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Brain Aneurysm Caused by Bed Bugs

Brain Aneurysm Caused by Bed Bugs Bed bugs pose specific risks to humans. Besides bed bug bites, bed bugs could leave victims dealing with allergic reactions, skin infections, and embarrassing scars. Exposure to bed bug infestations could also leave victims and their families dealing with many mental and emotional afflictions, including depression, PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, and fear, for example. However, recent reports point to exposure to bed bug infestations leading to brain aneurysms or strokes.

The Case of Ms. Jaki Kaviar Marques

A recent case, in particular, correlates a brain aneurysm with exposure to a bed bug infestation. The woman was staying at a Las Vegas resort. As soon as she got into bed, she began feeling concerning discomfort all over her body.

Overall, Ms. Marques identified and removed more than 91 bed bugs from her body. Ms. Marques sought medical attention as soon as she could, where medical experts confirmed that her bites were caused by bed bugs. In addition to the uncomfortable bed bug bites, Ms. Jaki Kaviar Marques also suffered a severe allergic reaction-specifically a hypersensitive immunological allergic reaction. Approximately one month after her exposure to bed bugs, Ms. Marques suffered a stroke, which was identified as a brain aneurysm.

How Did Bed Bug Exposure Lead to a Brain Aneurysm?

When bed bugs bite, they inject their saliva into their host. The saliva contains certain chemicals that are supposed to allow the bed bugs to feast on a steady flow of blood with no interruptions. The chemicals that are injected into victims’ target the immune system. Because of the contents of the bed bug saliva, the saliva can be classified as venom. How does the body respond to the introduction of such venom to the body? To neutralize the toxins entering the body through the bed bug saliva, the body releases specific calcium particles. When too many calcium particles are released, it is possible that the particle cluster, forming a dangerous blockage in the area.

Ms. Jaki Kaviar Marques suffered about 91 bed bug bites at the same time. Her body responded in the only way that it could be producing and releasing calcium particles to neutralize the toxins. If her body responded as it should have, then why did she have such an adverse reaction to her bed bug exposure? The major problem was that the victim was bitten by 91 bed bugs at approximately the same time; therefore, her body released all the calcium particles necessary to address all the toxins introduced by the 91 bed bug bites. Unfortunately, a significant number of the bed bug bites that the victim suffered were located near the base of the skull (neck area). What does this mean? The toxins were also located primarily in this area, meaning that the excess calcium particles that created a blockage were dangerously close to the brain. The blockage created a bulge in an artery. When the wall of the artery weakens, the bulge (blockage) could rupture and result in internal bleeding. Ms. Marques suffered an aneurysm almost exactly one month after her exposure to the bed bug infestation in the hotel resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. The brain aneurysm (which caused a stroke) left Ms. Marques with limited mobility in her left arm-leaving her dealing with difficulties in dressing herself and doing anything else that requires the use of her arm.

The Dangers of Brain Aneurysms

Ms. Marques’ brain aneurysm resulted in a hemorrhagic stroke which left her unable to use her left arm for everyday tasks, such as dressing herself. Many might say that Ms. Marques was lucky to only have lost movement in her arm. Many other people who suffer brain aneurysms that lead to strokes can suffer permanent brain damage, permanent nerve damage, and even death. Without a doubt, suffering a stroke due to a brain aneurysm could flip your life upside down (if you survive). According to statistics, a ruptured aneurysm has a 30-40% chance of causing death and a 20-25% chance of causing moderate to severe brain damage-regardless of whether the aneurysm is treated in time. Victims could lose their ability to do simple things like tying their shoes or using utensils to eat. It is also possible for victims to lose the ability to walk and be independent. In most cases, victims who suffer aneurysms also lose the ability to work and earn income to support their families. Although it is possible to regain mobility with extensive physical therapy, most victims never fully recover.

