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Infections in Nursing Homes – Elder Abuse Attorney

Infections in nursing homes and elderly care facilities are a growing dilemma facing the elderly and infirmed across the country. Every year tens of thousands of nursing home and long term care facilities sustain dangerous infections due to the negligent or intentional actions of staff employees including the failure of hygienic and sanitary care. Managers, staff and operators of nursing home owe their residents a heightened duty care to prevent infections and can be sued by victims and their relatives for the harm caused by their inactions. Elder Neglect Attorney

Attorney Assistance: Our law firm is proud to represent the elderly and infirmed who have suffered serious harm due to the negligent or intentional action of others. To contact our elder abuse law firm call us toll free at (855) 339-8879. All consultations are free of charge and completely confidential.

Elder Neglect and Elder Abuse Laws – Duty to Prevent Infections

Due to elderly residents already low immune systems infections in long term care facilities represent one of the most common cause of mortality and morbidity. More so residence in nursing homes are grouped together in confined spaces causing preexisting infections to spread form one resident to another. Some of the most common causes of preventable infections in nursing home care facilities are as follows.

  • Failure of managers and operators to adequately train staff.
  • Low staff – failure to provide the level of care because of low number of employees charged with the care of residents.
  •  Failure to follow proper hygiene standards.
  • Failure to properly clean and change bedding and sheets of elderly resident with incontinence issues.
  • Failure to prevent and treat pressure ulcers resulting in infections.

Elder Neglect Laws: Under general elder abuse laws neglect of the elderly means, “the negligent failure of any person having the care and custody of an elder or dependant to exercise the degree of care owed”. This may include the failure to protect from health and safety standards, as well as the failure to assist in personal hygiene or to provide clothing and shelter”.

Common Infections and Outbreaks of Preventable Diseases  In Nursing Homes and Care Facilities:

  • Scabies- caused by ectoparasite infestation by mites
  • MRSA –  Staphylococcus aureus
  • Pneumonia
  • Staph infections
  • Infections of the blood stream
  • Sepsis
  • Skin infections including fungal infections
  • UTI – Urinary Tract Infections
  • Influenza – Flu Virus and other respiratory infections
  • Sexually Transmitted diseases – Often caused by sexual assault and abuse

Risk Factor for Infections: Important risk factors long term care facility staff should be aware of with regard to resident and patient under their care include, old age, immobility, functional disorders, diabetes, high weight obesity, mental or physical incapacitation.

Filing an Elder Abuse Nursing Home Infection Lawsuit

Victims of elder neglect and abuse resulting in the contraction of dangerous infections and diseases are entitled to substantial compensation under the law. Lawsuits can be brought by relatives and loved ones on behalf elderly and infirmed victims who are unable to protect themselves in the judicial system. For more information regarding the filing of a lawsuit against a nursing home or elderly care facility for the contraction of harmful infections contact our elder abuse law firm toll free at (855)385-2529. All consultation are free of charge and confidential.

Further Information: Preventing Infections in Non Hospital Settings – Long Term Care Nursing Home Elder Abuse Lawsuit – Legal Guide

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