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Bicyclist Killed in Accident with MTA Bus in Malibu Los Angeles

Bicyclist Killed in Accident with MTA Bus in Malibu Los AngelesA 36 year old female riding her bicycle has been killed in an accident involving a Los Angeles MTA Bus Line In the prestigious seaside community of Malibu California over the weekend.  According to police investigation reports the female was dragged underneath the Los Angeles City Bus and was rover by the buses rear wheels. MTA bus accidents are a common occurrence in Los Angeles. Based on published data, every year hundreds suffer serious injuries and fatalities due to collisions with MTA busses. What’s more hundreds more suffer severe injuries as passengers onboard bus lines in Los Angeles County. According to investigators all evidence including a video recording that is kept onboard all city buses will be reviewed in order to determine fault. As of today the bus driver has not been arrested over the accident, but has undergone questioning by authorities. The bus was traveling eastbound on Pacific Coast Highway at the time collision with the bicyclist. If you or a loved one have been injured due to a MTA bus accident contact the Los Angeles MTA Bus Accident Attorneys at the Downtown LA Law Group.

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