hire us to represent you.

How Can I Sue Someone For A Car Accident?

If you plan to file a lawsuit against someone for a car accident, you will have to prove that the party was negligent in his action. All personal injury lawsuits are based on negligence; to show that the party was guilty, you must prove that you were owed a duty of care that was breached, and that the breach of duty led to an accident and physical injuries. If you were not physically hurt in the accident, you won’t be eligible to file a personal injury clam. You will instead only be able to collect damages for your lost wages and damaged property. You may not need an attorney in that case, as the damages will likely be greatly deduced and the insurance agent would not be able to dispute mechanic estimates and pay stubs. For cases involving physical injuries and medical expenses, though, you will almost certainly face opposition from the insurance agency and will need one of our car accident lawyers in Pomona to assist you.

What Is The Value Of My Car Accident Lawsuit?

Your car accident claim can be worth anywhere between $20,000 and in excess of $1,000,000. There are many factors that go into determining the worth of your case; there is no calculator that allows you to input your damages and it spits out a number. Instead, an insurance agent will review your case details and evidence. The agent will look at the severity and extent of your injuries, the impact the damages had on your career and daily life, your job type, your career, and how much of the accident can be blamed on you. If you were the primary cause of the accident, you may not get any compensation at all. Once the insurance agent has considered everything, he will make an offer. Our Pomona car accident lawyers will negotiate a better deal form the insurance agent and will strive to get you the best settlement possible. Insurance agents tend to use all sorts of tactics to force you to accept low offers, such as waiting weeks or months to consider you claim, place inordinate blame on you, claim you weren’t as hurt as you stated or that you didn’t need the treatment you got, and more. Let our expert lawyers handle your case and we will do all the hard work and negotiations for you.

How Long Do I Have To Sue For A Car Accident?

Personal injury lawsuits in California must be filed no later than 2 years after the date of the injury. If you do not file a lawsuit by this time, your claim will be rejected and you will be unable to collect any compensation. The sooner you file a claim, the fresher the memories of witnesses will be and the more likely it is that all your evidence will not be corrupted or lost. There are some exceptions to this 2-year limit. They include your age (minors cannot file lawsuits and must wait until they are 18 years old for the statue to begin counting down), your physical or mental health (incapacitated individuals can wait until they return to health), and the defendant’s location (defendants who are not in the state will force the statue to extend to match the time they left).

Can Illegal Immigrants file Lawsuit for Injuries After a Car Accident?

Many times, individuals will not know how much time they have left to file a lawsuit. Our Pomona car accident lawyers will be glad to help you determine the exact deadline, and if you hire us, we’ll file everything for you – on time and with no chance of a missed date.

Learn more about your legal options: Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

What Compensation Can I Get From A Car Accident Claim?

You may be able to receive various kinds of compensation from the responsible party’s insurance company if you were involved in a car accident. Victims should not be expected to cover their own debts and expenses or not have them reimbursed if there are emergency costs. Too often, victims will not pursue the damages they deserve because they are unsure of how to proceed legally or because their claims get thrown out from poor self representation. Our lawyers will strive to bring you the following damages:

  • Medical bills from the past and future for hospital fees, medication, physical therapy, and more
  • Missed income from your job from the past and future if you needed to go to additional treatments, get surgery, or take longer to recover
  • Property damage for repair costs for your vehicle or for replacement of any damaged personal items
  • Pain and suffering for emotional trauma, PTSD, anxiety, fear, and more
  • Wrongful death damages if a family member or loved one died in the incident, which may include pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, loss of expected savings and inheritance, loss of consortium and relations, funeral and burial fees, and more
  • Punitive damages if the responsible party acted with the intention to harm you or with extreme negligence; these damages are meant to punish the defendant but are occasionally viewed as harsh and severe, so only a qualified lawyer will be capable of winning them for you

In many cases, individuals will try to get compensation by themselves but will find that the insurance agent will outright reject them. Our Pomona car accident attorneys will do all we can to secure you the funds you need to cover expenses relating to the accident.

The Best Firm for You

Our attorneys at the highly rated Downtown LA Law Group are the best choice for you to win your car accident claim. We know how to negotiate with the insurance agents and our firm always puts our clients first. We will update you on the status of your claim and tell you what you need to know about the legal process. We are aggressive and relentlessly pursue your fair compensation at all costs, even if we need to go to court to do so.

Should I Hire An Attorney to Handle My Car Accident Claim

We will give you a free legal consultation if you call (855) 339-8879. Our lawyers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and all consultations are totally confidential. We will answer all your questions and help you determine the proper path to take with your claim.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form or call (855) 339-8879 today.

Let us represent you and we will give you our zero fee guarantee. This will allow you to not pay a single dime throughout your case. We will only get paid if we win, and if we lose, we do not receive any money whatsoever. You will not touch your own finances throughout the case. Get in touch with our Pomona car accident lawyers at the Downtown LA Law Group if you are in need of legal assistance.

Over $1 BILLION Recovered
for Our Clients

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