Learn more about your legal options: Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

Liability for Your Harm

Did you suffer a brain aneurysm like Ms. Marques? Did you suffer an aneurysm and a stroke after you were exposed to a bed bug infestation in a hotel? Although aneurysms and strokes can occur without a trigger, it is possible that strokes and aneurysms could occur after exposure to the toxins injected by bed bugs. Were you or a member of your family exposed to a bed bug infestation in a hotel? Did you or a member of your family suffer a brain aneurysm or a stroke some time after being exposed to a bed bug infestation? If so, your brain aneurysm might be directly connected to the bed bug bites that you suffered after you were exposed to bed bugs at a hotel. Someone has to be accountable for the harm that you or a member of your family suffered. If the brain aneurysm suffered by you or a member of your family could be linked to the exposure to bed bugs in a hotel, the hotel owner could be liable for the harm that you suffered. What establishes hotel liability for incidents and harm caused by exposure to bed bug infestation? Some states have specific laws that establish hotel liability for bed bugs. However, liability is often based on common law.

Under common law, hotels and hotel owners have a duty to promote the health and well-being of their guests. Although they do not have the duty to do everything possible to avoid harm to their guests, they have the duty to act reasonably to avoid harm when they become aware of hazards present on their premises. For instance, when hotel owners become aware of bed bug infestations in any of their rooms, they must act appropriately to eradicate the infestation before any of their guests suffer harm. If hotel owners knowingly ignore and fail to take action to exterminate the bed bug infestation on their premises, they could be liable for the harm that victims and their families suffer.

You have the Right to File a Bed Bug Brain Aneurysm Claim

If you can prove that the brain aneurysm that you suffered was directly caused by the exposure to a bed bug infestation, you have the right to file a claim against the liable party. You have the right to file a claim as long as your exposure to the bed bug infestation that caused your brain aneurysm was caused by the negligent or intentional actions of a hotel owner. That is, if a hotel owner was aware of the bed bug infestation and allowed you and your family to be exposed, the hotel owner could be liable for all of the harm that you and your family suffered. For more information about your right to file a claim and receive compensation for the harm that you and your family suffered, do not hesitate to contact Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible.

Learn more about your options for compensation by calling (855) 339-8879.

Your Right to be Compensated

If the harm that you and your family suffered was a direct result of the negligence of a hotel owner, you likely have the right to receive compensation. Most victims pursuing bed bug claims are eligible to receive compensation for some of the following:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Loss of consortium
  • Funeral/burial costs
  • Punitive damages

You likely have the right to be compensated for all of the harm that you suffered after being exposed to a bed bug infestation in a hotel. The attorneys at Downtown L.A. Law Group will aggressively fight for your right to receive the compensation that you deserve. Whether our lawyers have to persistently negotiate or take your claim to trial, you can be certain that our attorneys will not rest until you receive the maximum amount of compensation available for your claim.

Find out more about how we can help you. Call (855) 339-8879 to speak with a representative now.

Contact Our Law Firm

If you suffered a brain aneurysm after you were exposed to a bed bug infestation at a hotel, you might have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit and receive compensation. If you would like to learn more about your right to file a claim and be compensation, do not hesitate to contact Downtown L.A. Law Group as soon as possible. The bed bug experts at Downtown L.A. Law Group are ready to handle your claim and help you recover all the compensation that you deserve. Our bed bug lawyers have many years of experience handling claims similar to yours. Because of that, our lawyers are ready to provide you with all the information that you need to file a claim against the parties that harmed you.

If you would like to start your bed bug claim against the parties that contributed to the brain aneurysm that you suffered after being exposed to a bed bug infestation, do not hesitate to contact Downtown L.A. Law Group today. Our firm offers both free consultations and free second opinions for all parties in need of legal assistance. Our free legal services are available as part of our Zero-Fee guarantee, which establishes that you will never have to worry about paying any upfront legal fees for any of our legal services. Our firm is also based on contingency; therefore, you will not have to pay anything until your claim reaches a successful outcome. If you are ready to allow our bed bug lawyers to handle your claim, contact Downtown L.A. Law Group at your earliest convenience.

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The Ultimate Guide to Bed Bug Claims

Value of a Bed Bug Lawsuit

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