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Living Spaces Furniture Store Slip and Fall Attorney

Living Spaces Furniture Store Slip and Fall Attorney lawyer injury lawsuit sue

When it comes to buying new furniture, many people enjoy walking through Living Spaces to choose their ideal furniture and even get inspiration on possible decorating. Most people visit these furniture stores focused on checking out the furniture. However, some of them end up suffering slip and fall accidents that could result in devastating injuries.

Were you or a member of your family injured in a slip and fall accident that occurred at a Living Spaces store? If so, you might have grounds to sue. Based on the details surrounding the slip and fall incident, you could have grounds to sue and recover monetary compensation. If you are interested in learning more about your right to pursue a claim, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately.

You can trust the slip and fall lawyers at Downtown L.A. Law Group to provide you with the guidance that you need to reach a successful claim outcome. Our lawyers have many years of experience representing victims and helping them win their claims. If you are interested in discussing your slip and fall accident claim with our attorneys, contact us today.

Some of the Causes of Living Spaces Slip and Fall Accidents

Although some people might consider furniture stores to be safe, a number of hazards can exist within the premises that could contribute to slip and fall accidents. Some of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents include the following:

  • Wet floors
  • Slippery floors
  • Recently waxed or mopped floors
  • A lack of warning signs
  • A lack of weather mats
  • Leaks (such as air conditioner leaks)
  • Spilled liquids

Any slip and fall accident caused by any of the risks listed above could have been completely avoided if the employees, managers, and owners had identified and addressed the hazard before it was too late.

The Injuries that Victims Could Suffer

Although some people can get up unharmed immediately after a slip and fall accident, that is not always the case. Slip and fall accidents can potentially lead to injuries ranging in severity. Some of the different types of injuries that could result from slip and fall accidents include the following:

  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Joint injuries
  • Fractures
  • Nerve and ligament damage
  • Lacerations
  • Sprains and strains
  • Scrapes and bruises

Did you or a member of your family suffer any of the injuries listed above? Based on the details surrounding the incident, the injuries could only be minor, moderate, severe – or a mix of all. Regardless of the specific harm resulting from the incident, you should explore the legal options available. You might be eligible to pursue an injury claim.

Can You Sue Living Spaces Furniture Store?

Do you have the right to sue Living Spaces for the harm that you or a member of your family suffered on their premises? Can you sue the furniture store for a slip and fall accident? Based on the details surrounding the incident, you could be eligible to pursue a claim. Your right to sue for a slip and fall accident in a furniture store, such as Living Spaces, is based on the concept of premise liability. Based on premise liability, all property owners owe their guests a duty of care (in furniture stores, store owners owe their customers a duty of care). Because of this duty of care owed to guests, property owners must thoroughly inspect their premises to be able to identify and address any hazards present. If they fail to do this, the dangerous conditions that exist throughout their premises can contribute to incidents which could harm innocent guests. If a breached duty of care directly leads to harm, the property owner could be liable for the harm suffered. What does this mean? If you suffered harm in a slip and fall accident at a Living Spaces furniture store, you could sue the store. If you are interested in learning more about your right to file a slip and fall claim and sue Living Spaces for your injuries, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately.

Can You Be Compensated for Your Injuries?

Do you have the right to recover monetary compensation for the harm that you or a member of your family suffered in a Living Spaces slip and fall accident? Based on the details surrounding the incident and the harm suffered, you could be entitled to compensation. What could you recover? Based on the details surrounding your slip and fall claim, you could be eligible to recover compensation for some of the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of consortium
  • Punitive damages
  • Legal expenses

For more information about the specific type and amount of compensation that you could be eligible to recover, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately. Our furniture store slip and fall attorneys are ready to handle your claim and fight for your right to recover the highest amount of compensation available. You can trust that our slip and fall attorneys will not rest until you recover the compensation that you are owed.

What Should You Do?

After experiencing a slip and fall accident at a Living Spaces furniture store, there are a number of things that you should do to prepare to pursue your slip and fall claim. Consider some of the following recommendations listed below:

  • Seek medical assistance immediately
  • Take photos of your injuries
  • Take photos of the hazard that contributed to your incident
  • Take photos of the entire scene of the incident
  • File an accident report with the store owner (request a copy of your report)
  • Speak to all witnesses and collect their contact information
  • Collect any video footage that captured the incident
  • Gather all medical records associated with the harm resulting from the incident
  • Gather all records of lost wages
  • Gather records of property damage, if relevant
  • Seek legal assistance immediately

File Your Claim Within the Statute of Limitations

Without a doubt, you could be eligible to pursue a slip and fall injury claim for the harm resulting from a Living Spaces furniture store incident. However, you could lose your right to take any legal action if you fail to file your claim on time. This is because all claims are subject to a statute of limitations. A statute of limitations determines the total length of time that claimants have to file their claims; if claimants do not file their claims on time, they could lose their right to sue for their harm.

How long do you have to file your claim? In California, personal injury claims – including slip and fall accident claims – are subject to a two-year statute of limitations. Therefore, claimants will only have two years to sue. It is possible, however, for certain exceptions to apply based on the details surrounding the claim. To ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the total length of time that you have to pursue your claim, do not hestiate to seek legal assistance with our experts immediately.

