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Ultimate guide to Uber, Fair and Maven

All You Need To Know About Tax Deductions As An Uber or Lyft Driver

Many people drive Uber for the extra cash and may not have a lot of money saved up or laying around. As a result, if they are ever involved in an accident, they are in need of some kind of coverage. Although Uber offers insurance to all of its drivers thanks to a ruling that declared them a form of employee as opposed to independent contractors, the company still does not make it easy to recover damages and pay for any injuries or expenses. James River Insurance provides coverage for Uber and drivers, but it can be difficult to file a claim and meet the deductible ahead of time. Uber’s policy dictates that the accident is covered once the James River accident deductible amount is met; this amount – $1,000 – is not small, and it can be hard for people to pay it off. Fortunately, if you get into an accident while driving for Uber, you may have legal options available to you to cover the Uber insurance deductible. You could potentially sue another party for expenses relating to the incident, or you could contact our legal group. Our law firm will pay the deductible for your Uber accident if we take on your case. Reach out to the Downtown LA Law Group for more help concerning the insurance deductible for Uber’s insurance policy.

Uber Accident Deductible

Uber offers commercial insurance to drivers because a personal auto insurance policy will not cover anything that happens while driving for money. The policy is simple and consists of separate stages of coverage. They are as follows: If you are not driving for Uber, your own policy is in effect and your coverage and its limits apply. If you have the Uber app turned on and you are waiting for a customer to request a ride, Uber covers up to $50,000 in liability and $25,000 in collision insurance. When you accept a ride and you are traveling to the customer, the policy limit increases to $1,000,000 and will cover a few different parties. You will be covered, the individual or individuals who enter your car will be covered, and a third-party who hits you or whom you hit can be covered. You may also be covered if a third-party strikes you and cannot pay for the damages. Underinsured and uninsured motorist coverage is also $1,000,000. When the ride is over and you have dropped off the passenger, your insurance reverts back to the original state. After an accident, you may have to cover a certain amount of the damages yourself, which is the deductible. This James River deductible must be met before the insurance company covers the other damages. The $1,000 comprehensive deductible can be troublesome for some people to meet, though, and they may not have anything covered if the repair costs less than the total or if the vehicle is a total loss. Many people ask us questions about this James River deductible amount, some examples of which include:
  • Can an attorney tell me how to get my deductible paid after I’m in an Uber accident?
  • Who pays for deductible after UBER accident?
  • I don’t want to pay the deductible for my Uber accident. Can I sue for it?
  • What is the out-of-pocket deductible amount for Uber drivers who are in an accident?
  • Our firm will answer all of these questions for you. In short, yes, you can have your deductible covered ahead of time if you take legal action against the responsible party or if you are not at fault for the incident. We’ll do our best to ensure that you are fully taken care of in the event of an Uber accident.

    Payment from a Lawsuit

    Although there is car insurance for Uber drivers offered by James River, it can still be difficult to get the compensation you deserve. The expanded liability insurance can cover injuries, but if the company believes you are slightly at fault, they may try to block you from receiving any damages. If you can prove that you were the victim of negligent action, you can sue for various damages, and even have Uber’s insurance policy deductible taken care of by the responsible party. If you were injured during a trip, you should not be forced to pay expenses that otherwise would not have come up if the other driver had been more careful. There are different forms of compensation you can get from a lawsuit. In addition to coverage for the deductible, you can also receive the following if you pursue a personal injury claim against Uber or another driver:
    • Coverage of medical expenses, such as surgery, hospitalization, physical therapy, medication, and more, from both the past and future
    • Lost wages from the past and future, especially if you require additional time to recover or if you must undergo other medical procedures
    • Property damage to your vehicle or other personal items
    • Pain and suffering damages, which include PTSD, anxiety, fear, depression, mental scarring, and more
    In some cases, you may even be able to earn wrongful death damages and punitive damages. Wrongful death damages can be paid out if a family member or loved one dies in the accident; the company or party can cover funeral and burial expenses, loss of consortium, loss of inheritance and savings, pre-death medical bills and pain and suffering, and more. Punitive damages can be handed out in times of gross negligence, but these daages are often viewed as excessive and may not be granted by many judges and juries. They are additional forms of monetary compensation meant to punish a defendant; only a skilled lawyer will be bale to win them for your case.

    Find out more about how we can help you. Call (855) 339-8879 with a representative now.

    Value of Your Claim

    Your Uber case may be valued differently depending on many factors. For one, an insurance agent will determine how impactful your injuries were; he will look at how extensive they were, how much they altered your ability to work and live, how long it took you to heal, and more. He will also consider your age and career type, as well as how much responsibility could be assigned to you for the accident. Insurance agents are tasked with handling claims, but their primary goal lies in saving as much money as possible for the companies they represent. This means that you will likely have a hard time receiving the compensation you deserve, and negotiating with the agent will be very long and tiring. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you hire a qualified attorney who can deal with lawsuits against Uber or James River.

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    we cover your deductible free case review uber fair rideshare maven

    Uber Accidents and You

    The risk of being in an accident does not necessarily increase if you are driving for Uber, but you may find yourself driving more aggressively to ensure that a customer is dropped off on time. Uber drivers in general may drive more carelessly, speed more, and break more traffic violations because they want to fit as many rides into a short window as they can. This, of course, is very dangerous for themselves, other passengers in the car, and other drivers on the road. We have seen many Uber drivers and victims of car accidents come into our firm suffering from numerous types of injuries. We have handled cases for people who have been injured with the following:
    • Neck and spinal cord injuries
    • Concussions
    • Traumatic brain injuries
    • Broken bones
    • Dislocations and fractures
    • Sprains and strains
    • Nerve damage
    • Torn muscles
    • Internal organ damage
    • Aggravation of previously existing injuries
    • Knee and hip injuries
    • Paralysis
    • Coma
    • Death
    If you want more assistance with an Uber lawsuit or if you need help with your deductible, call our law firm today at (855) 339-8879.

    Statute of Limitations

    Some people will not file a lawsuit or pursue alternate options for their deductible until it is too late. There is a 2-year limit on the amount of time you can file a lawsuit. If you do not file a claim within that time limit, you will be prevented from pursuing any compensation in the future. These claims have statutes on them so that they can be quickly handled and they do not sit while evidence gets lost or corrupted. It is highly recommended that you speak with an attorney to determine how much time you have left on your claim.

    Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

    The Firm for You

    The Downtown LA Law Group in Los Angeles has years of experience handling Uber accident claims. We have recovered millions of dollars for those who have taken legal action against Uber, and we have the best tactics for winning your case. Our aggressive lawyers will work around the clock to bring you the compensation you deserve, and if we need to, we will take your case to court. Contact our firm for a free legal consultation with an expert attorney. If you have specific questions, we will answer them, and we will tell you more about the legal process and what you can do to not pay the deductible for James River coverage. We will also tell you more about our zero fee guarantee, which comes into play if you choose to pursue a lawsuit against the company or another party. We won’t get paid anything from your personal savings throughout the case; we will only have our expenses covered if we win, and the settlement we bring you will be the source of our funds. If we lose, you owe us nothing, and we eat the costs of the case ourselves. For more help, give the Downtown LA Law Group a call at (855) 339-8879. You may have questions about the deductible associated with your Uber insurance policy, and we’ll gladly walk you through the best path forward.

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