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The Average Costs Of Hiring An Injury Lawyer In California

The Average Costs Of Hiring An Injury Lawyer In California lawyer sue liability attorney

You might be shocked to learn that the average cost of hiring an injury lawyer in California is $300 to $400 per hour. In addition, most want to collect several hours in fees upfront. So, you could be facing $3,000 to $5,000 just to hire an injury lawyer to begin working on your personal injury lawsuit. But fortunately, that is not the only option when you wisely reach out to DTLA Law Group.

The personal injury lawyers at DTLA Law Group bring decades of combined experience and success to each case they litigate. In addition, the firm never asks for any upfront legal fees or expenses to be paid when hired by a new client. So, if you or a loved one recently suffered a personal injury in California and are facing significant financial hardships, please know that you do not need to face these issues alone.

When you contact the DTLA Law Group office, someone is always available to take your call, day or night. This is just one way the firm demonstrates its dedication to delivering justice and meeting the needs of all personal injury victims. The legal expert you speak to will be prepared to answer all your general questions about the rights of personal injury victims, how a personal injury lawsuit will move forward, and any other questions or concerns you might have at that time. In addition, they will schedule a free consultation for you to describe the incident surrounding your personal injuries to a seasoned personal injury lawyer. After they have gathered all the vital information, they will provide you with a complete evaluation of the legal merit of your case and if you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit.

What happens next will always be entirely up to you. If you are interested in pursuing a lawsuit, our team can help you take the next steps in that process. It is also your choice to wait longer to make that choice. You will never be pushed into making an immediate choice. However, our staff will explain the time limit for filing a lawsuit that governs all cases like yours. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with DTLA Law Group today to begin to better understand your rights and the options that you have to seek and secure the compensation that is owed to you for the harm you sustained.

The Average Costs Of Hiring An Injury Lawyer In California compensation incident accident liability liable
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Understanding The Statute Of Limitations For A California Personal Injury Lawsuit

Most people are unaware that the Statute of Limitations defines how long a victim has to file a lawsuit with the court. The type of legal matter or material in the case is used to determine how much time is allotted to the victim. But once the Statute of Limitations Has expired, the victim no longer has the right to seek legal action to secure compensation for the harm they suffered from that specific incident.

In cases regarding personal injury, the victim is given two years from the incident date to file a claim with the court. If the victim was unaware of the injury or damage at the time of the incident, they are given a year from when they discover the damage to file their lawsuit with the court. However, as with all lawsuits, the victim cannot file a claim once the specified time limit has passed. If they try to submit a lawsuit after the Statute of Limitations has expired, the case will immediately be denied.

It is also critical for victims to know that seeking a legal evaluation of their case soon after the event can be essential to the success of their lawsuit. In some instances, it can be difficult to obtain photos, video, or locate witnesses of your incident that resulted in an injury months or more than a year after it occurred. Even the location where the incident occurred could undergo significant changes or updates, making it difficult to demonstrate to the court how or why you were injured at that location. So, please reach out to DTLA Law Group today to discuss your claim and any facts that might require additional exploration or documentation immediately to support your claim.

What Will Be Covered By My Personal Injury Lawsuit Compensation?

As you work with your DTLA Law Group, you will become more familiar with the items that can be included in your personal injury lawsuit compensation. The team will carefully evaluate all the expenses and losses you faced due to your injuries to ensure you are fully and fairly compensated. The typical items or expenses that are included in a personal injury lawsuit are:

  • All medical expenses related to the injuries suffered in the incident in question, as well as emotional care or therapy to overcome trauma or stress due to the injuries sustained – if future medical care is required, the amount can be estimated and included in the compensation so the victim does not need to wait until the treatment is completed to receive their compensation
  • The replacement value of any personal property that was damaged or destroyed in the incident
  • The victim can include their lost income if their injuries prevented them from working at their normal job until they were fully recovered or for any work misses to attend medical appointments related to the injuries suffered
  • If the victim suffered significant injuries that will require a lengthy recovery, they can seek compensation for their pain and suffering – because this is not a documented amount, the legal team at DTLA Law Group will offer guidance based on similar injuries or cases recently litigated to determine an appropriate amount for pain and suffering
  • All legal expenses and fees related to the preparation, filing, and litigating of the personal injury lawsuit
The Average Costs Of Hiring An Injury Lawyer In California compensation lawyer attorney sue liability
What Percentage Of My Settlement Goes To My Personal Injury Lawyer?

It is common for a personal injury lawyer in California to receive 30% to 40% of the compensation awarded for a lawsuit. But as you now know, that amount is calculated into the compensation package and is not taken from the expenses or other money that is meant to go to the victim. In addition, you should fully understand the added value of having a DTLA Law Group personal injury lawyer litigate your lawsuit.

It is common knowledge that a case litigated by a legal professional will secure roughly three times as much as a similar case handled without legal assistance or guidance. So, you could try to file your claim yourself and save the legal fees, but there is a very good chance that your case will not meet the court’s requirements and will be denied. In this instance, you get nothing.

Putting a few numbers into this scenario could make your decision much less complicated. Imagine you are dedicated and resourceful, have completed your lawsuit alone, and secured $100K. That sounds great, knowing you will not be paying any legal fees. However, if the same case were litigated by a DTLA Law Group lawyer, the result would be $300K in compensation. Sure, you will be paying up to $120K in compensation, which is more than your entire compensation if you handle the case. But even after paying DTLA Law Group for their expertise and services, you still have $180K to cover all your expenses and losses.

The common theme here is that even if you pay the highest average rate for legal representation, you will end up with more money in your pocket. In addition, you will not spend countless hours struggling to understand the legal jargon and requirements to complete the documentation and file your claim with the court. Instead, you can relax, focus on healing, and know that your lawsuit is in the reliable hands of an expert personal injury lawyer.

What Sets DTLA Law Group Apart From The Other Law Firms?

You know that when you hire DTLA Law Group to handle your lawsuit, you will not be asked to pay any upfront legal fees or expenses. This is a massive benefit when you are struggling to pay your living expenses and do not know when you will return to work and have a steady income. And you also know that the staff at DTLA Law Group will include the cost of your legal fees and expenses in the compensation for your lawsuit. So, you will not need to cover those expenses out of the funds for your medical bills or lost income.

But what will happen if DTLA Law Group fails to win your lawsuit? Will you be faced with colossal legal expenses? The answer is no because our firm makes the same pledge to each client. If we fail to win your lawsuit, you owe us nothing for our time or the investment we make when preparing and filing your case with the court. DTLA Law Group assumes all the financial risk, so you never need to worry about getting deeper into debt.

Please make time today to contact the DTLA Law Group office to learn more about your rights as a personal injury victim and how our exceptional staff can help you. We understand the hardships and challenges you face and want to ensure that these expenses are completely eliminated. In addition, we want each client to entirely focus on healing and returning to their normal life as quickly as possible without any concerns about the legal matters being handled by DTLA Law Group. Our staff is here for you, and we will never stop working until justice is served.

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