Nursing Home Heat Stroke Lawsuit – Excessive Heat Elder Abuse Attorney
The elderly are more prone to heat exhaustion and heat stroke due to high temperatures than any other population group. Every year thousands of nursing home and elderly care residents suffer dehydration and other serious heat related illnesses caused in part by the negligent care of nursing home staff and operators.
Neglect resulting in serious medical complications due to excessive heat is considered elder abuse in the eyes of federal and state law. Victims of elder abuse and neglect are entitled to justice including financial compensation from at fault parties including owners and operators of nursing home and elderly care facilities. If your loved one has suffered a heat related illness contact our elder abuse law firm to schedule a free and confidential legal consultation.
State and federal laws have been put in place over the past three decades to protect the elderly from acts of abuse including neglect and isolation. Nursing homes owe a duty of proper care to their elderly residents including (1) Providing proper nutrition and hydration to stave of dehydration, (2) Proper management of illnesses including regularly attending to individuals who are at a high risk of heal related illnesses; this may include individuals with pre-existing heart, circulatory and pulmonary conditions, (3) Providing for a hospitable and sanitary environment including air conditioned rooms and heat ventilation systems in the winter time.
Some specific laws and statutes that would be used against nursing homes in cases of preventable heat related illnesses include:
California Penal Code 15610.05 – “forsaking of an elder or a dependent adult by anyone having care or custody of that person under circumstances in which a reasonable person would continue to provide care and custody.
California Penal Code 15610.07 – “The deprivation by a care custodian of goods or services that are necessary to avoid physical harm or mental suffering.”
Laws Protecting the Elderly – Elder Abuse Prevention

Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stroke and heat Exhaustion:
Heat stroke of the more serious of the two heat related illnesses and can lead to death. Some of the most common symptoms of heat stroke amongst the elderly are as follow:- Complaints regarding throbbing headaches
- Hyperthermia elevated body temperature – The bodies core temperature above 103 degrees
- Nausea and vomiting
- Dizziness
Common sings of heat exhaustion
- Tiredness and general weakness including muscle cramps
- Dizziness and headaches
- Fainting
- Vomiting and Nausea
- High pulse rate r a weak pulse rate
- Fast or shallow rate of breathing
The Ultimate Guide to Nursing Home Neglect & Elder Abuse
– Elder Abuse Attorney Los Angeles – Nursing Home Neglect – Emotional Elder Abuse Attorney – Bed Sore Attorney | Elderly Neglect – Medication Error in Nursing Homes – What is Elder Abuse? – Nursing Home Slip and Fall Attorney – Elder Financial Abuse Attorney – Elder Abuse Neglect Laws Attorney – Residential Care Elderly Abuse Attorney – Who Can Sue For Elder Abuse? – Elder Abuse Wrongful Death Lawsuit – Elderly Medical Malpractice Attorney – Bed Sore Wrongful Death Lawsuit – Bed Sore Injury Attorney – Nursing Home Neglect – Different Stages of Bedsores – Hospital Bed Sore Lawsuit – Can a Hospital be Sued for Patient Neglect – Nursing home sexual assault – Infections in Nursing Homes Heat Stroke Exhaustion and Dehydration Lawsuit Against Nursing Homes: Our elder abuse law firm is dedicated to protecting the rights of nursing home an tong term care residents. To contact our law firm call toll free (855) 339-8879. Further Information: Elder Abuse Wrongful Death Claims Over $1 BILLION Recovered
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