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Benefit of getting a lawyer immediately after an accident

Benefit of getting a lawyer immediately after an accidentThere are a number of reasons why obtaining an accident attorney early on or immediately after your accident is important. A knowledgeable attorney can guide you through the process and will work on your behalf to maximize your recovery. Here are the top 3 reasons employ an attorney immediately following an accident or any other personal injury claim.

Gaps in your case can hurt your ability to recover

Anytime you wait to begin treatment after your accident can be viewed as a weakness by insurance companies. If you wait a few months or weeks before beginning treatment, your ability to recover can be significantly diminished. When you are involved in an accident you may have serious injuries. Delaying treatment will only give off the signal that your injuries were in-fact not so serious. This becomes important when your attorney attempts to negotiate with your insurance adjuster. When it comes time for negotiating a settlement insurance companies will look at every aspect of your case. If they notice that a gap or inconsistency with the file, then your chances of recovering can be reduced. This is particularly true if you have significant injuries.

Guiding you through the process

This is perhaps the most important aspect of employing an attorney early on. Knowing what to do and what to say is important. Many times clients ruin a case when they make statements which are later used against them by insurance companies. Statements which impact liability and damages. When you have an attorney NO insurance company or other attorney is permitted to speak with you unless your attorney consents. Often times your attorney can request written statements rather than verbal ones or can limit the scope of the questions asked. Additionally, your attorney can guide you through the entire legal process. You may not know what is required to successfully complete your case and an attorney can assist you. Questions about the purpose of each doctor visit and scope of treatment are likely as well what your attorney asses as the value of your case.

Maximizing  your recovery

Maximizing your recovery should be your attorneys job. Getting you in front of the best experts and speaking with your treating physicians is important. All of these factors can help maximize your ultimate recovery. Attempting to negotiate without an attorney can lead to significant reductions in your settlement. Insurance companies automatically know that without the presence of an attorney many clients will not be aware of their rights. As a result they can be pushed into accepting settlements at far lesser values.

If you have been injured in a personal injury matter contact Downtown L.A. Law for a free consultation.

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