Contact Downtown L.A. Law Group Today

Are you in need of a slip and fall attorney after your incident at a Living Spaces furniture store? If so, do not hesitate to seek legal assistance with the experts at our firm immediately. At Downtown L.A. Law Group, our lawyers have many years of experience handling all sorts of injury claims, including slip and fall injury claims. If you are interested in discussing your claim with the experts at our firm, do not hesitate to contact us today.

We know that it could be difficult for injured victims to access legal services. To make things easier, we offer free legal services – our services include free consultations and free second opinions. During our free legal services, our slip and fall injury lawyers will be available to answer your questions and address all your concerns. Our slip and fall attorneys will provide you with all the information that you need to pursue your claim. Are you interested in discussing your claim with the experts at our firm? If so, contact us today.

Our firm offers a Zero-Fee guarantee, meaning that our clients will not be required to pay any upfront legal fees for our legal services. Additionally, our firm is based on contingency; therefore, our clients will not be required to pay anything until after reaching a positive claim outcome.

Would you like to discuss your slip and fall claim with our experts? If so, contact us today. Our Living Spaces slip and fall experts will guide you every step of the way.

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How to Sue Belkin for Defective Charging Banks

If you intend to file a product liability lawsuit against Belkin, you must show that the company was negligent in some way. Product liability lawsuits can be filed if you can prove at least one of the following points about the product:

  • There was a design error present with the charging bank
  • There was a manufacturing error that occurred when the charging bank was being made in the factory
  • There were no hazard signs or symbols on the charging bank or on the packaging

The charging banks had a defect in the wiring, so it is likely that the materials were faulty or that there was a design that did not account for the small space or power usage.

You should make sure to go to the hospital to get medical treatment for your injuries. It is not recommended that you wait too long to visit a doctor. If you do not get treatment quickly, your injuries may worsen, or you may find that the insurance agent will doubt the validity of your claim. He can say that you were shocked by another item or in another incident, and he will say that the defective item was a convenient scapegoat. You should also make sure that you get copies of all medical documents, test results, doctor’s statements, hospital receipts, and more from the treatment center.

You can take photos of the damages from the electric shock, and you can also take pictures of the charging bank to show that the item caught fire, if applicable.

There may have been eyewitnesses who saw the incident happen or who can testify that the bank was defective. You can add their statements to your claim to bolster it. The more support you have from people who saw the incident, the stronger your case will be.

You may want to throw the charging bank away, try to repair it, or return it for a refund. You should do none of this. It is important that you keep the charging bank as it is and preserve it, as it is the most important piece of evidence you have. If you get rid of it, the insurance company can claim that there’s no way for the defect to be examined, since it is not present at all.

You may have a receipt showing that you bought the charging bank. You can make copies of this, or copies of a bank statement or email showing that you paid for the item.

You will benefit by hiring a product liability lawyer to handle your case for you. If you have never taken legal action, you may not know the first thing about moving forward with a defective product claim. An attorney can gather your proof, negotiate with the insurance agent, and keep you updated throughout the process while you recover and return to regular life.

Statute of Limitations to File a Product Liability Lawsuit

California has a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the injury if you wish to file a claim to receive compensation for damages. If you do not sue within this time period, you won’t be able to receive any restitution, and your claim will be thrown away. Often, individuals fail to understand the correct amount of time or do not know that there is a statute of limitations in the first place. It is important that you speak with a lawyer to determine how much time you have left on your case.

There is the possibility for your statute of limitations to be extended, but this will only happen in certain situations. If you were under 18 years old, you cannot sue without a legal guardian representing you, so you can wait until you turn legal age before the statute of limitations counts down. You also may have been left incapacitated and unable to sue, so the statute won’t start until you return to health. Further, the defendant must be in California – if he has left the state, the deadline will count down when he returns.

Living Spaces Furniture Store Slip and Fall Attorney lawyer injury sue lawsuit compensation

Earnings from a Product Liability Claim against Belkin

The value of a product liability lawsuit will largely be determined by the injuries you suffered and how extensive they were. If you were seriously hurt, you will potentially receive a larger settlement offer than if you only suffered minor injuries. The insurance agent wants to preserve profits and not pay out settlements, and we aim to bring you the maximum settlement available under the law. Our goal is to secure you compensation for the following:

  • Medical bills and expenses from the past and future for surgery, hospitalization fees, medication, physical therapy, and more
  • Lost wages if you were unable to work or could not return to work in the future
  • Property damage to cover lost items and personal belongings
  • Pain and suffering damages to account for emotional trauma, anxiety, PTSD, fear, and more

You should not be expected to foot the bill for all of these expenses if you were not responsible for the incident in the first place. A defective product claim can allow you to receive the compensation you need to pay for these damages.

Our Firm’s Promise

Our goal at the Downtown LA Law Group is to ensure that you are wholly covered for your losses if you were hurt because of a defective product. Our product liability lawyers are known as the best in town, and we have years of experience and numerous reviews to back us up. We will stop at nothing to bring you every penny you deserve, even if it means going to court to defend your rights.

For a free legal consultation, call our law offices today. All consultations are confidential and your private information or case details will not be shared elsewhere. We will also give you our zero fee guarantee on your case. We won’t get paid unless and until we win. If we lose, we get nothing at all. Either way, your finances will not be altered by pursuing legal help with us.

Don’t hesitate to contact the Downtown LA Law Group if you wish to sue Belkin for injuries from a defective charging bank.

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