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Antipsychotic medication breast growth Lawsuit – Risperdal Claim Info

Antipsychotic medication breast growth Lawsuit – Risperdal Claim InfoAccording to recent findings from numerous scientific and researched based institutions the antipsychotic medication Risperdal has been linked to harmful side effects including the develop0,en of female like breast tissue growth in young males. Risperdal was developed in the 1990’s by the pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson for individual who suffer from severe cases of schizophrenia. However in a bout to increase profit margins J&J incentivized medical doctors and physicians to prescribed the medication in the treatment of a whole host of physiological issues including ADD, ADHD, depression, various anxiety and hyperactivity disorders, hypomania (bipolar II), and bipolar disorder. Victims Right to Compensation: According to product liability and personal injury laws victims of pharmaceutical defects are entitled to compensation for all harms suffered. A calculation of the settlement value of your case is dependent on several factors. Some of the most important factors in determining the value of your include..
  • The severity of the harm suffered
  • The need for future medical and or rehabilitation case including the need for cosmetic surgery to remove the breast tissue in males.
  • Pain and suffering associated with the injuries suffered.
  • Lost wages and loss of future income due to disability or long term health complications.
  • Availability for punitive damages – punitive damages can be awarded where pharmaceutical companies knew or should have known of the dangers associated with the use or marketing of their products but failed to properly warn consumers of their doctors.
Should is Join a Risperdal Class Action Lawsuit for Enlarged Breasts in Males: Class action lawsuits are designed for judicial efficiency. All case with a similar type of injury and a singular defendant can be filed on a class action basis. All injured victims who are members of a class action lawsuit will awarded an equal distribution of whatever settlement is offered. The issue which arises is when some claimants have a more severe injury that the rest of the members. It is more beneficial for individuals that have more severe injuries to file single party claims instead of joining a class action lawsuit. More on class action lawsuit for risperdal hereFree Attorney Consultation: If you have any further legal questions feel free to contact our law offices toll free (855)385-2529. All confidential consultations regarding a possible claim for breast enlargement due to the taking of Risperdal are provided by our attorneys free of charge. Further Information: Lactation of Breast in Males Linked to Risperdal Statute of Limitations for Filing a Risperdal Lawsuit

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